"Diversity is strength" if you're a Canadian and haven't heard that phrase uttered by the government (bout a million times) then you must be living under a rock.
It's the motto of the liberal party and their cultural Marxist leader Justin Trudeau. Leading the propaganda charge to brainwash every young Canadian they can with their inclusivity garbage.
"Every time, every time a tourist or an immigrant or a refugee shows up in another country there’s a security risk."
— Justin Trudeau
Truth is, diversity is their strength, not ours. Not the real Canada that is. The one that was built by our forefathers. Not by the Muslim migrants that are being brought in at a rate unheard of in recent history. - 1 million in the next 3 years
Don't get me wrong, I have no issue with Muslims themselves, I may not agree with many of their views but as far as I'm concerned they are people too. But why is the Canadian government so keen on bringing in immigrants? Is it because they care so much and want to help these poor people find a new home?
“You chose this country. This is your country more than it is for others because we take it for granted.” - Justin Trudeau
No! No they don't! They have motives of course.
"Nothing is going to impact this country [more] besides increased automation and technology than immigration will and this impact will grow in response to [the] declining birth rate, aging population and accelerated retirements," he told CBC News. -source
Filling in the widening gap in population growth of Canada. Our declining birth rate is disturbing.
Just below 1.6 children per household on average. Fact is we are not replacing ourselves. Now a reason for that is a socially engineered shift in society's inclinations to start a family. But another even scarier reason is fertility. male fertility is down 60% in North America. That is a crisis! And instead of the government addressing it and trying to curve the major decline in fertility, they are just going to sweep it under the rug by artificially growing the population by way of mass adoption of immigrants.
Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen said "that by 2036 100 per cent of Canada's population growth will be as a result of immigration, it stands at about 75 per cent today." -source
Furthering adding population problem, the government is pushing gender confusing propaganda in schools Some governments are even cutting free services provided by fertility clinics. On top of that we have provinces making abortion pills free.
"British Columbia will begin offering free abortion drugs to women on Jan. 15, providing even more incentives for women to abort their unborn babies."
"The province follows New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Alberta, Quebec and Ontario in its decision to offer the deadly drugs for free through the taxpayer-funded health system." - source
With a declining birth rate, making abortion easier is the last thing we should be concerned with. It's no wonder the future for Canada's population is looking bleak as fuck!
Meanwhile we have more and more sanctuary cities are popping up in Canada.
"A sanctuary city is a city that limits its cooperation with the national government effort to enforce immigration law. Leaders of sanctuary cities want to reduce the fear of deportation and possible family break-up among people who are in the country illegally so that such people will be more willing to report crimes, use health and social services, and enroll their children in school. Municipal policies include prohibiting police or city employees from questioning people about their immigration status and refusing requests by federal immigration authorities to detain people beyond their release date, if they were jailed for breaking local law."
Current list of sanctuary cities in Canada.
"Toronto was the first city in Canada to declare itself a sanctuary city, with Toronto City Council voting 37–3 on February 22, 2013 to adopt a formal policy allowing undocumented migrants to access city services.[139] Hamilton, Ontario declared itself a sanctuary city in February 2014 after the Hamilton City Council voted unanimously to allow undocumented immigrants to access city-funded services such as shelters, housing and food banks.[140] In response to US President Donald Trump's Executive Order 13769, the city council of London, Ontario voted unanimously to declare London a sanctuary city in January 2017[141] with Montreal doing the same in February 2017 after a unanimous vote.[142]
While Vancouver is not a sanctuary city, it adopted an "Access to City Services without Fear" policy for residents that are undocumented or have an uncertain immigration status in April 2016.[143] The policy does not apply to municipal services operated by individual boards, including services provided by the Vancouver Police Department, Vancouver Public Library, or Vancouver Park Board.[144]
As of February 2017, the cities of Calgary, Ottawa, Regina, Saskatoon, and Winnipeg are considering motions to declare themselves sanctuary cities.[144][145]" - source
Illegal immigrantion is becoming a big problem as well.
Just checkout this exposé video made by my friend @leighstewy. an excellent truther you'll want to follow for sure.
Also checkout an interview of Leigh by @pressfortruth on her exposé video.
"And I'll give you the quote so that you guys can jot it down and put it in an attack ad somewhere that the Liberal Party believes that terrorists should get to keep their Canadian citizenship," he said. "Because I do. And I'm willing to take on anyone who disagrees with that." "as soon as you make citizenship for some Canadians conditional on good behaviour, you devalue citizenship for everyone." - Justin Trudeau
Somali Terrorist Charged In Canada Attack Was Previously Deported From The U.S.
"It's not known at present whether Sharif made an asylum claim while in the United States. If he did, and that claim was rejected, normally Sharif wouldn't be able to make a claim in Canada under the Safe Third Country Rule, said Calgary immigration lawyer Michael Greene quoted by CBC. But Canada has made exceptions for minors or people with family in Canada, Greene said. "An asylum seeker or potential refugee claimant, even if they've been in the U.S., can still in some cases make a refugee claim here," he said.
"Will the terrorist incident be a wake up call to Canada? It appears not: Canada's Public Safety Minister Goodale said that events in Edmonton over the weekend in no way indicate that Canada's screening process needs to be enhanced, or that the system failed."
So I asked earlier why is the government so eager to bring in as much diversity as possible? Two words divide&conquer. Yes! That's it! They are trying to breakup the country in order to weaken us. To Balkanize Canada in order to destroy our national unity and everything that makes Canada, Canada.
