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RE: Step Aside Please, Orca Coming Through

in #newsteem6 years ago

You crazy dude!!!

When I saw steem diving to almost 12 cents today I really thought of you. That you'll definitely do your move.

Good stuff...great stuff actually...happy to have met such a positive character my man!


Crazy maybe indeed. But well thought of.
And even if it should go lower I'll buy more.

Keeping money in the bank for me isn't an option anymore, like I already wrote in that previous post. We're losing money at the bankers.
This way I at least still have the possibility to make some more.

I couldn’t agree more man. Nailed it.

Happy orca status. The next level is gonna be hard to be reached but imagine us in a few years sperading steem to newcomers the same way some happy whales are doing now...while steem will be sitting at 10$+

That'll be the day. Besides that: being at just 10$ already would give me a nice early retirement.