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RE: My Mixed-up Feelings on Being a Yoga Teacher

in #nocomfortzone7 years ago

I so SO enjoyed this post @katrina-ariel ! It's an honest and open look into a world I had never considered, I think the conception is that yoga teachers aren't business minded- or ever stressed, they're just always blissed out of their mind because of all the yoga they get to do!

I especially love the term "Recovering Perfectionist" I'll can totally relate and see myself using that one (with credit to you of course).

A thought I had while reading about how stressful filling classes is, would you ever consider doing private classes? A bit like what a personal trainer does? Personally I'd feel SO indimidated going to a class, but if I had the money for a one on one session I feel like that would be the BEST.

Maybe it's not done for a reason, or maybe it is done and Ive never heard of it...

Either way awesome post!


I'm so glad you enjoyed the post! Yeah, it's easy to think that yoga teachers are calm, collected, and generally have their sh*t together. Not always so. We're human like everyone else.

I did do private sessions for a while. Honestly, a lot of people are intimidated about going to a yoga class, but when you get there for the most part people are too busy focusing on their own practice to look around. And everyone was a beginner at one point, so no worries. :)

I'm sure someone else said "recovering perfectionist" before me. No need to credit. I probably got it from someone else and I can't remember who. ;) Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to respond!

Of course! You deserve it after taking the time to write an honest and thought out post!