911 was planned over 50 years ahead! Or was it a coincidence?

in #nwo8 years ago

It's known by people that 911 was an inside job. This is a clip by ODD Reality (former ODD TV) that show over 60 predictions of 911 in movies and cartoons. All coincidence?? Dont think so.
Maby it was planned in the 50s or earlier? The predictions began in the 50s according to this video.

Lately I have bin seeing 102 everywhere in movies. 2 october is the end of the Super jubilee in the hebrew calendar.
It could be the day when everything will changes.


Too bad ODD has gone full retard on flat earth bullshit. Such a brilliant researcher, what a shame...

Earth is flat. If you just take 10 min and do some own research you will find out. I have done about 5 experiments and the resault is that the earth is flat. I didnt believe it at first, but if you have an open mind you will see it. I have done the research for about a year and have found zero proof of the globe model and about 300+ of the flat model. I have studied math, physics and recently astrophysics at the university. Even my teacher agree. He said I shouldn't spend the time to discuss it, people are to stupid and close minded. The only proof they have is bad words.

One experiment I did was to send a weatherballoon to about 120'000ft at 00:00. Guess what? the sun was clearly over the horizon. If you know basic physics you understand that it's impossible on a globe earth.
that video will be uploaded soon

Not even looking for a discussion here but I only needed like 5 seconds to quickly check everything I know against this "amazing" and disturbing at the same time fact when I first came across it somewhere on youtube. My understanding of how the world works helped me make sure my sanity is still with me and believe it or not I am a very open-minded person too. Freemasons that fed you this beautiful theory are still laughing.

do you even have the knoledge to calculate the curvature of a distance of 100 miles? If you know it then it takes about 5 sec to figure out that there is no curvature. It's Very easy. I can see 100 miles from beach to beach where I live. That would also be impossible on a globe model. But close minded people don't believe it anyway. Just the fact that you haven't even question it when you see a video on youtube prooves that you have a closed mind. When you understand why they have lied about it you will get the whole picture. You will start living a life you are supposed to live.

So where did the towers go? www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6_aQQLYNw8