I have been aware of criminal conspiracies since my youth, when I witnessed small town cops selling cocaine out of the police station, and claiming that a local drug dealer had committed suicide by shooting himself in the heart with a lever action rifle twice. I have since observed evidence of comparable criminal conspiracies in every jurisdiction I have lived in. I have no problem with hesitancy to recognize criminal conspiracies and crimes against humanity, since I have seen it happening all my life.
There is something this genocidal war crime ongoing is achieving that is singular, and likely could not be achieved by some lesser mechanism. The mRNA jabs are genetic therapy, and a joint study by Harvard and MIT in May this year showed that mRNA is inserted into DNA. Rare transcription errors become statistical certainty when ~trillions of mRNA devices are intruded into the human body.
Eternal boosters allow continual increases in genetic alterations, extending both the breadth and depth of the modification.
I don't have to prove this is happening to seek to prevent it from happening to me. There is no valid public health claim that could make such forced submission to genetic alteration lawful.
Proof is not a scientific concept. The scientific method consists of disproving false hypotheses, and the hypothesis that the terrorism, propaganda, dehumanization, and violent tyranny is even remotely possibly necessary to benefit public health is disproved with facility.
What's left? The hypothesis that this is simply a depopulation mechanism? Simple brute violence would suffice at far lower cost and more quickly.
The singular feature of this particular global pogrom is the mRNA jabs. The only hypothesis I haven't been able to disprove is that genetic alteration of humanity on a global scale is being implemented.
I have never been more opposed to any conclusion I have ever reached, and never have I more desired to be substantively and critically convinced I was wrong.
Please, for the love of God, prove me wrong.