Other Niche Communities Curation Report #1210

in #niche2 years ago
Authored by @ybanezkim26

OCD's support is expanding!

Hello everyone! This is the 1210th compilation post of OCD's latest curation efforts. It has been known that OCD has been supporting leading niche communities under its Community Incubation Program. However, there are still a lot of other niche communities not supported by OCD. This curation initiative will help in supporting those communities.

This newest curation effort aims to encourage authors to post in appropriate communities even if those communities are not under the incubation program. This will also encourage users to explore more into the different communities in Hive.

How this Works

OCD curators and community leaders will find posts from other niche communities and recommend them for an upvote. Unlike those communities in the incubation program where curation is focused, this curation initiative is spread out. This will help find undervalued posts from smaller communities that deserve support.

This will highlight both the author and the community where the post is located. This way, smaller niche communities can focus on growing their subscribers and increasing the engagements within their respective communities. A small boost goes a long way.

Speaking of boost, here are the curated posts for this batch:

Curated Posts

Community: LifestyleAuthor: @anafer21

These are my 10 random facts about me 😎 || Estos son mis 10 datos random sobre mí 😎

The idea to make this post came from instagram, I was watching some friends' stories and one of them was following a trending topic which was about: 10 random facts about you. I thought it was an interesting idea and I didn't hesitate to follow the trending topic, not only on instagram but also on this platform, but this time detailing a little more about my personal tastes.

Curator: @victoriabsb

Community: Ladies of HiveAuthor: @beeber

My Favorite Childhood Toys (LOH Contest #140)

I think there are two good reasons why I still have a few of my old childhood toys here. One is probably that I don't have children myself. But the other is that I never really had to clear out this room of my childhood. I moved out of home at 24, but the one room was never really needed by my family. I had room when I came to visit from Bavaria and so it comes that here is still this small cabinet full of memories

Curator: @millycf1976

Community: WEEKEND EXPERIENCESAuthor: @deirdyweirdy

Clothes don't make the man.

It all started with an advert in the ‘personal column’ of Hotpress, Ireland’s only music paper. ‘Gentleman Punk seeks intelligent Punkette’ read the ad. It was 1978, I was almost 17 in my last year of school bound for college and imagining myself quite the intellectual I replied. And no, I didn’t make a habit of it. It was the only ad I ever answered. And yes all you Generation Zers, that’s how we found love in the bygone days of the 70s.

Curator: @millycf1976

Community: LifestyleAuthor: @maydelvalle

Iniciativa: despidiendo mi mes de junio en fotos. Recordar es vivir 😍🌞

Starting precisely in the month of July, paying tribute to the month that ends, June was loaded with many good things and others exhausting. Starting with the fact that we visited the United Nations pool in paradise, right there we wait to enter the final round of the karate seminar. Since then we have not returned, I miss seeing my little guy dressed in karategui 🥺

Curator: @elizabeths14

Community: Family & FriendsAuthor: @vaneenieves

[ESP-ENG] Otro profesional se une a la larga lista familiar / Another professional joins the long family list 🥳

Hello friends and family, excellent start of the month, six (6) months of 2023 have already passed and truly this year came with a lot of strength and surprises, today I can not describe the immense happiness I have to share with you another achievement in this huge family of mine and that is that, WE HAVE ANOTHER PROFESSIONAL AT HOME 🥳 one of my little cousins who for me is my brother graduated yesterday as a Mechanical Engineer from the UNEFA and truly these 5 or 6 years (I lost count 😂) were very strong for everyone actually, that man even cried at one point of the race that he no longer wanted to continue, He felt that he could not make it, and it is no secret that studying in Venezuela has become a difficult issue because, the career you want is not given in public universities or the monthly fees of private universities reach a point where they are difficult to pay or the issue of expenses, The expenses, such as the cost of tickets, indefinite class stoppages and the lack of teachers to teach the subjects and when you come to see the career you are studying, instead of taking 5 years, it can take up to 6 or 7 years to study, so well, this achievement is very significant for the family.

Curator: @erikah

Community: HiveGardenAuthor: @multifacetas

Garden Journal -July Challenge: Renovation of mini succulent garden🌵

In the meantime, I was busy with my household chores. At one point I went to my garden, I noticed that the plants were stressed due to the high temperature that was occurring at that time. I started moving some of them inside the house and others in the garage, then I hydrated them because the heat was quite strong.

Curator: @erikah

Community: Daily BlogAuthor: @generikat

A Wildcrafting Ramble

I mean, today alone I had to shovel out, scrape out, and pressure wash the barn. We hauled garbage, I hand watered a bunch of stuff, helped the hubs move corral and cattle panels, helped pull t-posts, and lectured the young adult who spent the night in his jeep in my driveway last night instead of coming into the house and crashing. Darn young people and their conscientious of other's time and comfort ways! (This all happened before noon btw).

Curator: @lauramica

Community: Hive DiyAuthor: @edittasc86

[ESP-ENG] Tutorial Zarcillos bordados de corazón ❤️

I had days with this idea in my head, between one thing and another I hadn't even done it, until I said this is the perfect moment 😅 and I got down to work.

In this opportunity I come to share with you the elaboration of super cute tendrils, for any occasion.

Curator: @lauramica

Community: Ladies of HiveAuthor: @yessi08

Esp/Eng Community contest, ladies of hive #140: my perfect Saturday, and my favorite toy!

I work from Monday to Friday as a teacher of basic education, and, on Sundays I always go to Church; so, the only "free" day is Saturday, which means that it is the day I take advantage of to fix the house, clean and wash; but sometimes I like to take that day to do nothing, and, that is my perfect Saturday!

It should start by getting up at 7:00am at the latest; I don't like to go past that time; after getting cleaned up, I go to my room to pray and read a psalm from the Bible; from then on, I don't want to do anything else, just stay in my pajamas all day, and under no circumstances should I have to go out, that would spoil my day! I love being at home, if it were up to me I would work from home!

Curator: @erikah

Community: The MINIMALISTAuthor: @honeydue

I don't really need more. (KISS BLOG)

I've long been an admirer of minimalism, but in a very faraway, vague sense. sort of like, I love that, but I could never do that. I like minimalist interior aesthetic, for instance, but there was a long time in my life when minimalism seemed tied with privation of some sort or another. Why deprive yourself, I thought?

As I've grown older, I've come to see, though, that's asking the wrong question. You're not depriving yourself at all, you're sticking to what's essential. You're orienting yourself away from the material, and into the spiritual. That's wealth untold, paradoxically.

Curator: @millycf1976

This concludes this batch's curation report. We would like to congratulate those who are featured and supported. Keep up the good work and continue to explore Hive Communities.

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Muchas gracias pro valorar mi contenido, una motivación mas. Saludos especiales a @elizabeths14 🥰🥰🌼🌼🌼

You're Welcome Bella 🤗💕✨

Hi. Thank you very much, dear @erikah and @ocd for appreciating my work.💖

Gracias por el apoyo.

Thank you for the support