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RE: End Game

in #news4 years ago

That's what they're doing. The facts I have herein related are scary. Terrorism, genocide, and crimes against humanity are fucking terrifying. But fear is your best friend. It alerts you to danger. It makes you consider how to protect yourself. It enables you to avoid the dangerous things you're afraid of, by acting before they do the harm you fear they may do.

I advocate acting to end the threats that are terrifyingly real, unlike the horrifically overblown threat Covid19, with it's .02% IFR if you're under 80, not grossly obese, with diabetes and progressive organ failure, is claimed to be.

You don't submit to terrorists. If you do, you simply show them how to gain your submission.

You end their reign of terror.

That's what I'm selling. Not the fear.

The solution to it.



It was an interesting writeup. Some facts, some sensationalism, a little too heavy on the politics though, and nobody being honest can predict the future. Seems to pander to one side/market. If you're trying to save the world, including the others who typically reside outside this market would be wise, since this market would already be well versed; hearing what they already know/think they know.

The media has failed the people who consume it, on all fronts. I've been studying both sides since it started, never choosing to be on one. An observer. Best to look the threat in the eye, and it has two. It's almost like a clash between two polar opposites is being enforced, maintained, and at some point, possibly, maybe, shit could hit the fan; if it ever fully leaves the internet. Those not under the spell would simply watch a problem take care of itself, in a sense.

What happens to this entire situation if people on all sides simply stopped looking at their screens? That's something I've been thinking about for the past few months.

I'm opinionated, and tend to be over-excitable. I wrote most of the text of the post as a stream of consciousness about a week ago, and then added the graphics and did some editing as necessary, but I cannot disagree as you truthfully state it is sensationalist, because I am overly-excitable.

Nonetheless, I stand by the statements of fact in it, and will allow my opinions to suffer the battering of the test of time going forward. I only state them because I am convinced of them, and if they're disproved, that's how I learn to better moderate my passions. This is how I have learned to agree I am overly-excitable.

I long ago quit watching TV, and don't consume such media unless it's a link someone states is valuable to see, and very little of that. I quit watching it because of exactly what you state regarding it, that it is pushing folks into opposing camps, dividing them so they are easily governed.

As to whether it leaves the internet, I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that, but must not be referring to the thousands of Australian soldiers keeping Victoria, Australian's under armed guard today, or the millions of French marching in their streets to demand the Macron government retract the vaxpass there.

I had a friend who got his second covax shot back in Feb, or March. Within a week I was taking him to the ER, and the second time I did, he was surely dying. He ended up getting some emergency surgery, and last I heard was still recovering in hospital, although I have not been able to contact him for some time. I don't know if folks getting vaxxed, or refusing to get vaxxed is what you mean by leaving the screen, but it seems not, because that sure happens on the ground too.

Anyway, it's good you look at these things with an eye cast askance, as I have always expected of you. I appreciate you coming and doing what you reckon right to keep me honest and on my toes. Lord knows I'd be little worth without such guidance.


Pointing out the sensationalism wasn't meant to be an insult. Just an honest analysis. I'd have been pissed if you denied it. I like that I can be honest with you and knew in advance I wouldn't be offered up a kneejerk reaction in response.

As for what I meant by it leaving the internet, I understand there are some isolated incidents out there. Far more siting behind devices dwelling on these stories, getting excited. Sometimes overly passionate, on all sides. The spillage onto the streets, well, that's getting annoying. I once said it's a war against glass. People just smash the windows. Those windows are the only thing that ever gets fixed. Angry mobs are useless. Now they want to send in the troops to prevent angry mobs from destroying everything (did you see last year at all?) but that's spun into excessive control. So wtf? Let an angry mob smash everything and not call that excessive control measures? I realize they have a cause but wtf did the windows do? Why are people hitting themselves? What does it solve? Makes a great photo opportunity. And the loudest voices enjoying it are the ones sitting far away, cheering from the stands.

And the media is confusing; leading folks in all kinds of strange directions. Was sitting with a large group of people on Canada Day, having fun. Drinks, fireworks, noise. A party. A group walked past making noise, protesting lockdowns that didn't exist and protesting Canada Day being cancelled, which it was not. Like a group of brainwashed zombies. Duped by some nonsense on Facebook or whatever...

Things don't even seem real any more, a lot of the times. I just wonder why so many are obsessing. One side is slowly kind of going back to 'normal' (watched a football game yesterday, stadium was nearly packed, very few masks) and the other is freaking out like the world is ending. So how does one make sense of this?

I think you get answers when you actively resist measures. If you don't, you won't notice much of what people call oppression. Nobody who doesn't take a risk really notices what's going on. How could they?

Those who play by the rules don't seem to have anything to fear, do they?

But the fact that bank accounts are actually closed, people dismissed, removed from office and so on, all this passes by those who are not affected directly or indirectly (through friends or family members who know someone or have experienced disadvantages themselves).

It has probably always been the case that people have behaved against the rules, but because you were also inconspicuous and conformist, you didn't notice it. Perception sharpens the more you resist or avoid things that you can no longer do without a test, mask and vaccination.

