British 'Hunters' of Child Abusers Catch a 'Doctor' Who 'Works with Children' As He Attempts To Have Sex With a 12 Year Old. Police REFUSE TO ARREST!

in #news7 years ago (edited)

A vigilante group called 'Silent Justice' in Britain have taken it upon themselves to act to prevent child abusers from praying on children - since it is clear that the Police forces are corrupted from within by some of the criminals who are involved in this heartless criminal activity. They say they have now successfully caught and detained around 50 child abusers. They have just made the headlines for a case where they caught a 'Doctor' and when called, the Police who attended refused to arrest him.

Vigilante groups typically don't get much respect from 'the authorities' since they are providing competition for their own monopoly on violence in some cases - however, the 'law' in Britain and elsewhere allows for non Police agents to perform 'citizen's arrests' and to act to prevent crime where they can. As such, there are a few groups who gain exposure doing exactly that and a group in Britain that specifically targets child abusers is having some success in doing so.

Their basic approach is to create fake accounts on social media that are presented to belong to children and to then to have conversations with predators who believe them to be children. The conversations are recorded and then they move in to detain the individuals and call police to make the arrests.

You can see a couple of the many videos of these events here:

Police refuse to arrest a 'Doctor'

The Daily Mail reported today that such a case resulted in the police who attended initially refusing to arrest a 22 year old 'Doctor' who had been caught sending naked pictures of himself to what he thought was a 12 year old girl.

Eventually, the man was arrested and taken to a police station for processing.

My Comment

While I am sure that the vast majority of 'police constables' will be behind the apprehension of child abusers, the reality here is that it is already quite well established that organised criminal gangs have infiltrated major police forces in Britain at the highest levels and they are very much involved in child trafficking, abuse and worse. You can review my post on the topic for further evidence of this - although really even those stories are just the tip of the iceberg. :/

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul


assume I'm human

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Our whole societal system is corrupted by these monsters in our midst !! They are everywhere and seemingly its an epidemic of immorality and abuse !! If the police and legal system cannot protect children, then we must I say !! Time for people to get invloved and bring down this pyramid of depraved demons !!

That may be the only practical solution, yes!

this subject is TOTALLY ignored in the U.S. although "they" claim that thousands have been arrested, it never makes the Evening NEWS!Glad to see someone is covering this!

AFAIK the whole story about 1000s being arrested was a fake propaganda story. I didn't want to accept that initially, but that's what the evidence that I have seen shows.

Excellent post, the Rothschild's run Britain and Europe and are Satanic, Talmudic, Pedophile, Bankers who have corrupted Britain. They use their Freemason controlled Police to cover It up. These demons need to be taken out.

This post received a 2.11% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ura-soul! To learn more, check out @randowhale 101 - Everything You Need to Know!

Great post! Ain't it sad we pay cops wages and yet have to do their work from them too. We don't pay them to be above the law!

Thanks for sharing this news..

What an important news!

i agree with you in to help stop the child abuse.

Another nice post.. thanks

That which the doctor is accused of is inexcusable.

That being said, and to rub an unpopular rib in this matter, I do also believe in 'life after crime' - and I'd have to say that I disagree with what I understand to be the overall trend of such a person being barred from practicing medicine for life.

It is more understandable that the individual be barred from working in a location that serves children however, presuming that all is as it seems - and he actually has pedophilic tendencies. I'd suggest that there are plenty of variables that are unknown about this '22 year old' that the work of 'Silent Justice' may not be privy to.

He should definitely be taught a severe lesson - but if sending a naked picture was as far as he got - possibly in a 'what the hell' moment in a loveless life - then just 'maybe' his years in medicine should be shown a shredder - and perhaps he can still put this shameful episode behind him to yet be a respectable and contributing member of society.

The position of someone who literally decides life and death for innocent people is perhaps the most sacred that exists in society and is one that demands the utmost integrity and balance. While it is fine to say that someone who has genuinely sought to abuse children should treated with some care and dignity - just like all humans - at the same time, it is not appropriate to allow such individuals into any positions of responsibility.

