The we are not amused club!

in #nwo6 years ago (edited)


Some people do not like my methods.

Some people do not like me full stop. And that is fine. Regardless - the "we are not amused club" now has 44 members in various countries. I started the club, I do not own it, the idea or run it. There is no leader.

Anyone can join, also we are looking to set up a website soon.

The house of lords in the UK has been notified in writing that we the people want to invoke Article 61. This I shall cover in a separate post.

The aim now is to link up this club with others like the extinction rebellion group here.
I aim to ask them to demand all hidden patents with regards to renewable cheap energy for all - to be released with immediate effect. Ensuring we can move away from the fossil fuel mess we are in now, with the control grid it brings with it and endless wars.

The yellow vests in France, hackers, experts, engineers & anyone who has a grievance with how society is being run now, head first into a mass civil war and financial collapse due to central banking, Fiat debt loaded money etc - are also being contacted and welcome.



If no action is taken now, the prisons for profit will lead to the largest amount of prisons worldwide, with more people in them than not, as this gives free labor to the government, and they can - and are making new laws by the day to fill these prisons. Just look at the amount of incarcerated people in the USA if you need proof here - Incarceration in the United States is one of the main forms of punishment and rehabilitation for the commission of felony and other offenses. The United States has the largest prison population in the world, and the highest per-capita incarceration rate.

Prisons for profit are also now in Europe too.


Hospitals - big pharmaceuticals. - cure not treatment.

Most people are aware of the killings of people who find cures for things like cancer, many doctors/scientists have been killed this year alone, I will cover them in a different post as it deserves such and so did/do they.
The end of lobbying any government will be requested, so that cures can be found not costly treatments like the practically useless chemotherapy that killed my father, step father and many many friends.

Why is the success rate of chemotherapy very low? And is it possible to improve that?
According to a 2004 report by Morgan, Ward, and Barton: "The contribution of cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adult malignancies. ... survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA."

The end of lobbying will also stop the trade of buying new laws to be passed that benefit the corporation doing the bribing. It has been proved this was used so the US government even stocked up on a deadly - killer flu vaccine for nothing but profit.

Think Gardasil too. Gardasil Vaccine: Spain Joins Growing List of Countries to File Criminal Complaints.


Central banks!.

With the current system - central banks are the single largest contributor to war and injustice. A more sound monetary system with local banks in towns and cities making their own money is one of the requests.
With everyone owning a share in said banks, and any profit going directly back in the pocket of all local citizens, this ends the current debt based model that is leading to 1% of the population having more wealth than the rest of the people on the planet combined. I have covered those statistics based on fact before, so not doing so here.

If interest is to be added to said money, a debt relief period will also be given every 3 years. This I shall cover with the basis to the proposal in a different post.


Corporations and their control.

To end the current system with regards to corporations paying less tax than the average person, corporations will be required to carry the largest tax burden, not the smallest. To control the greed of said corporations, a certain amount of shares in those corporations will be required to be given to each employee, so that if the employee gets sacked or laid off, they still have a source of money/income regularly from the shares, ending the need for unemployment benefits. This releases the government/s from that burden, hence we then demand the difference in amounts be given in tax relief for all people in the country proportionately.



To achieve the end goal regards ending taxation with regards all people - will require the "sound monetary system" I proposed above. If you can print as much as you like, there is no need to tax anyone, other than greed and control.


Smaller government & more local control.

With ever expanding government like we have now, we end up with what we have, the nanny state and it dictating to people, it was designed to serve and give security to all. With them no longer being accountable to the people, their role needs reverting back to type, and so does the police force, it needs to serve and protect all, not just government via taxation with fines. (Lay down those weapons local police.)

Having people on a local level I.E. everyone taking some control and say in what happens locally - takes away the power of central government, and will lead to a higher standard of education, as everyone will be a equal decision maker. Everyone will be required to have some understanding with regards to local needs too.

Empowering all people takes away the nanny state. Local councils with everyone welcome to participate and put forward ideas. Local people know better what local people need, not a central government.

These local council ideas I will cover again in a different post.


Ending war.

We are at the discussion stage with regards to this idea. Any thoughts are welcome, as they are with regards to all the above.
One proposal is a blanket ban on the killing of citizens, and that it should be worldwide law that only those that signed up to die (soldiers) should be targeted.
Another proposal is the banning of shares being sold in arms companies, so that nobody profits from death/war.

Another one was that politicians fight it out themselves, either in a boxing ring or to the death, with pre agreed targets or requests.

A total ban with regards to all weapons of mass destruction.


The so called free press.

It will be required to hand back control of investigative journalism to qualified people. Not just the copy/paste rubbish we get served up at the moment, that serves to further corporate agendas like all of the above.

This is only the basis and subject to change and new ideas as they arise.

None of the above is set in stone. All ideas are welcome and may be added. A council will be formed with people from every country all around the world. They wanted a new world order, well here it is and all free and at no cost to anyone else.

Anyone that wants to join in and secure a better future for our children and loved ones is welcome to join. We the people, we of the "we are not amused" club are actively looking for volunteers with skills to help. Website designers or anyone else, We do not want or ever will - your money!.

There is a lot more to be added to this list, like ending secrecy for government. Ending false flags. Ending tax havens for the rich. Ending the pollution of the skies by airplanes that we see daily now termed chem-trails.

It is only at the start point, and like I said open to more suggestions. One being ending the phony/useless UN. Ending charities that take a lot more than they ever give back. Taxing religions if everyone else has to be taxed etc etc etc.

@shepz1 drops the mic, leaves the keyboard alone and heads off to watch some sport.

All images pixabay.

Any spelling errors I shall be back later to edit out.


