Happy New Year!

in #newyear5 years ago

Hi Friends,

The 2019 year is about to end – it was a good year for me and my family for sure!


Looking back, there were some highs and lows. Lows include losing my grandma and a close uncle. My wife and Kendra had some health troubles which made 2019 difficult at times. But overwhelmingly, the year was a good one as I have excelled in my career, spent quality time with friends/family, made lots of great memories and did many things I enjoy.

I do not know why the good Lord continues to bless me like he has, but my hope and prayer for the new year is that it all continues!

No matter how your 2019 year was, I wish blessings and happiness for 2020 for each of my friends on here!




Happy New Year to you and your family, @brian.rrr!

May the year ahead be even better.

Bright Blessings!

Happy New Year Sir. Wish 2020 Would Be A Great Year For You And Your Family.

Posted using Partiko Android

Happy new years!! :))