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RE: Gun Control in The Real World

in #news6 years ago

Seriously? Many people I personally knew who had served in the army or special services played computer games. We preferred the worlds of MMORPGs with elves and gnomes.
This, of course, was not related to reality, I just liked playing colorful pictures. We even had a clan with army discipline and we captured an entire server. It was a matter of going to play on an international server and there were successes too.
The game is entertainment. An ordinary hobby is no better than others. Now the main secret. We had no reason to get together in an online conference every day. The game gave such a reason. In the clan’s conversation chat, we discussed a lot. Who married, who had a baby, what are the plans for the vacation. Just as a result of the service, many were in different cities of our and foreign countries. The game allowed us and gave occasion in the evenings to get together))


I also played Evercrack back in the day on an account paid for by my employer, where we would use the in game chat similarly.

The games are similar. Although usually played in Chinese. You had an interesting game. Although I had never heard of such a thing before. Skills used in a horizontal branch. We were not comfortable in the vertical. Although it was possible and so put them. The character management interface was flexible.
There were robot characters. This was forbidden, but we used them. Every day, 24 hours a day, they extracted resources. There were merchant characters who traded 24 hours a day.
The game, and war, as in life. Who has a lot of resources, he wins.
Although, when we became a strong clan it became boring. It was more interesting for beginners to solve the riddles of the world. Yes, we often could lose in battle, but there was something new. It was necessary to study the world. Sometimes I flew over the world on my pet for hours. Could hang over the water, it was interesting to admire the graphics.
Once at a low level flew into the valley of dragons. The Chinese love to put dragons into games. I could not fly away for several days. My character was constantly killed and he rebelled in the village. And again I tried to fly away.
Now it’s funny to remember this)))