I saw:I took a look at https://xrebellion.org/
Governments tell the truth
about the ecological Crisis
WWII-Scale Climate Mobilization for
zero emissions & drawdown by 2025
I see little point in demanding 'zero emissions' but ignoring Chemtrails
Chemtrails have nothing to do with the nomral emissios of planes; it is a deliberate attempt to kill all of us - while also killing to extinction levels all other forms of life. To me, this is priority level ONE. If I were younger, had some training and could get my hands on them, I would be keeping myself blasting them from our skies all day.
Also, did you know that prisons have now adopted a 'no visitors' rule?
The prisons used to encourage visitors so that the prisoners still feel they are a part of their family and community. Now, it is no longer desirable (I wrote a short story about this, but it needs re-writing, so it may only be posted in a few days). Your article above makes it clear why they want the prisoners to be/feel disconnected from society.
The reason for contacting them is they are organized and closed down London a few weeks back with a peaceful protest with a show of perfect civil disobedience. They are scientists and ordinary people, we could educate each other, and they are willing to talk, all the above thoughts you just stated I/we could talk to them about.
I had to start somewhere and this is only the beginning, I aim to be in full swing with it in the new year, with a lot more people to help me/us. :-)
Being a cypriot and living in South Africa, I do not qualify (it seems) for joining any of them, but I will take a keen interest in checking on all you report.
My very best wishes - but, to me, I think the fact that you are trying is what matters. Can we find another 100 million willing to try?
It was 44 people in a few days, today it stands at over a few thousand, at this rate sir YES. :-)