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RE: 911 was planned over 50 years ahead! Or was it a coincidence?

in #nwo8 years ago

Not even looking for a discussion here but I only needed like 5 seconds to quickly check everything I know against this "amazing" and disturbing at the same time fact when I first came across it somewhere on youtube. My understanding of how the world works helped me make sure my sanity is still with me and believe it or not I am a very open-minded person too. Freemasons that fed you this beautiful theory are still laughing.


do you even have the knoledge to calculate the curvature of a distance of 100 miles? If you know it then it takes about 5 sec to figure out that there is no curvature. It's Very easy. I can see 100 miles from beach to beach where I live. That would also be impossible on a globe model. But close minded people don't believe it anyway. Just the fact that you haven't even question it when you see a video on youtube prooves that you have a closed mind. When you understand why they have lied about it you will get the whole picture. You will start living a life you are supposed to live.