There are no variables that can exist which would result in me 'trusting' such people with much at all, let alone my own life. If he truly did do as was described, he did it knowingly and knowing the possible ramifications - yet did it anyway. There are people openly advocating for his murder on other social networks. Given the risks, it shows how deeply distorted his perceptions of reality must be.

Agreed that somebody who could find the self in the position of making life and death positions is somebody that one would wish to have the highest level of integrity.

It is also fine to break step with the beat of the many. We often find that some things are deeply enough ingrained into our perspectives that we could fathom no other path - and these are the instances where those who would explore those other paths can be both the most foolish and yet important.

I would have no qualms in being the patient of this individual. After all there has been no medical malpractice at play - and this even 'if' he were guilty of conspiring to engage in pedophilia (and, incidentally, I hold doubts that he actually is a pedophile). I am also pretty sure that his sending naked pictures of himself did not affect his real and actual ability to practice medicine.

Come to think of it, I'd probably accept being treated by a full-blown pedophile for a doctor (though I admit that I'd rather not - I am not sure if that counts as prejudice - or might count as prejudice several decades down the line)...

Of course - I'd advocate any such actual pedophile require to operate in a supervised environment (the right to privacy shorted by a lack of a responsibility to preserve his aura of trustworthiness).

And all the above in-line with my thoughts as a student of consistency.

Yes - some shall cry for his blood... Its the 'in' thing to do...

The stance I take on this matter differs and I thank you for hearing me out @ura-soul.

While I do not advocate for violence, I do not think for a single moment that those who intend to kill such people do so out of a 'trend' - they are typically attempting, in their own way, to protect children and 'clean up the gene pool'.

The issue here is integrity. I would like to think that medical codes of practise and the associated 'boards' would be against Doctors having sex with children - call me old fashioned if you like. If someone is willing to step over that line in society and violate both national law and cultural boundaries - plus literally fuck the wishes of a child's parents in the ass.. Then they have no claim to be able to say they respect the will of humanity and thus have no capacity to effect real healing. At best they will be just another prostitute for hire by the corrupt pharmaceutical industry. I aim to avoid making judgements and maybe I am making some, but I feel my logic here is valid.

Oh I know very well that you do not advocate violence. :c)

As for those who do - such is fueled by outrage that is in part natural and in part learned. A lot of people do bad things in the name of a good cause - and 'protecting children' happens to be a very nobel cause - easy to rally behind.

Incidentally neither do I consider you old fashioned - nor do I consider your logic invalid. Its a lot more effort than many people will partake in before drawing their conclusions.

A doctor who has sex with patients is definitely in breech of medical codes. As for a doctor who has a sexual communication with a child - such is deplorable. That being said, I refrain from concluding that such a person is not suitable for work in the role of a doctor. This is neither modern nor 'hip' on my part.

I am merely not convinced that the norm of barring such persons from practicing their profession ever again is the best way forward in such matters.

Once a perpetrator pays for his or her crime - s/he should emerge with a reasonable chance at rebuilding their lives without being unduly burdened by a past supposedly paid for.

While I understand your stance on real healing - we are speaking of a doctor with a profession in the service of the pharmacheutical industry. Projecting one's feelings for big pharma upon a 22 year old who shared naked pictures of himself with a minor is not going to serve the greater good.

Nobody wins. We just determine how badly certain people lose in this matter (and I do not believe in making an example of people - which implies the sensation-serving act of making one pay for the failings of others).

I very clearly understand (know) that much of the disease on Earth is being perpetuated by 'Doctors' who are themselves also psycho-spiritually and emotionally diseased. So, if my intention is to facilitate healing globally, I must take that into consideration. I take into consideration that many of the causes of our problems are within the thinking and actions of the 'Doctors' - so THEY are the problem in many cases. This therefore means that only a small minority have any kind of a 'right place' attempting to help others and that those who clearly demonstrate their own spiritual imbalance DEFINITELY should not continue to 'practise'. There would be more space for them to operate if there was a genuine NEED for them in society, but I already know very well that we are all our own best doctors.

