I've been on a plant-based diet for a while now and while I honestly haven't noticed any health positives or negatives, I absolutely feel better about my impact on the world.
Lots of people say they couldn't do it because they love cheese, or bacon too much, so I try and introduce them to veganish... where they eat in a non-destructive way, say, 95% of the time.
Not everyone finds obvious reactions right away but don't discredit them from happening-- you could be healing deeply on the inside and there is definitely medical evidence to support that :). For example, I had no idea about my blood and a lot of that list above took some good time for my body to harmonize into and detoxify from my past habits so maybe you'll be more aware of the changes in the future!
I know the mind gets in the way a lot, that's actually how I started out here-- showing people delicious recipes to mimic their favorite foods while being eco-conscious and cruelty free but reduction is a huge step so if it gets them there, then perfect! :)
Oh yeah, I'm definitely hoping there is a bunch of healing going on... I've always struggled with the sustainability and cruelty of meat, but it was honestly the potential to reduce inflammation and hopefully heal the myriad of overuse injuries/tendonitis I've collected.
I honestly can't believe the new recipes I've enjoyed since changing my diet... I had no idea that I was actually way more restricted in my previous mindset. It's been so amazingly weirdly exciting.