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RE: Trump and Obrador -- Legalize Cannabis, Make North America Great Again

in #news7 years ago

The crisis that Venezuela is experiencing today is a direct consequence of the measures that the government has taken. Venezuela is a country dependent on oil, and when the price of oil falls, the whole economy collapses, the modern crisis has had several precedents, at the beginning of the 60s, and also between the end of the 70s and the beginning of the 90s. The Venezuelan government had this knowledge and did not make any changes, its restrictions on the market, its attacks against private property, and the climate of institutional insecurity have diminished the entire capacity to foster an economy away from oil.

The United States has participated in several interventions around Latin America and the Middle East, I don't doubt it, but in the specific case of Venezuela it is not, the governments of Chávez and Maduro have failed on their own.

I also have no doubt that both American and Mexican politicians are favoring the drug trade, otherwise it would not take so much power, but leftist politicians in Latin America have a long tradition of contacts with drug traffickers, since they have always seen in the trade of drugs a stable financing method throughout the region. The contacts and relationships that AMLO has, in addition to its ideology, suggest that he is not the exception. Behind him is Slim and Soros.

Everyone agrees that Mexico needs a change in its political, social and economic structure, but not any change is good.


Not to mention Obama telling the DEA to stand down in relation to Hezbollah smuggling cocaine into the US