In the interests of not controlling society, my suggestion for those who think that such people should be allowed to continue to offer medical services, is that every single potential patient should be given totally transparent and complete information regarding their criminal behaviour, such that they can decide whether or not to continue going there. The outcome though, would be - in some areas - that the patients would themselves be marked for attack by local people as potential threats... Them's the breaks.

I am not a big fan of big pharma either. That being said, I feel that there exists room upon this World for their brand of healing (sans the corruption). I feel that I can understand where you are coming from.

It seems that together we have established a balance of sorts in our perspectives stated. I have for the most part said my peace on the matter.

The pedantic side of me does need to add however that if one wishes to be absolutely consistent about pressing for total transparency - then one would advocate that people should know the criminal records of those serving them in any role - including within fast food chains... :c)

I understand that its hard enough for people who have done their time to find work. Its still perfectly legal for employers to discriminate on the basis of a non-pristine criminal record.

What does an ex-criminal who cannot find work do? Very possibly relapse ... but them's the breaks.

Speaking of which - I was simply being matter-of-fact in a consistency exercise earlier about being OK with being the "patient" of such a doctor - but the prospect of being "marked for attack" for such has solidified that into resolve.

This post has received a 7.72 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ura-soul.


Thanks for your information

Pedophilia has become too rampant and I am getting utterly disgusted with how the "authorities" in many countries are handling these vermins. As a mother, I would like to see a more permanent and drastic measures being taken to protect our young - the same as Russia's law - chemical castrations for pedophiles.

I understand the desire to create a serious deterrent, however, my understanding is that the underlying issue here is the presence of unloving consciousness that prays on victims and/or overpowers free will and it is very important not to create more imbalance by the proposed solutions. It is all too easy for people to be falsely accused of abusing children and even as a way to eliminate political or business opponents - so I am opposed to any kind of 'revenge' or physical punishment that in itself can also be found to create victims and overpowers free will.

The best possible outcome is that ways are found to enlighten the perpetrators in ways that are loving and which result in them totally changing their thoughts and behaviours. That though means a significantly deeper understanding of human psychology and emotions than is typically found in prisons and therapists - from what I understand.. So we have a way to go with that. The other side of this is that children need to be made fully aware of how to defend themselves and also the risks involved with agreeing to sexual activity - this is the polar opposite to what government typically does, in that there is generally a move to make people reliant on 'the state' instead of helping them be stronger in all ways.

I wish I can agree with you that a person that preys on young children are somehow curable with enlightenment or therapy. I've seen too many so-called "cured" pedophiles released from prison only to go on to commit the same sick acts. And many who were released from prison and haven't repeated these crimes again, also have admitted that they have to fight this urge every minute of their days. Meanwhile, what about the children? While we can go on and on about why these pedophiles should be given treatments, the fact remains, children are in danger from these pedophiles preyers who we hope to cure.

Every dysfunction has a root cause that can be changed, but it requires very specific intentions and understandings to do so. One of the problems with taking an approach of punishment is that we never got to the root causes and so even if we executed every abuser, that would do nothing to stop more being spat out of our loveless societal structures as new children are born.

I wish I can agree with you on positive approach on how to deal with pedophiles. However, I tend to believe many pedophiles - who take great pleasure in abusing young innocent babes - as pure evil who do not want to be redeemed.

I accept that many are acting out on evil impulses, yes - so their path of healing is not going to be the same as someone who has confused perceptions about self and sexuality. I understand why you would not think healing would be possible in many cases and I am not speaking from direct experience of these beings, so you may be right.

These are pure monsters who get into positions of power or authority(Dr in this one) and try to stay hidden and seem like normal people. These are the sickest ones because they try to blend right in. Pedo Chameleons.... Sick stuff...

Good work bringing more attention to it to help expose it!