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RE: British 'Hunters' of Child Abusers Catch a 'Doctor' Who 'Works with Children' As He Attempts To Have Sex With a 12 Year Old. Police REFUSE TO ARREST!

in #news7 years ago

I am not a big fan of big pharma either. That being said, I feel that there exists room upon this World for their brand of healing (sans the corruption). I feel that I can understand where you are coming from.

It seems that together we have established a balance of sorts in our perspectives stated. I have for the most part said my peace on the matter.

The pedantic side of me does need to add however that if one wishes to be absolutely consistent about pressing for total transparency - then one would advocate that people should know the criminal records of those serving them in any role - including within fast food chains... :c)

I understand that its hard enough for people who have done their time to find work. Its still perfectly legal for employers to discriminate on the basis of a non-pristine criminal record.

What does an ex-criminal who cannot find work do? Very possibly relapse ... but them's the breaks.

Speaking of which - I was simply being matter-of-fact in a consistency exercise earlier about being OK with being the "patient" of such a doctor - but the prospect of being "marked for attack" for such has solidified that into resolve.


It would probably be good to know the 'criminal record' of everyone - however, I don't typically agree that many of the alleged 'crimes' are really crimes. In some areas it is already a requirement that 'sex offenders' go knocking door to door to inform people that they are on the offender register.

A key issue with 'crimes of overpowering' and sexual 'crime' is that since the perp has demonstrated a lack of ability to understand balance in relationships and since 'Doctors' actually have alleged 'authority' to make decisions on behalf of and that affect others - it is simply illogical to allow them to continue. There was the case of 'Dr. Shipman' in England who killed a long list of patients and really only got away with it because people didn't challenge his 'authority'.. Such imbalance as exists when 'voices of authority' can determine the destiny of others brings enough problems with it without us knowingly allowing those who already demonstrate a lack of integrity to hold those positions.

When society fully understands balance and opportunities are increased for all then 'criminals' (of the kind that steal, for example) will be far less likely to relapse, since abundance will be available in sufficient levels for them to not need to. In that sense, the problem is as much to do with the 'hidden' criminals 'at the top' as it is to do with anything else.

Oh yes. 2.15+million imprisoned within the US alone. The so-called "war on drugs" at the forefront of the reasons why the prison population rose from well under 0.5 million in the 70s and then exploded in the 80s following 50-odd years of stability.

Yes, doctors, cops, politicians, etc. can do horrible things with their positions of authority.

However I'll add a fresh angle here. Think of the middle-aged person who killed his or her first person due to 'reasons'.

Even in such a situation there comes a point where the punishment loses purpose - the lesson learnt. And many such persons are capable of learning.

However I am going further astray with this line of thought - which I'll need to explore in a future post.

Society does have much to learn - Society's evolution lags behind all other kinds of development - but there are changes afoot - slow but sure. With any luck this will prove beneficial to humanity's development.

Thank you again for hearing me out @ura-soul :c)

You are welcome! I am not really advocating punishment as punishment is not a necessary part of learning.. But there is a need to segregate abusers away from potential victims while we do what we can to find balance within them. In that sense I think of that situation not so much as punishment, but as protection for victims.

Yes, we are evolving - Earth is going to heal, but it will all look very messy for a while as the psychic and emotional 'pus' comes to the surface! :/