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RE: The Disturbing Arrest & Media Blackout of 'Tommy Robinson' & How To Resolve Inter-Cultural Disputes

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Child grooming is not committed by gangs of "white folks" or "black folks" as you called them, in gangs using religious ideology to justify it. Many of those communities stayed silent as it happened. Girls were passed between communities and family groups.
The argument you use is called whataboutery. It's not valid in itself, to point to other groups and say "so, they do it also!* And even if it was you would have to find groups that are comparable.
We don't have religious rape gangs from any other religion I'm afraid, you are plain wrong.
The closest thing is the catholic church who covered up paedophile priests. But they didn't operate in gangs that are often familial.
These type of gangs can't survive in traditional working class communities as they are not tolerated. Islam does because it's written in their ideology.
Black, white, christian, sihk, hindu, buddhists, you name them and they are all horrified and complaining about this. Not just the white folks!
It's rather dissingenuous to point to high profile paedophiles and hold them up as an example of the prevalence of rape gangs of the same type. Islam is 6% of our population, yet 25% of our prison population is now rape gang related. There are no other rape gangs and that comment shows your ignorance. Yes there are all manner of disgusting people in this country of all persuasions but none of them are forming into gangs to rape children because of things they hear in their local religious centres!!
To just attempt to glibly explain them away in the manner you are shows no empathy or compassion for the thousands of girls who have been abused, some only 11. Some branded with M for muhammad. I suggest you research it properly, it will affect everyone eventually. Do you think working class children somehow deserve this? Your talk of cheap labour shows a lack of awareness of the plight of the working classes?
I suggest you read the* Quran and hadiths.*

Cheap labour is not required in a just society. Nor is blaming those in the present of "crimes" of ancestors. That thinking is how feuds are created and continued through time.


Thank you for the interesting comments. I am going to leave it here as we arent going to change each other's opinion.

I think that's a good idea and often the best way forward. i would invite you to study the subject of Islamic fundamentalism and the extremists it drives.
It was still an interesting conversation and I've learned a lot, so thanks for that and have a great day.

you as well. hope you had a good long weekend!

I did,Thank you. here's a video that may help you get up to speed. from a different speaker.