}# But how will they keep Canadians from standing up against their agenda. Well they have to convince us that we are all islamophobes that need a lesson in inclusivity.
Motion 103 passes in house of commons
"Islamophobia" let's just take a second to analyze that word.
Islam - the religion of muslims
Phobia - an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.
So meaning anyone who has any concern, criticism of the islamification of Canada is irrational and therefore any concern of theirs is invalid Islamophobic hate speech.
How will they convince Canadians that Canada is full of Islamophobes? Fake hate crimes stories.
Only problem.. the attack never happened it was a total lie.
Politicians and their media puppets were so eager to push their propaganda the stupid fucks didn't wait for confirmation of the story.
I suppose it didn't matter whether the story was true or not, the damage was done. You can bet the retraction statements will be slow coming, if at all.
"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." - Mark Twain
Check out this excellent analysis of the hijab hoax by fake news report.
source "I don’t read the newspapers, I don’t watch the news. I figure, if something important happens, someone will tell me."
— Justin Trudeau
Political correctness is horrendous, it's been fed into the psyche of the sheeple as it is the elites way of having said sheeple police themselves to the point that most are afraid to speak out about anything for fear of being accused of an 'ism'
Trudeau is nothing more than a haircut waiting for a brain, he's just doing what his masters tell him like Merkel, Macron, May and the other traitorous scum currently ruining Europe.Nice post @venomnymous A perfect post for the #nomorefakenews tag
Thanks brotha! Your tag idea inspired me to get my ass back on track and write a truth post to counter all the fake news garbage out there.
More to come for sure ;)
This comment alone makes writing the post worth while, if we each get someone writing truth posts we'll have a bonafide movement in no time.
Thanks buddy.
Hell yeah!
Damn right. Very inspiring
Diversity is opposing ideologically Fascism, because Fascism is uniformity of ideas and purpose (e.g. Rule of Law?). Thus the Fasces is the symbolism is what tells you whether a group is fascist or not. Fasces are made from a bundle of identical sticks all tied up in a bundle with an axe head placed amidst them. The military is a fascist organization, a cult can be a fascist organization.
What happened though is that it began to be used by radicals without a self reflection among its members, who cannot determine what the word actually means and why it is on so many flag emblems. So they unironically all start wearing black hoods and enforcing a same style of thought, unaware that they've been indoctrinated into a fascist organization. Diversity where acceptance lest you be labeled a "bad word" is bullshit, and it's very virtue signalling as opposed to actual facts.
Reject the attempts to coerce your society by bad actors in the state, they do not have your interests at heart.
Well said.
Thank you.
Hey, great post @venomnymous! sorry I must have missed this .. I can't stand Trudeau everything about him is just so fake! And if I see him cry one more bloody time!! lol
But yes it's so true, it's being done to weaken society and destroy nationalsim as a way of creating the planned global citizen of the NWO one world government. Equally if it causes terrorism or social unrest then it's also a justification to bring in more spying laws, spying technology, soft martial law and attacks on freedom of speech! Which in turn becomes a war on freedom of thought as the public begin to subconsciously police themselves. And that's why people like yourself that are prepared to speak their mind are so important!
Win win for them and lose lose for the people and by that I mean all people, because equally many of these immigrants are being used as pawns in a game. Indeed the powers that be (certainly in Europe) appear to be intent on stifling differing opinions and from a psychological perspective, if you take away people's voices and right to disagree then their voices turn to shouts of anger. This anger will eventually lead to the rise of the far right and social unrest, then the governments will come in and mop up the pieces. There are no easy answers my friend.
No worries great posts slip past me all the time on here lol.
Yes absolutely. The immigrants are as much victims in this as the citizens. We are all pawns in their game of chess. Problem is they got everyone playing checkers. The board looks the same but it a whole different game and sets of rules.
Thanks for the comment friend.
Wow! Thanks so much for featuring me in your article! Great post with tons of info that Canadians deserve to know :) Re-steemed!
Hey no problem! You did some great work reporting on/exposing Canada's 'asylum seeker' shenanigans.
Thanks for the support @leighstewy
They have always divided and conquered since the beginning. and yet,who is going to stop them?
Posted using Partiko Android
I'm Canadian. Elections here are awful. Three major parties: Liberals, Conservatives, and NDP.
The NDP is ultra-leftist. The Liberals are similar. The Conservatives are just a bunch of neo-cons.
Democracy isn't freedom.
The same agenda is happening in the whole of the EU , have you not seen the replacement mentality of this? look at the UK and my home city Birmingham for instance, white English are now in the minority in that city, by far the majority moved in are Muslims, not only Pakistanis but Nigerians, Afrikaans, etc etc etc, they went to the UK and do not integrate, they have their own areas, you do not have to divide and conquer, when people are divided by choice, these people care not about politics, voting or mixing with others not of their own kind, and this is the whole point I think, the government can then do as it pleases, with no resistance, as the majority are actually minorities. just my humble opinion.
Yes absolutely, the situation is dire in Europe. But I wanted to specially focus on Canada. Where I live and have a deeper knowledge of current and past events.
You're right about the government seeking to have no resistance to their plans. Here in Canada the government is seeking to mix up everything and turn the youth into an extremely confused race of mind slaves.
great comment thanks.
cheers, that was my point, these things are thought up in places like the Bilderberg group, and implemented in the west as a whole, we are all in it together, though where I live now in Poland resistance is massive, and they will not find these people so eager and willing to take in the great "unwashed"
Sorry I wrote a small novel... ^_^;;
Love it! I like when people actually take the time to offer a piece of their mind. Thank you 😊
You are my new favourite person! XD