Thanks for comments and a question @Singa
The first picture shows the nest. The nest consists of yellowish straw that is attached to the spring on the ship side. If the bird got hatched birds, I do not know. I was just on a day trip and told about these nests.
But I've seen that seagulls can build a simple nest in the most unusual places. I have also noticed that the birds sometimes fail to bring up a new generation of birds. Perhaps this is a place where the seagulls were not able to bring up the new generation.
I know that Common murre (Uria aalge) just put eggs directly on a flat shelf on the mountain.
That's why their eggs are very pointed, so they do not roll outside the shelf but roll around in a circle.
Very interesting.
You know so much.,
thank you for telling me about these wonderful birds.,
my friend @Siggjo
I wish you a wonderful weekend.Best wishes from @singa