Fascinating presentation. His final recommendations were no surprise:
- Cut the carbs
- Avoid linoleic acid
- Eat at home more
- Eat more saturated fats
But what I learnt, even though I couldn't totally follow the chemistry, was:
- Saturated fat --> Return electron transfer --> keeps nutrition in circulation instead of in the cells --> Reduces hunger
- Linoleic acid --> No return electron transfer --> all the excess nutrients into the cell --> doesn't reduce hunger, effectively ACTS LIKE supercharged carbs, more obesity
When carbs are eaten with saturated fat, requires way less calories to reach satiety, then carbs with unsaturated fat.
So to answer his initial question - why did carb consumption suddenly skyrocket around the early 80s? - his hypothesis is that it was driven by the increase in vegetable oil consumption around that time.
Any major points that I missed, or got wrong?