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RE: Unexpected Career Change - Terrenden Stories - A'mara Books Erotica

in #nsfw5 years ago

You can try use Lbry to get more rewards for your content.
Its invite link:$/invite/@SoftTouch:4

When you post content, other users can send tips to you. Also you can sell access for your romance.
On lbry you can upload video, pic and text documents with pictures.

If you sing on Lbry, give me link and I support and follow you! Good luck with romance)

Posted via | Get Rewards for Sexual Content

Thanks. I'm actually on LBRY already. These short stories will probably go up as a collection though I haven't spent enough time looking around LBRY to find out what sells well there. and after searching for the link, I see it was sitting on this page the whole time as part of my signature! lol

You have few followers there. I haven’t sold anything there yet so far, but this platform has great potential.

I think you can try the following:

  • Create a separate post and tell that you sell books in LBRY and how it works.
  • Remind each story at the beginning of the post that users can purchase books in LBRY
  • Post some free quick-release stories to warm up your audience

You can also try to voice the story and upload it to YouTube. I once wrote a short story, voiced it and uploaded to YouTube and it gained about 1000 views. In the video I attached a link to Dporn.

PS: follow you

Posted via | Get Rewards for Sexual Content

Thanks for the advice. Thus far, I've not managed to be pre-emptive in uploading to LBRY (i.e. before I share them here...) so the link thing hasn't worked, but it would be easy to create a "buy here" link to go before/after each post.

I don't have a good way to do sound and/or video yet. I'd love to branch out, but so far I haven't seen a good way to do it for minimal investment while I'm still experimenting.