Racial Solidarity Is Alive And Well - Here Are Some Examples The Media Ignores

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Blood is red no matter what race you are. As a veteran that served in the U.S. Army, I can vouch for that 100%. Serving side by side with people of all races, soldiers quickly realized we were all the same color. Green. Bullets are not biased.


Our media paints the gloomiest picture of events taking place in our world. Fear and controversy sells apparently.

Amidst the rioting in North Carolina this week that triggered the National Guard to move in and declare martial law, were a few glimmers of hope that big news syndicates failed to report.

You can read more on that here:

@dollarvigilante posted more on the story in his post Martial Law Rolls Out Across the US As Jubilee Nears

Judging from the stories portrayed in the news, we are on the verge of a mass racial war that threatens the stability of our democracy. But the numbers don't add up in my mind.

For starters, we have a black president, elected not once, but twice. We have black police officers, mayors, doctors, lawyers and every other profession you can think of. Though our history is rife with stories of racism, as a nation we have come a long way in a relatively short time.


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Conflicting reports of both sides of the issue concerning racial bias in the nations police force, pit us against each other. Divide and conquor is the oldest trick in the playbook of the ruling class and would be laughable if it wasn't so effective. This is not the time to buy into the bullshit.

I'm sure the tension is not easily dismissed when it's right in your face on a daily basis. My deepest condolences and sorrow go out to the families that were shattered by confrontations with the police and for those living in the inner cities where the problems of crime and racial bias seems to converge.

While the problem appears systemic, the actual numbers of incidences involving the police shooting someone of any race is not as widespread as the media would have us believe.

A report in The Washington Times states:

In fact, as of July 9, whites were 54 percent of the 440 police shooting victims this year whose race was known, blacks were 28 percent and Hispanics were 18 percent, according to The Washington Post’s ongoing database of fatal police shootings. Those ratios are similar to last year’s tally, in which whites made up 50 percent of the 987 fatal police shootings, and blacks, 26 percent. (The vast majority of those police homicide victims were armed or otherwise threatening the officer.) But Butterfield could be forgiven his error, given the virtually exclusive media focus on black victims of police officers.

Does the actual distribution of police victims confirm the Black Lives Matter allegation that policing is lethally biased? That depends on the benchmark chosen for assessing police actions.

Typically, activists and the media measure police actions against population ratios. Given that blacks are 13 percent of the nation’s population, a 26 to 28 percent black share of police gun fatalities looks disproportionate. But policing should be measured against crime rates, not population percentages, because law enforcement today is data-driven. Officers are deployed to where people are most being victimized, and that is primarily in minority neighborhoods.


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Exactly why more crimes are committed in minority neighborhoods has more to do with lack of economic opportunities than race, but that is the topic of another post.

What I'm questioning is why are the major news networks mute to the facts and blind to the examples of race unity? Just as they tend to air violent crimes committed by minorities more than those committed by caucasians, shootings by police aimed at black Americans receive more air time.

The same divide and conquor tactics are played upon the public perception of Muslims, Mexicans, democratically, elected world leaders and mass movements. The list of divisional topics is as wide as the divide they foster.

One begins to get the impression that the news media is crafting a perception that our police are racist and dangerous. Why this angle is being consistently pushed I will leave for you to decide.

My military background provides a lens for me to see this media blitz for what it truly is, psychological warfare aimed to undermine our confidence in the ability of our police force to do their jobs. Once again blaming minorities for a problem created by our government, leading to a cry of the people for a solution, which is already prepackaged and ready to implement. Martial law, repeal of the second amendment, UN forces anyone? You may think I'm exaggerating but the facts back it up.

The government is playing us people and I pray enough of us wake the fuck up and stop buying into this crap. If my use of the F-bomb or talking about racial solidarity offends you, you can unfollow me right now. No offense taken.


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Let me reassure you that racial solidarity is alive and well and here are some examples the media ignores.

Free Hugs Charlotte North Carolina Riots

This brave man is a shining example of what our journalists should be focusing on to heal the wounds of our racist past and move the country and the world in the direction of human solidarity. I would be proud to serve by his side in any circumstance. The truth and passion of his words are undeniable. This is news worthy of publication.

Black Woman Paints Herself White

This satirical video makes a strong point that unfortunately rings true in this racially charged environment.

In fairness, here's a few stories the media did cover.

Black And Whites Coming Together

Twin Teens: One Black, One White, Celebrate Their Differences

It saddens me to say that my search of the internet for examples of racial solidarity were hard to come by, save a few speeches that talk about it like it's a theory of some kind. So please, if you found more examples link them in the comments below. Thanks.


