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RE: Are "Chemtrails" Real? CIA Director John O. Brennan Seems To Think So

in #news8 years ago

Generally the streaks of plane-made clouds you see in the sky really are just contrails. It's possible for planes to also seed the sky with this or that, and it's been done, but not every contrail you see in the sky is dumping something to alter the atmosphere intentionally.


Sorry for so many replies, I just keep thinking of other things to say. If you look at the images above I took I would like to point out one very important point. We don't have commercial planes flying in this area, they fly in the same path every single day, towards or away from the nearby airport. I'm not sure if it was just one plane making all of this, but I did see one plane turn around and come back to start a new trail in the opposite direction. The trail stopped as he turned, then started again as he "drew" the parallel line. I could not tell if it was the same plane that made the perpendicular lines to form the square.

Another interesting fact is that they form shapes near my house, either a "X" or a square and they do it in areas commercial jets do not fly when landing or taking off from the airport. The planes making these trails are also much higher than the commercial jets and the trails turn on and off, whereas a contrail would be consistent and dissipate over time towards the direction the plane was traveling.

I've also witnessed commercial jets leaving no contrail when the air is cooler, while one of these jets is leaving a trail in the same general area. It simply makes no sense. These are two completely different phenomenon. I will be purchasing a more power camera with longer zoom in the near future and hope to get some good video of these planes drawing in the sky above where I live. They almost always do the same thing, draw an X or square and turn off whatever is making the trail as they turn around to go in the other direction.

Not a single person in my neighborhood thinks these are contrails. Most of them are from the 40s-60s and have a military background. They'd never heard of "chemtrails" until I mentioned it one day and now I have them all using the term. :)

Contrails dissipate. The trails that we witness that stick around all day and end up creating a milky sky as they spread out and drop to the ground later in the night is geoengineering or SAI as Brennan likes to call it. They like to change the name every few years. "Chemtrails" is simply the popular term for non-government officials, simply because the trails contain chemicals.

If you're interested pfunk, skip to 15:50 in the Corbett video.

i'm kinda ashamed to say I really bought into all the conspiracy theory stuff for a long time, chemtrails included. my mind cracked open to the other sides of the debate a few months ago, and I'm happier to have gotten out of the low-theta paranoia...

this site really helped shift my understanding of the chemtrail issue:

I spent a few hours reading through the comment threads - THAT's where the gold is at. after a while, a consistent pattern becomes very clear: a very rational, mature, respectful stance with scientific facts referenced from credible sources - versus angry, paranoid nutbags who fail to provide credible evidence and resort to name-calling, who fail to have any apparent understanding of how to use proper grammar or form coherent sentences without uncontrollable releases of hostility in them.

the pattern speaks pretty clearly for itself.

not to say there aren't facts in the chemtrail perspective that aren't questionable - though it may not be what it's made out to be by the tinfoil hat crew...

I'll let the guys at the Texas Weather Modification Association know about that site you linked to so they can finally realize they're just spraying contrails into the air when they're controlling the weather. The U.S. Government is going to be really pissed to find out that's all they've been doing after being given a portion of our stolen tax dollars to modify the weather, assuming that is the only purpose. ;)

Perhaps you read the word "chemtrails" and jumped to several false conclusions and thereby created a strawman you can attack, because attacking reality is harder to accomplish. One false conclusion being that "chemtrails" aren't real. Government agencies exist (see a few in my area listed above) that use this practice routinely, and the other being that the word "chemtrails" has some other meaning outside of "chemicals" that leave "trails".

The issue most people seem to want to ignore regarding weather modification / geoengineering / chemtrails is the chemicals used in this practice and what happens when these chemicals fall to the ground later in the day. What are the effects on humans, animals and plant life? Where are the government studies showing that this practice is safe? Why weren't those studies done prior to unleashing these chemicals into the air to fall down to Earth later in the day?

I'll likely make another post at a later time discussing those very topics. Several people in this thread are willing to accept "cloud seeding" as reality (good for you!), but have failed to make the connection to the chemicals (aka chemtrails) used having any adverse effects on everything below.

Silver iodide is simply the primary component in one of the concoctions used to accomplish weather modification. There are many other chemicals used and various different combinations. Aluminum, barium and strontium are a few others that have been found to be used recently and a little research into how they can affect humans, animals and plants will go a long way into understanding why this practice needs to be halted.

If someone were to walk up and spray a concoction of chemicals into our faces, we'd be pretty upset, likely have an adverse reaction and then seek some form of legal action against the perpetrator. However, when governments do the same thing to us from the sky, it's apparently a "conspiracy theory" or accepted as completely normal. This Stockholm syndrome mentality needs to change.

apparently there's a lawsuit going down in Canada regarding this. not sure if it's legit, though would be interesting to see how it flies if so...

From slack :

He's talking about geoengineering as a possibility of geopolitical futures

I'm going under the assumption that "possibility" is what you're keying on with that comment. It's like Obama saying, "No boots on the ground!", after he's dumped our troops into Syria; as just one example of how governments lie to the people to maintain plausible deniability. ;)