So what does your own life look like? Do you avoid places that demand compliance? Or do you move around in them?

If you don't take either side that has formed, does that mean you don't want to be extreme? I understand that, because I wouldn't call myself extreme either, although others do that for me. I refused to test and was subsequently dismissed. What does that say? In a pre-2020 world, such a thing seemed impossible.

Personally, I am at an age where I rarely if ever realised travel, clubs, dancing etc. anyway. But I see a world where others are no longer allowed to do that if they don't obey the rules. That alone I find extreme. Without meaning to, I am already on one side of the fronts. You can't always choose, because if you don't obey, others place you where they want you.

Yes, it all seems very surreal. I have also made the observation that people don't really want to control others, let them through where tests are required or no longer address the fact that some don't wear a mask.

However, and this is the bad thing in my eyes, you can never know if you are getting into a relaxed atmosphere or not. Not knowing whether someone will let you pass, let you in somewhere, is a real problem. Moving through public space and being cheated of the knowledge that the majority will leave you alone, that you can go your own way if you are not provocative yourself, is, in my view, like a straitjacket that I don't know how long I will have to wear.

How free do you feel yourself?

Which form of oppression should I accept? The side telling me I'll live if I do this, or the side telling me I'll die if I do that? Why should I believe anyone? Until I have a clear explanation void of sketchy nonsense, it's all sketchy nonsense.

I'll do my best to not interfere as everyone makes their choices, since they feel they need to.

I won't pretend I have the answers.

Already know how to live if shit hits the fan. Don't often talk about my life so don't expect me to reveal too much.

Which form of oppression should I accept? The side telling me I'll live if I do this, or the side telling me I'll die if I do that?

What do you mean? Is it, that in this corona affair that people from both sides appear oppressive towards you?
Since I "took one side" even though I did not choose to do, I see myself dominated and my living space narrowed in a way I never would have anticipated. But my side does not include telling anyone he is going to die, since I don't believe people die that easily anyways. I think there are extremes with which I cannot argue nor come to peaceful terms, So I leave it. I guess the best way to navigate through this crisis is to keep ones humor and to enjoy what is left of opportunities. Even being creative.

I have no specific idea what to do when shit hits the fan.

These things are tough to navigate. So are most life obstacles.

Here today but few are wearing masks, but the Governor has extended her emergency powers through the end of the year, and has ordered the masking of schoolchildren when it starts back up next month.

That's all it takes to turn the world upside down now: a simple order. This is why I have taken pains to communicate that forcing people to undergo harmful medical treatment, or experimentation, without their fully informed, uncoerced free will voluntary consent is a crime against humanity.

Because that order is going out soon.

I agree the world has become unbelievably surreal. Daily on the threads I haunt I hear people wistfully say how they wish they could go back in time, to before this all began. I feel myself the weirdness, I have to wonder if I'm actually seeing and not hallucinating sometimes.

But it's real, and they didn't force their way this far to just give up if we decline their generous offer of salvation in a vial of experimental genetic therapy. This is the real deal, and it's not at all coincidental, but stems from decades of preparation and groundwork by a cabal of conspirators who own the majority of assets in the world, and their hordes of useful idiots.

All across the USA, planning councils and county permitting agencies have been infiltrated and re-legislated, with regional planning conforming to UN agendae specifications. That sounds like schizophrenia, but I work in construction and remodeling, and I have watched it happen, only connecting it to a national effort when I chanced to see a gal named Rose who had dug into UN Agenda 2030 and detailed the exact changes to regional planning I had been watching happen.

I don't care really how I make sense of it. I don't think I can suss out the extensive and detailed plans of pathological overlords. What I can do is my best to be nimble during economic crises, fed during famines, and mobile during lockdowns. I can not simply wait and see, but be as ready as I can for anything nefarious and murderous warlords undertake.

It is sure as the sun rising in the East that such things happen. I know well that people become accustomed to normal, the daily non-cataclysm events, and that this is fatal when a day of cataclysmic events comes.

It is the paranoid that survive when people unexpectedly are suddenly after them, out of the blue. All the reasonable and calm people are shocked as they are collected, lined up against the wall, and shot. Tens and hundreds of millions of people died in shocked disbelief in the last century alone.

I'd like to be harder to kill.

Be hard to kill.

So my questions:

How can something this large be kept a secret with so many people involved across the entire globe? Impossible to silence the millions working in healthcare, for instance. I realize some speak against it but how it is possible to prevent a spouse coming home from work and spilling the beans (millions of them)?

Why is the 'smoking gun' style information coming from amateurs/independent content creators on the internet who often destroy their credibility by using tactics designed for views and profit, like sensationalism, and are typically known to spin the MSM stories regardless of subject matter? For instance, where in the 'official' "Agenda 30" does it say world population is to drop to 500M? That thought process stems from a piece of 'art' in Georgia. Where's the link?


With no screens, the imaginary disease disappears instantly, but all the for lease shops and the economic crash remains, as does a lot of graphine oxide...

What happens if the screens remain?

The imaginary disease mutates endlessly until we arrive at communism

Posted via

Interesting. Are you worried?