I think people who don't want to vaccinate themselves or their children will have their reasons. Saying no to something you don't agree with seems legitimate to me, and in principle saying no would be enough without giving any further reasons. Often we don't know how to explicitly say the reasons ourselves, we have different thoughts and arguments at different times and it is difficult to give a single reason.
Unfortunately, the 'no' is not accepted by others, especially in relation to vaccination. So we look for arguments to support or reinforce our own rejection. Since it has become customary nowadays to use scientific papers for this purpose, this is what they do. In science, both positions can always be found.
To position oneself as a critic of vaccination is not only not socially acceptable, it threatens to become a taboo subject. I think you might agree that truth is not to be found per se in the majority. So I think it's important to recognise that the widespread support for vaccination is not solely due to the belief that it will work, but that the danger of being ostracised as a refuser and becoming socially unacceptable is a very real danger.
From my point of view, the ostracism and exclusion of vaccination sceptics is illogical, because those who are themselves convinced of vaccination can have themselves vaccinated and can henceforth be relaxed about those who do not. So where is the problem?
You would think right?....but the problem is that the media, doctors and the CDC are busy telling people that the non vaccinated are the ones spreading covid that are creating the break through cases. That isn't the reality of it in places like Israel who have vaccinated a majority of their people but it's the vast majority of the vaccinated who are spreading it. There was never any chance what so ever that vaccinating during a pandemic would stop the spread of covid because you could never vaccinate everyone at the same time. Many people were bound to give covid to vaccinated individuals. Where the big ouch comes in is that people actually believe that if the non vaccinated would go get vaccinated these break through cases would stop....but it's gone beyond that now, they don't understand that covid is more rampant among the vaccinated now then the non vaccinated because their are more vaccinated then non vaccinated people, it's a sixty to forty percentage with the non vaccinated being the later, it's just the CDC hiding the number of vaccinated people getting covid by not requiring the reporting of them unless hospitalized or death occurs. What I find even more shocking is that people actually think they have immunity from covid if they are vaccinated. There was an article here the other day where a hospital is going to require everyone working there to get vaccinated, you'd been surprised at the number of comments from people commenting they don't want to go see their doctor or nurse who hasn't taken the necessary steps like themselves to protect the public.....there is no protect the public, that horse went out the barn door weeks ago.
There is no logic in all this if you ask me. Contradictions at every turn.
Personally, I have a relaxed view of diseases that are attributed to "viruses". I've spent long enough on the subject, it would go too far to put it in the answer here. But have a look at @active-truth 's blog, there you will find largely mirrored what I myself think about this matter (or check my blog where I here and there touch it).
Simultaneity, I agree, is impossible to achieve anyway, and certainly not if you want to force it. With such a strong intrusion into the lives of individuals, resistance is not only acceptable but also provoked. After all, it would be a complete illusion to assume that all people are equally committed to a single story and behave "like one man".
Greetings to you.