Some people do not like my methods.

Haha maybe they don't, but personally I always have a huge amount of time for anyone that's dispense with the bullshit and the platitudes and is prepared to shoot from the hip and tell it exactly how they see it!

You have some great ideas contained within this post and I very much respect your passion and dedication to make our world a better place, my only concern would be xrebellion .. it's my belief (that alongside many others) they are a fake rebellion that is set up to further this aspect of the globablist agenda and create the perception that the common man/woman are demanding change. Of course 99% of it's members will be completely unaware that they are being (potentially) used and I don't for a second doubt the passion that many have for the earth, but I see nothing radical here. I see them demanding the same things that the deep state want but that they need the people to demand .. to feel as though it is their change and not simply the implementation of a predetermined globalist intent. I don't see them asking the same uncomfortable questions about the fake green revolution that I asked in the green energy post I dropped you .. I see them following a familiar narrative, and my intuition (which I always follow) tells me something is off!

Excellent work my friend .. hope you've enjoyed a lovely family Christmas and as I'm going to be away visiting family.. I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year!! I'd also like to offer a heartfelt thank you to you for organising the steemians of the year competition .. and for all that voted for me and to @bashadow and yourself for all the work you've done and for my Christmas gift .. I really do appreciate it! :D

Always good to hear from you and your thoughts my friend.
The only reason I hooked up with them is they managed that civil disobedience in London, and asked for other changes in a different article, some very similar to my thoughts above.
I see them if you like as organized useful idiots, & will try to find that article for you for when you return.

I agree with your thoughts re their direction at the moment, though they have asked me for this list above, and we are in talks.

There is method to my madness, and a lot more going down than people realize at this minute in time, like the closing of a certain airport with drones, I can say no more about that though for the moment.

I wish I could tell you more right now, though that would incriminate me on the chain lol.

Have a superb time with your friends, I look forward to your return.

No worries dude, I look forward to seeing what you've come up with :D I will also have a couple of posts in the New Year that go some way to explaining my thought processes at this moment in time. Speak soon!

I took a look at
I saw:

Governments tell the truth
about the ecological Crisis
WWII-Scale Climate Mobilization for
zero emissions & drawdown by 2025

I see little point in demanding 'zero emissions' but ignoring Chemtrails

Chemtrails have nothing to do with the nomral emissios of planes; it is a deliberate attempt to kill all of us - while also killing to extinction levels all other forms of life. To me, this is priority level ONE. If I were younger, had some training and could get my hands on them, I would be keeping myself blasting them from our skies all day.

Also, did you know that prisons have now adopted a 'no visitors' rule?

The prisons used to encourage visitors so that the prisoners still feel they are a part of their family and community. Now, it is no longer desirable (I wrote a short story about this, but it needs re-writing, so it may only be posted in a few days). Your article above makes it clear why they want the prisoners to be/feel disconnected from society.

The reason for contacting them is they are organized and closed down London a few weeks back with a peaceful protest with a show of perfect civil disobedience. They are scientists and ordinary people, we could educate each other, and they are willing to talk, all the above thoughts you just stated I/we could talk to them about.

I had to start somewhere and this is only the beginning, I aim to be in full swing with it in the new year, with a lot more people to help me/us. :-)

Being a cypriot and living in South Africa, I do not qualify (it seems) for joining any of them, but I will take a keen interest in checking on all you report.

My very best wishes - but, to me, I think the fact that you are trying is what matters. Can we find another 100 million willing to try?

It was 44 people in a few days, today it stands at over a few thousand, at this rate sir YES. :-)

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Everything in your info is really interesting ... I´m against of the governments´ rules..... The most important part is ººººhumans´rightººº but how can I help you with this important message you are trying to show to the world, I´m from Mexico ...!!! If exist anything I can do, please let me know @shepz1

You just joined in by commenting and being willing to be aware and willing to listen. :-)
The website will be up soon I hope, so then everyone can join that wants to join, with a safe space to talk about ideas too.
Thank you for your interest and kind words.

Thanks a lot @shepz1 if you want to help people with health problems especially in chemotherapy problems, I know this is really difficult to be better, but I want to let you know that I bought a Canadian franchise, this company is helping too many people with health problems,

But this is also a business and people who are interested in this product to get a better life need to buy it, So, it has an extraordinay results....

So, I don´t want to mention the product here, because I respect people´ health . But if you are interested in help a lot of people this is the only form I can help for now.

Just send me an email to [email protected] and I can share with you the link and the complete information in English, French and Spanish....

Have a great day...!!!

Thanks my friend, I shall drop you an email later tonight.

costly treatments like the practically useless chemotherapy that killed my father, step father and many many friends.

Chemotherapy I believe is to make certain the person actually dies from cancer, while at the same time earning the medical community a bigger profit. Those "cancer survival" statistics are a misnomer; should read "Chemotherapy Survivor"

£100,000.00 on average the medical trade make from chemo in the UK was a statistic I read years ago, it is probably a lot more, so yes, I fear you are correct on this one broskie.

I fear you are correct on this one broskie.

I'm not gonna 'argue' with that :>)


you need to make an individual about the barbaric chemotherapy. Something must happen, to assist people to have a better ending, no point in torturing them, just to keep them alive

I certainly will my friend.

Any spelling errors I shall be back later to edit out.

Your fingers moving faster then your

Some people do not like me full stop

You are to funny...who couldn't help but like you...

We are not amused club...I like that, maybe I shall pass that along, you'll need everyone you can get to take on that growing list of government/corporate wrongdoing.

Thank you kindly.

Great post - sorry I missed it - it's probably too late to give you my 16 cents worth, but I'll make it up to you! :)

Better late than never my friend. :-)