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RE: Bitfinex is lying about the "hack" and I can tell you exactly what likely happened

in #news9 years ago (edited)

As far as I'm concerned, there's only two kinds of parties that could have been making those shorts. I watched them for like 48 hours straight and the person doing them did them in a manner where they were literally setting money on fire on purpose. They were even more illogical than trades seen on MtGox.

There was clearly a Gox type event going on at this exchange from that moment once you factor in their convenient "outages" and these nonsensical trades. It's the type of activity you only see when central bankers naked short commodities via their zombie proxy banks, or in this case, likely someone affiliated with the exchange themselves doing it. Especially when they admitted to trading on their own exchange in the past, which is probably illegal in some manner even in this non-regulated market.

It was at that moment I decided to take my funds off this exchange and here we are now.


Which two parties would that be?

You nailed it right here.