100% agree with you on all levels. To attempt give my perspective on the question you asked:
Why are the major news networks mute to the facts and blind to the examples of race unity?
Short answer? Follow the money. More often than not most large media outlets have corporate leaders that are beholden to government. The media furthers the narrative that politicians set out for them. The narrative right now is meant, just as you mentioned, to divide us. It is a distraction. While we're all concerned about riots in the streets, they pass bills you'll never even know about. This is their intention: to limit your freedoms while increasing government's power and control.
I have a series on Freedom where I plan on getting into the peaceful solutions available through principles of freedom. Check it out.
Thanks for the comment and I just read your Freedom series and will look eagerly for more.
I purposely downplayed my own conclusions to answering the question;
in hopes of igniting a debate and harvesting a diverse set of answers from fellow Steemians. I already know my reasoning and wish to shed a wider light on it. Thanks for sparking more insight and feeding the flames of unity.
Thanks for checking it out. Ya eventually I hope people understand its not Black vs White, Republican vs Democrat, or Rich vs Poor. Its Freedom vs Power. It always has been.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace"
Exactly my friend, exactly. There's love to be found. Even in the inner cities when love seems to be overshadowed with fear, triumphs of human spirit unearth themselves. Hand me a shovel. We're going in.