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RE: One Bit News - Technology - Week 5

in #norway7 years ago

The emerging technology of artificial intelligence, or AI, crosses several techniques simulating human cognitive processes. Existing since the 1960s, research has recently developed to the point of multiplying applications: autonomous cars, medical diagnostics, personal assistants, algorithmic finance, industrial robots, video games ... The explosion of computing power of machines shifted the IA in the 2010s from a classic sci-fi to a reality closer and closer, become a major scientific issue. Deep-learning, algorithms of neural networks or quantum computers: hopes for transhumanists, so many fears for many high-tech figures - including Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates or Elon Musk - who point out the ethical risks of an AI made too autonomous or conscious, and the fragile balance of benefits and risks on employment.


Hi @lovework
Yes, it's something we should think thru this a community. Do we really want to take this path?
It's always been a bit of controversy when new tech is deployed, like color television and radio. (who would read books if could see the stories)

But this time it's different?
AI could do the same to humans as the steam engine did to the horses 120 years ago. ;)
Best regards, @Erlendgroseth
For @Onebitnews