Step Aside Please, Orca Coming Through

in #newsteem6 years ago

'Don't waste your time, or time will waste you'.
This is the slogan written just below my accountname.
I like that one.
Because it represents a great deal about who I am, what I do and
how I look at things and life in general.

Only 3 days ago I announced having reached 40K.
But with a Steem price low as it currently is, I just couldn't resist
waiting any longer.
And although the crypto bloodbath wasn't funny at all to watch,
this for me was the right time.
So I bought more.

Now I'm not telling you this to brag.
Neighter to show you how proud I am.
I don't give a shit about status. Never have.
Here for me, that is no different.

Not that my stuff is all high quality, but I see lots of notorious shitposters
having a reputation of over 70 who started here long after me.

I do like the upvotes I get ofcourse.
But I far more like a good or funny comment.

There’s a story about a man who bought a small and worthless piece of land. In two years time he turned it into a fabulous looking garden. People came from everywhere to see it.


One day, a man came by and saw the garden and thought it was really amazing, but he wanted to make sure the gardener did not take all the credit.

So he entered the garden to get the chance to meet the gardener. He eventually found him, shook his hand and said, “Mr Gardener, you and the good Lord together have made this beautiful garden.”

The gardener immediately understood the point the man wanted to make.

So he replied, “I think that’s true Sir. If it wasn't for the sunshine and the rain, and the miracle of the seeds and the soil and the seasons, there would be no garden at all.”

“But you know, you should have seen this place a couple of years ago when God had it all by himself.”

Now I'm not at all a religious man.
But I like that story.
Because that worthless (SO IT SEEMED) piece of land could be STEEM.
And we are all gardeners here.

where the masses will gladly be brought in, we all have to do our part.

Oh yeah, in case you missed the headtitle ...
I'm an ORCA from now on.
Have a nice day/evening



And to get an awesome, entertaining (thanks @nonameslefttouse) "Steemgarden"


After feeling like I've bombed pretty hard today... Thanks for that.

And congrats for everything else.

Thanks man.
Wanted to highlight that word 'entertaining' again.
Because that's what people want and get attracted by in the end.

You crazy dude!!!

When I saw steem diving to almost 12 cents today I really thought of you. That you'll definitely do your move.

Good stuff...great stuff actually...happy to have met such a positive character my man!

Crazy maybe indeed. But well thought of.
And even if it should go lower I'll buy more.

Keeping money in the bank for me isn't an option anymore, like I already wrote in that previous post. We're losing money at the bankers.
This way I at least still have the possibility to make some more.

I couldn’t agree more man. Nailed it.

Happy orca status. The next level is gonna be hard to be reached but imagine us in a few years sperading steem to newcomers the same way some happy whales are doing now...while steem will be sitting at 10$+

That'll be the day. Besides that: being at just 10$ already would give me a nice early retirement.

Wayhay!! Congrats in joining the club mateybaws!!!

And I like that story too!

Thanks mate, let's swim together hahaha.

With our gigantic penises, terrorising the high seas!!!

Hahaha, One for all, and all for one!

Oh lord, that blight a horrible vision is raised weapons clashing together in salute... Yikes!! :0D

Hilarious! Am still laughing. Thanks.

Need a 'no homo' here? :D

Congrats man, I'm hoping to catch you two big boys up at some point!

Not any doubt you'll get there too amigo. And that would make the scene complete. Three Musketeers it was, not?
No raised weapons clashing together, but ... Highfives perhaps? lol

I think the less said about Orca's and weapons the better - high-fives it is!

Hoping to get there at some point, but will need so fiat invested to catch up. Cheers :)

You are stubborn and confident in what you have chosen, it's a nice way to success.
The story is great!!! I do hope it's about steem. And i do hope for good rains too;)

Thank you Talia.
The story is about Steem also, but could/should be appplied to Life in general as well.

Amazing....smassshing through! Congrats again

Sorry for letting you come visit me for the second time this week, but with such prices I couldn't resist. lol.
Thank you Mr. Kilimanjaro long as I'm welcome, let me keep coming haha

Anytime man, anytime you're welcome.

Good move, mister Orca, I would do it too, but not in that position right now, maybe in a few weeks! Be careful with that gigantic penis though!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I am careful, don't worry. A bit trouble finding the right balance and pushing that wheelbarrow all day long but I'll get used to that.

Congratulations. With this whale is in site.

I'm out of money now, hahaha.

Here my 1 ct.
It's a (new) start.

Congrats gringo. I guess this is enough reason for an extra beer this weekend?

Thanks mate. Yep, will let sink in a couple to celebrate a bit.

I enjoy your sense of humor... we need more of it in this world. Use to be lots of funny shows on TV... Now you have to watch 50 year old reruns to get a laugh...

Thanks man. Hope Scary Mary has forgiven me for last post already ...

I don't know, she's a lot like an elephant...
