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RE: Gun Control in The Real World

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Video games don't drive anything but laziness. What drives mass shootings is political exclusion. More and more, people are victimized by Orwellian and oppressive government, and no longer feel able to do anything about it. Most Americans, when it comes to interacting with their government, have learned to keep their head down and take it, and walk away. When your people are blamed for things, their contributions derided, and you are personally subjected to social stigma and organized abuse, and you cannot get help and support through political avenues, that is what drives despair.

Anger is the child of fear, and suicide is the child of despair. Additionally, most mass shooters have been diagnosed with emotional disorders, and have close associations with people in government service, particularly FBI or CIA. Given Epstein's revelations, and apparent 'intelligence' involvement in his sideline, it is not especially outrageous to suspect such vermin to push their own kids to commit outrageous crimes, or involve them in outrageous plots.

It is a truism that some people consider most or all of them to be political acts, and false flags used to tar the race, gender, or political affiliations of the shooter(s). There certainly are people that will sacrifice their children to their own goals, and finding some of them involved in agencies that are kidnapping, raping, and torturing children professionally shouldn't be surprising. What do you think MK Ultra was about anyway?

Few video games involve shooting ordinary people, or children, in gun free zones. None I can think of, or have even heard of. Most of them involve some kind of monsters, or armed opposition, that is challenging - fun - to defeat. Mass shootings do not resemble video games at all. Play one and see.


The video games I see kids playing these days are rated "R" for adults only. The US military train their troops during downtime with violent video games. They also seek virtual murderers in an effort to convert them into real ones.

I was a Russian military. Not American. So it does not work! Even if you kill 10 million painted people in a video game ... You can never kill a person in life))

With a drone you can. USA does it every day.

I don’t know how in the US Army. In the Russian army it is forbidden to control the drone idiots. If a person is not an idiot, he must undergo training.

Note that you will not find any games to post here that primarily involve shooting schoolchildren, or violence in gun free zones. That is the point I am making.

What you are not responding to is my further point that censorship and propaganda are increasingly leaving people without recourse to lawful means of redressing grievances, and this is what produces the desperation in emotionally damaged people that causes them to commit mass murder. GINI is an informative tool given that economic imbalance drives political power today.

Video games do not, and cannot, cause that desperation.

valued-customer Always said that you are a smart man! They are trying to justify psychos. He played the wrong games and became a maniac. Nonsense! Maniacs because of a malfunction in the psyche, and not because of video games.
Still trying to justify former war veterans. What for? War does not kill brains. War does not make you crazy. The state makes a psycho. An example of Vietnam for the USA. The soldiers were told that they were fighting for a good cause. When they arrived home ... They were told that they are garbage and not needed by society.
Imagine if a person did not fight. Just worked on hard work. I thought it works for my country. When it's time to pay. He was told that he was a jerk. He is not worthy of respect and salary! For many, the roof will be torn down and there will be an insult to the employer that he simply deceived him.

Illusionists make grand gestures with the hand they want you to look at, while they do the actual work with the other hand. I think they are trying to make psychos, and would do it with videogames if they could. They still need drugs, abuse, and the real world for it, but more and more the real world is filtered through lies and propaganda before it hits drug addled brains in the heads of bullied and ridiculed little boys.

It's almost a science, destroying people today.

Thanks for your kind words.

I agree! Distract from the main thing is the principle of politicians.

Opinions vary.

Facts don't.

What do you expect from the illegal possession of Zionazis promulgating propaganda and oppression? You advocate for those exact things by propounding agreement with that thesis that games impel violence.

Desperation impels violence, and political disenfranchisement creates desperation. Those are real, measurable factors that can provably be related to social aggression, and why I pointed to GINI, a measure of that political disenfranchisement.

How frequently do you replace the bone that is stuck through your nose? Once a week or so? Do you drop it in the same coffee cup with your dentures, to soak overnight?

If you want to examine actual angsty social control, just have a look at the work of Oliver Zahm, Ray Chandler, or other photographers crafting a nihilistic vision of fashionable hell on Earth.

The first 'video game' you reveal here is telling: a simulation crafted by the USG itself. You'll note that there are broken people and horror across all the battlefields of the Earth. If you think video games lead that cohort, rather than react to it, your delusion is noted.

Throughout this video, you'll see that inevitably, real games, however grotesque, feature enemies that must be killed to keep them from killing you. None of the mass murders are focused on battle. The video games aren't models, training, or encouragement for such slaughter. They are reactions to a world full of it.

Correlation is not causation. That doesn't matter to disingenuous propagandists intent on misleading people, or those they have successfully misled.

Seriously? Many people I personally knew who had served in the army or special services played computer games. We preferred the worlds of MMORPGs with elves and gnomes.
This, of course, was not related to reality, I just liked playing colorful pictures. We even had a clan with army discipline and we captured an entire server. It was a matter of going to play on an international server and there were successes too.
The game is entertainment. An ordinary hobby is no better than others. Now the main secret. We had no reason to get together in an online conference every day. The game gave such a reason. In the clan’s conversation chat, we discussed a lot. Who married, who had a baby, what are the plans for the vacation. Just as a result of the service, many were in different cities of our and foreign countries. The game allowed us and gave occasion in the evenings to get together))

I also played Evercrack back in the day on an account paid for by my employer, where we would use the in game chat similarly.

The games are similar. Although usually played in Chinese. You had an interesting game. Although I had never heard of such a thing before. Skills used in a horizontal branch. We were not comfortable in the vertical. Although it was possible and so put them. The character management interface was flexible.
There were robot characters. This was forbidden, but we used them. Every day, 24 hours a day, they extracted resources. There were merchant characters who traded 24 hours a day.
The game, and war, as in life. Who has a lot of resources, he wins.
Although, when we became a strong clan it became boring. It was more interesting for beginners to solve the riddles of the world. Yes, we often could lose in battle, but there was something new. It was necessary to study the world. Sometimes I flew over the world on my pet for hours. Could hang over the water, it was interesting to admire the graphics.
Once at a low level flew into the valley of dragons. The Chinese love to put dragons into games. I could not fly away for several days. My character was constantly killed and he rebelled in the village. And again I tried to fly away.
Now it’s funny to remember this)))