The same agenda is happening in the whole of the EU , have you not seen the replacement mentality of this? look at the UK and my home city Birmingham for instance, white English are now in the minority in that city, by far the majority moved in are Muslims, not only Pakistanis but Nigerians, Afrikaans, etc etc etc, they went to the UK and do not integrate, they have their own areas, you do not have to divide and conquer, when people are divided by choice, these people care not about politics, voting or mixing with others not of their own kind, and this is the whole point I think, the government can then do as it pleases, with no resistance, as the majority are actually minorities. just my humble opinion.
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Yes absolutely, the situation is dire in Europe. But I wanted to specially focus on Canada. Where I live and have a deeper knowledge of current and past events.
You're right about the government seeking to have no resistance to their plans. Here in Canada the government is seeking to mix up everything and turn the youth into an extremely confused race of mind slaves.
great comment thanks.
cheers, that was my point, these things are thought up in places like the Bilderberg group, and implemented in the west as a whole, we are all in it together, though where I live now in Poland resistance is massive, and they will not find these people so eager and willing to take in the great "unwashed"