in #nigeria4 years ago

Hi friends,

Welcome to another edition of V&V where we create with our words.

On today’s episode I’ll be sharing my personal experience about my health. So there was a time I started to feel a little lump at the back of my neck. And I got bothered, So instead of panicking, I started to speak to it. You know our default reaction when we discover something going wrong with our bodies is to panic. That’s normal because we are humans and we have been fed with several information on how sicknesses can lead to death and all. The key note here for me is knowledge.

What you know about a thing determines your reaction to it, but I want to shift your focus a little bit. Do you know that your words are more powerful than any sickness or ailment and even the medications that you believe could get you healed.

Try taking some dose of positive words anytime you notice any concerns about your health. The point I’m trying to make from the story is that after few months I couldn’t find the lump anymore.
My body responded to my words and now I’m very fine. So, it’s okay to say that I created my experience of sound health with my words.😊

You can also give it a try. Our words work..

Here is my affirmation for today;

Today, boldly declare that the power of sicknesses and diseases over my life is broken.
By the stripes of Jesus, I am healed. The word of God is health to my flesh.
The Spirit of God quickens me, my body & mind and my emotions are made whole.

Thanks and see you tomorrow.