I'm sure to the victims of this media-driven rhetoric the nightmare is very real and again, my heart bleeds for them. But for the rest of us, I implore you to wake up from this dream Neo. Learn to see the forest through the sleeze and trade in your blue pill for the red pill, for behind the color of our skin we all bleed red.



Follow @luzcypher



The media lies...or to give them the benifit of the doubt (which they don't deserve) they SPIN...I witnessed that first hand in Dallas in 1969 (riots? what riots? I was right in the middle of it and thought it was just kids throwing a frisbee...little did I know until I saw the nightly news) or Viet Nam. (been there done that too...Thailand actually...close enough)

It changes your perceptions when you witness media deception first hand, right? We have seen it so frequently I'm amazed it still is effective on so many. My take is, the louder the megaphone broadcasting a message, the bigger the lie. The only exception being when the message is delivered by the masses. Thanks for you comment. Peace

youre welcome
old saying. Trust, once lost, is very difficult to regain.

You're right and we have to do something about this and stay human. We have come such a long way from our past . All our progress can come undone in an instant if this behavior continues. These kinds of negative emotions can leave lasting impressions for generations.
I love black people and all they have contributed to our culture. We built these cities together and we will not be divided. This country is full of people from other cultures and races and we have managed to coexist. I don't know why that should be so amazing but it is. Fighting for equality, fighting for peace, it's kind of like fucking for virginity. Crazy.

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.

Funny how that works, right?

In any kids' cartoon, you'll see brown kids and pale kids playing together. "Black" or "white" is not even a thing that's mentioned. Look at Sesame Street, for instance. Or Zack and Quack. Any kids' show.

Interesting observation. I do remember a few sublely divisive cartoons like the 'Blue Meanies' in The Beatles "Yellow Submarine" that portrayed police-like characters in a negative light. And let's not forget Oblio who is exiled to the Pointless Forest in the animation titled, The Point narrated by Ringo Starr. It would be interesting to look into the messages weaved into cartoon programming. Hmm, I feel another story coming on. Thanks for your comment and time.

100% agree with you on all levels. To attempt give my perspective on the question you asked:

Why are the major news networks mute to the facts and blind to the examples of race unity?

Short answer? Follow the money. More often than not most large media outlets have corporate leaders that are beholden to government. The media furthers the narrative that politicians set out for them. The narrative right now is meant, just as you mentioned, to divide us. It is a distraction. While we're all concerned about riots in the streets, they pass bills you'll never even know about. This is their intention: to limit your freedoms while increasing government's power and control.

I have a series on Freedom where I plan on getting into the peaceful solutions available through principles of freedom. Check it out.

Thanks for the comment and I just read your Freedom series and will look eagerly for more.
I purposely downplayed my own conclusions to answering the question;

Why are the major news networks mute to the facts and blind to the examples of race unity?

in hopes of igniting a debate and harvesting a diverse set of answers from fellow Steemians. I already know my reasoning and wish to shed a wider light on it. Thanks for sparking more insight and feeding the flames of unity.

Thanks for checking it out. Ya eventually I hope people understand its not Black vs White, Republican vs Democrat, or Rich vs Poor. Its Freedom vs Power. It always has been.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace"

Exactly my friend, exactly. There's love to be found. Even in the inner cities when love seems to be overshadowed with fear, triumphs of human spirit unearth themselves. Hand me a shovel. We're going in.

Thanks for some sanity on the issue! Sharing....

Thanks @badassbarbie I know you know what I'm talking about. Racial division is a media fabrication. They do the same things with our friends in Mexico., trying to divide us. We know better and I'm not buying it.

Yes, I have done all I can to quell the myth of big bad Mexico. Glad you see through this too! XO

So have I. It's a challenge to get through sometimes, but I don't own a broadcasting network.
Interestingly, the only responses to my earlier post about living ten years in Mexico, just parroted media's script about illegal immigrants.
Poor misguided news consumers, we must not make fun of them.
My Mexican friends on Facebook, when I posted it there, thought it was the coolest story ever.

Excellent article.

Divisions over "race" are just another form of tribalism.

Divide us and conquer us.

If we are busy fighting ourselves, we will be too busy to fight against the real enemy.

I had a feeling you would chime in on this one. Thanks for the comment and for seeing the man behind the curtain.

United we will never be divided!

Well, you can't give a shout out to your biggest supporters without getting a response, can you?