I never said they ever had been I said they were supposed to be.
I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything I'm trying to get a thread of properly researched truth posts here that is easy for those who care about real news to find.
What are you doing about something you clearly think is wrong other than having a go at someone who is trying to affect change?
Fuck all looking at your blog. Posting YouTube videos of morons isn't going to make the world a better place is it!
"Fuck all looking at your blog. Posting YouTube videos of morons isn't going to make the world a better place is it!"
Okaaaay, not sure where that came from but hey whatever makes you feel good lol
The fact is I wasn't trying to have a "go" at you or anyone else. Just expressing my opinions.
Too bad you have to go on the offense and personally try to denigrate someone else and their work here.
Plain and simple when someone resorts to that it usually means they come from a weak position.
It's exactly what we are seeing with this President... i.e don't like something you hear or something that contradicts your position then lower the bar and start hurling personal insults and uncalled for rhetoric.
The current Administration has made this permissible and you ( even though you are from Great Britain)are a prime example of the kind of things we are seeing now in the US !
I know I truly appreciate your Post and your points and views within it. And the amount of diligence and work you put in it is to be highly commended as I gave you an Upvote. Although I might not agree completely with them, they are very sound points and ideas you talk about !!
Actually, I agree with a large portion of them. And I. too , am a seeker of Truth so I can appreciate that.
The fact is Iam always open to hearing the other side and having constructive and critical debate.And I refuse to participate in this immature bantering of personal insults and going back and forth with that !! No thanks, I'll pass.But by all means, you can go ahead and have at it.
P.S. I truly hope your #nomorefakenews will be applied in a unbiased manner. Starting with the President of the US who is the purveyor of #fakenews and a pathological liar along with his cronies. And Iam neither a Dem or Republican. And cannot stand partisan politics. Btw, it's funny when I started watching CNN I begin to see that they do report on a lot of negative news related to Trump and the Conservatives. Much of it is sensational trivial news. But in the last few months I begin watching Fox News ( maybe in UK you don't watch that ??) . Let me tell you I have NEVER EVER seen such blatantly biased news and they do not even hide it. It's so much full of right wing, pro trump propaganda and hype and little facts..well it's hard to sit through. But I somehow manage lol. Like I said I try to look at all sides. Bottom line : #nomorefakenews needs to be applied all the way around. Left, Right etc..
If Truth is where you are going and want to go, then I'm all in with you. Sometimes I might be fidgety with some contrarian views along the way but in the long run TRUTH always has to be prize we keep our eyes on.
It appears we have have missed each other's point which is ok, differing opinions and healthy debate is good. I mistook you for one of the many trolls that pervade social media sites these days which is why I went on the offensive.
IMO the networks should be ignored as they're trying to control the thoughts their viewers by spinning non stories in tit for tat attacks on the opposing side they support, something they should never do. Report the facts on real stories and let the viewers form their own opinions, that's my issue. No impartiality and bullshit narratives created to distract from real and important stories.
I totally agree.
That's the attitude which will slowly make a change if we can get folks to adopt it. Write posts along those lines and you'll get traction here, a good following and maybe a few bucks into the bargain.
Peace dude.
Yep, sounds good. Iam Following you now and look forward to seeing more posts from you in the future. I know for all people to a certain extent it can be damn hard to Follow the Truth because it can hurt so damn much. i.e religion, relationships, hard core family traditions and beliefs etc..etc.. But not being led by Truth and not trying to find it can hurt so much more.