Sorry for so many replies, I just keep thinking of other things to say. If you look at the images above I took I would like to point out one very important point. We don't have commercial planes flying in this area, they fly in the same path every single day, towards or away from the nearby airport. I'm not sure if it was just one plane making all of this, but I did see one plane turn around and come back to start a new trail in the opposite direction. The trail stopped as he turned, then started again as he "drew" the parallel line. I could not tell if it was the same plane that made the perpendicular lines to form the square.
Another interesting fact is that they form shapes near my house, either a "X" or a square and they do it in areas commercial jets do not fly when landing or taking off from the airport. The planes making these trails are also much higher than the commercial jets and the trails turn on and off, whereas a contrail would be consistent and dissipate over time towards the direction the plane was traveling.
I've also witnessed commercial jets leaving no contrail when the air is cooler, while one of these jets is leaving a trail in the same general area. It simply makes no sense. These are two completely different phenomenon. I will be purchasing a more power camera with longer zoom in the near future and hope to get some good video of these planes drawing in the sky above where I live. They almost always do the same thing, draw an X or square and turn off whatever is making the trail as they turn around to go in the other direction.
Not a single person in my neighborhood thinks these are contrails. Most of them are from the 40s-60s and have a military background. They'd never heard of "chemtrails" until I mentioned it one day and now I have them all using the term. :)