Reirbygging på ei ferje. Seagulls building nests on a ferry.

in #norway7 years ago (edited)

På turen til Ona fekk eg oppleva noko eg aldri har sett før. Straks eg kom i land med fotoapparaet kunne ein person på kaien fortelja meg at det var måsar som hadde reir på skipssida. Eg var ikkje sein om ta bilete av dette fenomenet. Kvifor byggjer desse fuglane reir på skipssida på ferja?
Personen som opplyste meg om desse fuglane som hekka på skipssida, fortalde at dette truleg kom av at når ferja manøvrerte i hamna, så vart sjøen virvla opp slik at småfiskar og anna etande kom opp til overflata. Dermed hadde måsane både reirplass og matfatet sitt på same plass. Så fuglane finn seg stadig nye måtar å livberga seg på.

On my trip to Ona, I experienced something I have never seen before. As soon as I landed with my photo appliance, one person at the pier could tell me that there were seagulls who had a nest on the ship. I was not late to take a picture of this phenomenon. Why do these birds build nests on a ferry ship?
The person who told me about those birds who haunted a ship said that these nests probably came from the fact that when ferry manoeuvred​in the​e harbour​, the sea swirled so that small fish and other food went to the surface. Thus the seagulls had both nests and their food in the same place. So the birds still find new ways to live on.

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Thanks for comments and interesting link @Tobixen

Wow! I wouldn't have seen their nests on the ferry.
Thank you for telling me about them and showing me these
interesting photos, my friend @Siggjo.

Best wishes for you from, @Singa

Me too!

I've never seen their nests on the ferry lol

Thanks for comments and a question @Singa

The first picture shows the nest. The nest consists of yellowish straw that is attached to the spring on the ship side. If the bird got hatched birds, I do not know. I was just on a day trip and told about these nests.
But I've seen that seagulls can build a simple nest in the most unusual places. I have also noticed that the birds sometimes fail to bring up a new generation of birds. Perhaps this is a place where the seagulls were not able to bring up the new generation.

I know that Common murre (Uria aalge) just put eggs directly on a flat shelf on the mountain.
That's why their eggs are very pointed, so they do not roll outside the shelf but roll around in a circle.

Very interesting.
You know so much.,
thank you for telling me about these wonderful birds.,
my friend @Siggjo

I wish you a wonderful weekend.Best wishes from @singa

the bird of first photo are so stretegical beautifull,,,really so gorgeous dear @jiggio ...really this place of norway so enjoyable for travelling ..,

Fin blogg du har :)