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RE: An infidel reading the Quran #3

in #norway7 years ago (edited)

@doetwa In Islam, there are very strict rules for killing and even for waging war, there are certain rule-set which have to be followed. In short, you cannot kill any innocent human being which is not in directly engaged in war with you, unlike in battlefield. So any person who does this is clearly violating all the rules set by Islam and this act should not be associated with Islam.
Maybe you have heard about that verse of Quran

"Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors."(Quran,Chapter 5, Verse 32)


@doetwa @needofhour @nime Please comment the name of the person you are responding to, just to avoid confusion :) Thanks for your comments.

What about the verse that speaks of the rock that cries out to the muslim to kill the christian or jew that is hiding behind it? Why are there so many muslim terrorists that are killing innocent people? What is "innocent" according to islam? Is a person who chooses not to believe in allah still innocent? Or are only other muslim innocent people?

@doetwa Definition of innocent is same as found in dictionary, if you are not involved in direct warfare then you are innocent. You cannot claim that every major world religion don't have black sheeps, there are no 100% good Muslims, Christians or Jews etc and as i have said earlier Islam is against innocent killings whether Muslim or not.
It is a general logical rule that whenever something is quoted from any book or religious scripture, it should be according to context and that stone reference you gave is scenario of war

You question is going in another direction but i don't want to ruin post of Epsicktick because he is discussing another point in this post. Maybe you can yourself post about it and i would love to answer

I agree fully that there are no 100% good people in any segment of society. However the number of those in islam appears to me to be quite high when compared to any other segment of society. You cannot deny the constant and persistent rate of suicide bombings, knife attacks and rapes perpetrated by people of muslim faith. When I look at people from the jewish, christian, hindu, sikh, new age, mormon faiths, I do not see the same violence. Why is that?

@doetwa but you would have noticed have in those parts of world where Muslims are in minority, their rights are violated to highest level. Its a fact that in recent mas shootings in USA for 2016-17 more people were killed by 'White extremist' but it still does not prove that all Christians are like this, there are more good Christians in USA i believe.
So, my point is wrong thing is not justifiable, all things you mentioned rape, terror, horror etc , it is not essence of Islam, actually against it

That is not true. In the UK, the rights of the muslim population are not being suppressed, to the contrary. There are still many terrorist attacks perpetrated by muslims in the UK - just look at this year alone. Also look at France, Belgium, and Sweden. All these countries do their best to appease their muslim population yet they experience increased lawlessness, rape, violent attacks and murder. When you consider countries like Poland and Hungary, you see no such attacks. Why is that?

@doetwa How you can believe mainstream media?
I have would also given examples in the very beginning of our conversation like why attack Paletine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Myanmmar, Kashmir etc but that is not going to solve any problem.

This would be my last reply to you on someone else's post. I suggest you kindly post about it yourself...

I do not watch mainstream media, precisely because they attempt to cover up violence. I only watch alternative media and local news media. It's hard to say something hasn't been blown up when it has. Islam has a problem with violence. Apart from the violence perpetrated upon disbelievers, or "infidels", in western countries, consider the violence perpetrated upon women and gays in middle eastern countries. Gays being thrown off tall buildings, women being stoned or lashed for being unfaithful, or being accused of being unfaithful. Does this sound like a peaceful religion to you? Now, I don't intend to characterize all muslims as being violent as I have met some very nice and respectful muslims myself. But as far as the actual religion goes, I have yet to be convinced that it is peaceful. One of the biggest red flags for me is this: despite all the violence perpetrated by a "handful of extremists", there is no condemnation by the remainder. Where are the protests for peace from moderate muslims? Where are the outcries for peace from moderate muslims?