in #news6 years ago (edited)


Image by Mari Ana from Pixabay

In seniority list of masters of Punjab, there’re so many masters who have done post graduation in one or more subjects, but they didn’t put these subjects in seniority list.
All masters must see seniority list and add post graduation subject in seniority list by clicking on add seniority objections in staff login of ePunjab website.
Upto 28 August you can add objections in seniority list.
All teachers need to learn basic knowledge of computers so they can do these tasks themselves.
There are many 5178 batch teachers who are not in masters seniority list.
Some ETT teachers who promoted in August 2018 are also missing from the list.
If there’s name of teacher but particulars are wrong so need to see list and put your objections.
Punjab government giving chances again and again to its employees.

In court lawyer said Ram is a birthplace like a deity. From years this case is pending and now it’s high time to get justice.
Worshiping at Ram’s birth place is religious rights of every Hindu.
What kind of Hindu Mahasabha is I without Malikana Haq?

Verdict: The special court sent on August 26 remand of CBI will be able to meet 30 minutes daily from family and lawyers
Chidambaram will be questioned for 4 days.

JEE on 6 January and Neet entrance on 3 May.
Will have to solve on JEE Main paper in computer with pen paper in net entrance.
Scheduled for 13 entrance examinations including NTA NET UGC NET GPAT.
JEE exam on 6 January and NEET entrance on 3 May is decided in advance.

NDA announces schedule of 13 entrance examinations including UGC NET GPAT for 2020 21 session.

It will be easy to do IAS but not teacher.
It’s time consuming also as now you have to do integrating BA B.Ed and then after needed to clear TET too.
In government schools teachers are getting recruited as contract teachers, it’s very bad trends in many states of India.

Nishank said that it’s the best teachers training programs on the beginning of teacher training campaign.
MHRD ministers is very hopeful about this teachers training programs.
State government also needed to be serious about teachers training programs.
In Punjab three years ago teachers training program was on its zenith.

Relief at the time of retirement to private sector pensioners.
You can avail lump sum amount in lieu of pension.

Customers will get compensation for preparing unannounced power cuts. There’s sometimes unannounced cuts and it’s very irritating for people. This rule will improve services of power companies.

After 2004 failed from the reverse, now you will be able to take the exam again.
Board will take huge fees but give one more chance to clear the examinations.

Primary teacher going to BSA office dies in road accident due to government work.
There’s need to give compensation to employees who died on duty. Many contracts teachers not able to get compensation even after dying on duty.

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Good job. Where do you manage to prepare this information from?