Populism is popular. Andrés Manuel López Obrador won yesterday's election in Mexico with enough of the vote to have a clear legislative majority in the lower house.
Most of the commentary on this is fatuous. The right wants to harp on Obrador's past statements about the corruption in Mexico is so bad that Mexicans should seek a better life in the U.S.
The U.S. establishment derides his and his proposals as unrealistic and unworkable, which they may well be as the corruption in Mexico runs deep. But, that said, the main reason they don't like Obrador is because he is an outsider to the political establishment and the ruling caste of Mexico.
Martin Armstrong's conclusions may well be right that Obrador can't fight the tide in the short run.
He will raise taxes dramatically and we will see Mexico spiral downward into 2020. He is ill-prepared to get rid the government of corruption when the bureacracy is the problem. In fact, many who were deeply involved in the corruption saw the shifting trends and were a part of Obrador’s campaign. It is also not likely that he will make a dent in the unyielding violence of the drug war. The people are fed up with the drug wars which has escalated out of control. There were more homicides last year in Mexico than any time in the last two decades.
But the Drug War is the big issue here in the long run. And I don't think in any way that it is in Obrador's power to change it. That power lies with the U.S. president, Donald Trump.
And if you look carefully at Trump he has been attacking the Drug War and the entrenched power in the U.S. which supports it, albeit outside of the main headlines.
His focus on immigration and the opioid crisis is real. It is aimed at staunching the flow of immigrants into the U.S. which was a fully-blessed policy of the Obama administration to turn the important red states -- Texas, Florida, Arizona -- blue.
He's allowing Attorney General Jeff Sessions to attack the Drug War through the human trafficking angle which is the right way to keep the center of the country on his side while the Democrats fulminate and try to turn this into a humanitarian crisis.
And it's simply not working. At all.
The polling numbers are stark. Trump's approval rating is soaring. His numbers among blacks and hispanics are at levels a Republican hasn't seen in decades. The #walkaway movement is going viral.
By allowing the Left to immolate themselves by trying to turn every issue he tackles into a negative Trump is setting the stage for a post-mid-term ratcheting up of his domestic policy agenda.
And, I think, he'll get a very sympathetic ear from Obrador on marijuana legalization. Trump has already begun the about-face about legalizing cannabis. Back in April he unilaterally abandoned the federal policy on a crackdown on recreational cannabis use, removing the inter-governmental stress between federal and state law.
President Trump personally directed the abrupt retreat, which came at the behest of Republican Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado. White House officials confirmed the policy shift Friday. Trump did not inform Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions in advance of the change in policy, an almost unheard of undermining of a Cabinet official.
Gardner was incensed in January when the Justice Department announced that it was rescinding an Obama-era policy that directed federal prosecutors not to target marijuana businesses that operate legally under state law. The senator had blocked Justice Department nominees in retaliation.
And he told Jeff Sessions to stuff his outdated and insane ideas about pot and shove them. But, now is not the time to spend one erg of political capital on cannabis legalization. Not when there are so many other things that are pressing geopolitically.
But, looking ahead past the mid-terms and giving Obrador some time to get settled into the office, Trump will be able to revisit this issue and clean up a number of dangling issues.
He can't fire Sessions until after he gets a real majority in the Senate, not the fake one he has today. If that occurs, and the odds are very good (c.f. the Democrats' implosion above), then he'll be able to get someone on his side through the confirmation process.
And you can bet a lot that cannabis legalization will be something the Democrats try to pin any AG candidate on.
And, back to Obrador, there is not one thing holding back a successful shift in Mexico's future than a coordinated attack on the drug cartels' power.
And what better way to start than legalizing cannabis?
So, today marks the possibility of a new era in relations between the U.S. and Mexico. One where two outsiders can coordinate policy to attack the core issues creating tension. My wife visited Mexico last year as part of a scouting trip in case we decide to ex-patriate.
And it's very clear Trump is not popular with most Mexicans, and with good reason. But, at the same time if he embraces Obrador's reform plan and supports him then that attitude could change very quickly.
In the short-term, however, markets will react badly to all of this. The Peso will continue falling as global trade collapses thanks to Trump's war on the European Union. No emerging market will be spared. But, that also means there will be quite the opportunity opening up in 2019-2020 if Obrador is truly as advertised and Trump has created the power base he needs.
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Soros, and others, are flooding borders of many countries, like in how Rome fell, and they're collapsing Europe, America, to prepare us for the New World Order, and much more. Do nothing if you want that.
Thank God we have a president willing to declare that we will not become a refugee camp.
I would really like an end to the drug war, too many people in jail for using a "coping mechanism" like smoking weed, which amounts to basically drinking alcohol(as in a mind alerting substance type thing).
And thanks for the recent delegation :)
Great and insightful discuss into what clever alignment could happen between the US and Mexico with the new leader and with a possible republican led congress in November's elections.
Is anyone having issues upvoting. For the past few days, I get an error every time I try to upvote a comment or post; any comment or any post...
Extensive, informative, deserving of an upvote!
Oh, also followed. :)
I have no doubt that AMLO will fight with the establishment in Mexico, but more important than if he does or not, is how he does it.
Look at the case of Venezuela, the establishment that governed from 1958-1999 was corrupt, kleptocratic and also leftist.
Chávez was anti-establishment, promised to put an end to corruption and criminality, he did not even say that he was a socialist, although as with AMLO, it could already be seen. Venezuela ended much worse than it started, and the failed establishment that was before Chávez has now gained prestige and national and international recognition as "democratic", or "free", and a lot of things that are far from reality.
