Starting tonight, a real life "Robocop" will be patroling the streets of Dubai!
The uniformed robot was unveiled yesterday at the Gulf Information Security and Expo Conference, greeting the astonished audience.
It was created by the Dubai police in cooperation with Google and IBM's supercomputer Watson.
It's officially called a “full-size humanoid service robot” and can be piloted or move autonomously.
The robot can salute, feed video to a command center, settle files, speak 9 languages, bow, and recognize facial expressions and hand gestures from up to 1.5 meters away.
It's 1,50m tall, weighs 100kg, rolls around on wheels and has a tablet integrated in its chest where civilians can report crimes.
The robot can function for eight hours with a single charge, and the batteries can be pre-charged and then swapped within seconds.

The Dubai police doesn't plan to use the Robocop for dangerous or serious crimes, but rather for small tasks:
With an aim to assist and help people in the malls or on the streets, the robocop is the latest smart addition to the force and has been designed to help us fight crime, keep the city safe and improve happiness levels. (...) We planned for a security system for the future of the city to tackle future crimes. By 2025, Dubai will be one of the best five cities in the world on security level. By 2030, there will be no mysterious or unknown crimes in Dubai and the police will have the biggest DNA data bank in the country.-Brigadier-General Khalid Nasser Al Razouqi, Director of the Smart Services Department for the Dubai Police

The Dubai Police wants the Robocops to make up 25% of the police employees by 2030.
And they're even planning to create world's first "smart police station" with absolutely no human employees.
Dubai has proven to be one of the most innovative and future-oriented cities with projects like the Hyperloop and drone taxis, so a robot police squad wouldn't feel out of place at all!

Robocops around the world
This robot police officer in Dubai isn't the first one of its kind.
"Griffin" is a six-wheeled robot used for bomb detection in Ohio, Congo uses robots to monitor and direct traffic, and South Korea even has robots in a prison to patrol and monitor the inmates.
The Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research (FEDOR) in Russia has supposedly created a Robocop that can shoot accurately, lift dumbbells, and walk.
And the "Anbot" in China is using facial recognition to identify criminals and follows them until police reinforcements arrive.
Ethical concerns
As with any robotic invention, there are ethical questions to consider.
The biggest concern is probably what would happen if the Robocop made a wrong decision that would then have a negative effect on somebody else.
“The problem is that you can’t make a machine responsible for its mistakes,” states Alan Winfield, professor of robot ethics at the University of West England. “How do you punish it? How do you sanction it? You can’t.”
What are your thoughts on "Robocops" and how would you manage the ethical concerns?
Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
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© Sirwinchester
Cant wait to meet this little guy. He must be the smartest cop.
Definitely the cop who is fluent in the most languages!
Crazy. They'll be issuing tickets before long. Too much revenue
extort...generation not to. At least these don't look menacing.Thank you for using #steemnews. We've promoted here as well as our Fb and Twitter accounts.
Things like this scary me the most
Ethically speaking it is a disaster, how can we allow to be judged by a programmed being without any concerns about safety?
It seems to me like a pretty fascist move for Dubai, and to the people that are in favor of this technology I would say to just wait to be on the opposite side of the blackjack, you can't talk nor reason with a machine
Good point. I think that's one of the main reasons why there using him only for small tasks for now. The technology definitely isn't far enough yet (and who knows if it will ever be) that the robot could actually make crucial decisions.
I don't know, even if the technology would be that far this thing would still worry me quite a bit. I would rather much prefer if they adoperate this robots in other jobs, like in mines or factories.
Another ethical problem with having them as policemen would be for privacy, they would be able to track the movements of every single citizien, we already live in an Orwellian society, with cameras everywhere, I'd rather much prefer if this situation doesn't degenerate even further, but that seems inevitable nowdays
That's it folks, Will Smith better save us...
Hahaha, you're right!
Progress can be spooky!

Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @sirwinchester!
The future has already come?
wow, great to read @sirwinchester I'm glad you've posted it...upvoted!
Thank you for the feedback! :)
Mental. Funny and scary at the same time.
True. But as long as we have them under full control there's nothing to be scared of. (Just the jobs that they're overtaking maybe!)
"The Dubai police doesn't plan to use the Robocop for dangerous or serious crimes, but rather for small tasks..."
Like spying on people, maybe?
when a robot cop is gonna have AI abble to judge to kill a human we might have a problem, in fact i saw some article that the pentagon said that in maybe 10 years theres gonna be robot soldiers, times are changing fast lets just hope lil Kim dont wake up one morning and have his balls hurting too much, cause hes gonna lose his crazy smile from his face
I agree.. i pray against this..
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Wrap me two;))
Wow that's crazy!
What is his name?
That's a good question!
I didn't read about a name anywhere, so I guess the Dubai Police wasn't very creative in this case
I don't know about these robots! I like seeing real people.
For now it will only be used in shopping malls and such, I think it will be an attraction for photographs rather than on "real" police duty
I agree. Seeing one of those will make for an interesting photo opportunity!
That's wild!
Can't wait for the zero-human police station, that will be interesting!!
SF reality... Started.
Totally, the future begins now!
Im in Abu Dhabi right now. and i would like to see that police robot also... (^_^)
I'm guessing you'll be able to see it in malls in dubai soon! Maybe that's worth the trip!
May be after ramadan i will go there with my family...
Wow this is scary! Hope we dont have a rebeliounwss from the cops! Upvoted
Building our own box.
Not sure I like the, "By 2030, there will be no mysterious or unknown crimes in Dubai and the police will have the biggest DNA data bank in the country." part of this. I mean, it sounds nice, but there's an awful lot of data you have to capture if you want "no unknown crimes." Thanks for posting!
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It is So funny and so scary..
A robocop can hurt any innocent people when nobody wait..