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RE: What is "good" content?

in #notagoddamnnovel7 years ago

Good content is any fucking thing I'll like to share.

If I post anything, it's good content.

I decide, Case Closed


Amen to that. Who are the whales to judge!

They whales aren't the ones judging, they're all too goddamn lazy and that's why this place sucks.

too busy auto upvoting each other more like. This place sucks cos there are too many jumped up non entities telling everyone what they should or shouldnt be posting. If people can buy their way to power, how is this any different to the system we have already that everyone is allegedly so against?
Everyone has principles when it suits them or doesnt cost them

Take from the rich, give to the poor! Fuck the system!

What does bamboozle me is how they aren't even trying to make Steem the "next big thing", isn't it worth a try when the rewards from far easier methods are lucrative enough or is there some other reason like competition for stake, cornering enough market share before trying to actually make it work or just milk it until it dies?

Is there any kind of discussion going on between the whales? If not, why?