I'm not saying that this is going to happen in Mexico, because they are two quite different countries, but I think there is a high probability that AMLO is not really a good option.
Venezuela was destroyed by the U.S. because Chavez was taking it off the petrodollar and repatriated his country's gold reserves. Today Trump is trying to maintain the empire through 'energy dominance' and Venezuela is being destroyed so that we can install a puppet to steal its reserves.
Obrador can and should work with Trump to expose the Clinton/Bush family connections to the Zetas and the other Cartels. Let's start with marijuana because the momentum is there. But, I think Trump's attacks on human trafficking and opioids are a smoke screen for going after the CIA drug trade which runs right through the heart of the US ruling families.
Mexico is a feudal society that is in need of overthrowing its oligarchy. Obrador's election is the hopeful beginning of that.
The crisis that Venezuela is experiencing today is a direct consequence of the measures that the government has taken. Venezuela is a country dependent on oil, and when the price of oil falls, the whole economy collapses, the modern crisis has had several precedents, at the beginning of the 60s, and also between the end of the 70s and the beginning of the 90s. The Venezuelan government had this knowledge and did not make any changes, its restrictions on the market, its attacks against private property, and the climate of institutional insecurity have diminished the entire capacity to foster an economy away from oil.
The United States has participated in several interventions around Latin America and the Middle East, I don't doubt it, but in the specific case of Venezuela it is not, the governments of Chávez and Maduro have failed on their own.
I also have no doubt that both American and Mexican politicians are favoring the drug trade, otherwise it would not take so much power, but leftist politicians in Latin America have a long tradition of contacts with drug traffickers, since they have always seen in the trade of drugs a stable financing method throughout the region. The contacts and relationships that AMLO has, in addition to its ideology, suggest that he is not the exception. Behind him is Slim and Soros.
Everyone agrees that Mexico needs a change in its political, social and economic structure, but not any change is good.
Not to mention Obama telling the DEA to stand down in relation to Hezbollah smuggling cocaine into the US
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I love the optimism in the article and hope that these events could lead to cannabis being fully legal on the federal level. My only concern is that regardless of what is said publicly, the Mexican government knows that the drug cartels are the only thing that can be called an economy in certain regions and if cannabis was produced and sold locally in the US they would take a huge hit in their budgets. They don't tax drug money directly but do have high taxes on everything else imaginable so they get the loot 2nd hand, we all know what's going on. I support a plan to legalize it in both countries so that we can get an above board system of trade going at the very least for sure though.
The cartels have been shifting away from cannabis for a while anyhow, legalization in the US killed their market, who smokes Mexican swag these days?
But pot legalization is as much about rolling back the police state the drug war has brought with it. It has been, along with central banking, the biggest expander of real corruption in America over the past two generations, turning peace officers into law enforcement and militarizing the police to fight an ever-escalating war to stop a black market.
There are still plenty of pot-related arrests, raids and budget line-items in small towns all across this country. And that vector of corruption would end so we can begin working on some of the others.
For sure cannabis legalization was envisioned and has functioned as a tool of racial and social suppression. Ending it is a good start but I wouldn't expect it to have much impact on the cartels though as they have already shifted their business model to other products. We really need to legalize all drugs if we want to put a dent in them.
I agree and I think we are all on the page in that the drug war has been used as a tool of control by the powerful against the vulnerable people. I'm for taking away as much of that said power away from those who would use force against anyone. I would love to trust the police again but time after time these drug raids and endless busts show me things need to change before I can feel safe around them though. A good start would be changing the proactive policies they have and have them only respond to citizen complaints rather than them stirring up / looking for trouble in poor neighborhoods.
just remember that for every abuse of power you hear about there are millions of other cops not abusing their power. And we have all these cameras these days, the police will be only as corrupt as we allow them to be. The police didn't make drugs illegal or enact gun control. They only enforce the stupid racist laws that the legislatures we elect make. I lived in a neighborhood where there were loads of gangs and drugs being openly sold, the police started hanging out more and all of that went away, it improved the neighborhood a lot. Poor neighborhoods are where people openly sell drugs and where 99% of the murders happen, that's where the cops should be. People who claim that is racist are pushing division and lies.
I have police in my family, my dad was NYPD and my cousin was NYPD Emergency services (i..e.Quanitco-trained sniper). And I can tell you the corruption is deep because of the systems in place.
Of course not all police are corrupt, but the systems, the experiences and the economics perverts everyone's perception over time. And that is what we have to change.... the systems into which we put good men who decide to become public servants.
That's our responsibility and we can and should support the roll back of them. It's not going to get better by doubling down on enforcement... it's enforcement that creates the corruption. Trust that people are better than that, because they generally are.
If cops didn't have drug and gun laws to enforce, like if a young man was allowed to ride around with a bag of weed and a pistol, then they would not have much to harass people about and could focus on actual crimes. And of course then there would be far fewer police needed and then far less police misconduct and corruption.
True enough, I live in Canadian border so by the time anything came up from south of the border it was always a brown/black brick seeds that gave most people a headache. Good stuff came down from Montreal and up from Tiajuana. I guess that's why they switched to fentanyl sadly, it ships easier and stays fresher.
there are a lot of reasons for the switch, mostly it has to do with being able to buy synthetic fentanyl from china easily and cheaply and it being a super easy product to traffic and us pulling out of Afghanistan. I think the CIA switched from heroin to fentanyl and that's why all the heroin is gone and its all fentanyl now.
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I think the world is slowly becoming sane, cannabis legalization on the horizon, ushered in by none other than Donald Trump, finally some common sense. Some people seem to be losing their shit as a result though. TDS is a global epidemic.
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