When AI will replace you

in #ocd5 years ago

I was reading the other day an article about the day when journalists will no longer be needed and Artificial Intelligence will take upon the task to write articles, combining algorythms and producing content. I stood in silence, pondering a little.... And started to make imagination exercises.

You see, a human could not compete with a machine on a technical level. A journalist can't write 24 hours per day, it would be impossible. Not for his mind as for his body. I believe that the capacity of our brain is infinite, only that we fail to use it as its maximum level. That is why I find it funny to implant a technical device, which has limitations, into a complex work of divine mastery like our brain. Of course, if some people decide that they are happy with using limited parts of their brain and want technology to take over because thinking on their own is too much trouble then they should have that freedom. They will suffer the consequences and maybe it is not such a bad thing for those who can't learn discipline, self control and other behavioral qualities on their own. A machine might actually come in handy in those unfortunate cases of lazy thinkers. If thinkers at all.


On the other hand, I wonder: who will curate that information? Set it apart, bad from good, false from true? How will it engage with the audience from an emotional perspective? Could AI write something that could touch your heart, could emotion be taught to a machine? In the light of these questions I believe that we humans are superior. If used right, emotions are the most powerful catalyst of action. Learning through imitation only works until a certain point is reached, just like children learn from their parents. From then on, they develop a behaviour of their own. AI is only a machinery created by the biggest machinery ever built: the human mind.

AI will grow as a concept and it will replace people in their jobs. I think it is wrong to believe that the role of AI would be to help people stop thinking. That is a dangerous path to take on. But in certain cases, it can become an asset.

Do an imagination exercise for me. Today AI replaced you in your job. For good. You are no longer needed to work your daily grind. Ever. We advanced enough to let AI make all the automatic processes. Now you sit still and free. What do you next?

Think.Use that brain. Think... What do YOU do?

Have a marvelous day and toodle loo!


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Work is something that is integrated in our body and mind, and we will definitely go to waste if all the work is going to be done by AI.
Though, if AI is going to do the work we hate doing, we can get on what we really love to do and start to build the authentic life for ourselves.

For me, it's the matter how we use this technology. :) <3

Exactly! It is about the how.... Now about the if.

Knowing this talking monkey though, makes it difficult for me to assume that the positive outcome is about to roll out.
Hoping for the best! <3

We shall see


Keep in mind that millions of human writers are currently writing all of the time. Therefore, as a collective, when one writer goes to sleep, another writer wakes up. Therefore, in that way, people are always writing. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a threat in the same way a gun can be a threat. AI is a tool and it depends on the creators of the AI. Not all AI is created equal. Therefore, people should have good AI to help them fight against bad AI. I will try to buy or make robot body guards. I love technology. It is up to each human to figure things out. For example, humans can choose to play with sex robots and sex dolls or they can choose to have real relationships with other humans instead. Already, people can choose what kind of world they want to live in. They can choose to live in virtual reality or not. Yeah, AI and others can and does in fact replace us in some ways. But at the same time, it is still a choice. The future is up to us, to each individual. We don't want to wake up to suddenly find ourselves in the Matrix, in Wall-E, in the Terminator films, etc. But people should always have hope in making the future the best we can make it regardless.

It is always a matter of choice indeed. It will be interesting to observe the influence of technology in how people live their lives

Edward Snowden was talking about this on Joe Rogan today on YouTube and it can feel quite overwhelming in the face of monopolies, remote access, centralization, automation, hacking, technocracy, plutocracy, cronyism, accelerated pressure; but we can always choose to be optimistic and ever-proactive regardless; and we must or else, with a smile on our faces.

Always smile. Even in front of terror. Smile.

I think our thinking of AI is that it will be submissive and subservient to us is arrogant once we achieve AGI it will quickly outlearn this species and planet and move on!

It will not be bound by metrics of time and gravity and the 3 dimensional world so who knows where it will go what it will explore what it will create

All we can hope is that it takes a copy or piece of our consciousness along for the ride

I think that AI can serve as a great tool if it is used for the right purposes. Our mind is infinite, our body is not. There could be some amazing possibilities in the far future of technology opening new roads for humanity. As long as people will continue to do their thinking and improving it

AI is a double-edged sword and more when we find macabre minds out there, with bad intentions.

Personally, I think it can be very useful if you know how to take advantage of it to facilitate routine tasks. AI lacks something that is typical of the human being and is related to subjectivity, to feelings.

It is always very nice to read your works!

Have an excellent day!


Hey! Devious evil minds will always exist. And there was no AI out there and they still managed to do harm.

I think AI can definetely have advantages, in the right hands of course.

Thank you for reading me, I wish you an awesome day!

Interesting ideea. Like the way you think. :) And to answer your question: I will do a lot of random stuff, to teach AI that not everything works by a set of rules. :D

Thank you for reading. Well doing random stuff will definetely not stick with the algorythm. And maybe that is the whole point of AI. Getting people to unglue themselves from not random robotic activities which AI could perform. There are so many ways to see this.

On the other hand, I wonder: who will curate that information? Set it apart, bad from good, false from true? How will it engage with the audience from an emotional perspective?

People already read a lot of AI material and YouTube is full of AI created videos. When it comes to false or true, that is an issue now and it could even be that an AI is more true than what we create, if it is unbiased - no one will be able to check it though. There are chatbots online and have been for a very long time that people interact with as if they are real people. I would assume that for many, a half decent AI will fool them, especially if you consider that it could hold all chat history as a model of future chat patterns. That way, it can stitch together conversations, much like a human does, except that its knowledge is drawn from all known knowledge.

The thing with future AI is, we can't likely outperform it at any level that matters. It can draw information in what would be a decentralized manner to a centralized point and process it millions of times faster as well as run millions of concurrent theoretical simulations, before answering a simple question.

It is going to get interesting.

I would fancy the idea of making AI working in the benefit of humanity as a specie, only to be placed in the right hands/minds. There is an advantage in the fast processing of data. I would use that power for research and science and ways to bring humanity to reach high levels of progress. If people will look at AI as a way to cut them some slack from thinking... Then... That will go down to a road which will not end up well.

It will surely be interesting to watch it, for as long as we will live. Which now is not much than 80-100 years. I wonder how a person 1000 years from now would see these statements that we do now. Oh the mighty power of imagination....

AI has a lot of potential to help us out in many ways, the problem will be that it will be mainly developed as it is now, to increase power, control and profits in the hands of a few.

I wonder how a person 1000 years from now would see these statements that we do now. Oh the mighty power of imagination....

"prophetic" :D

AI + greed for power = informational tyranny with financial, social, emotional consequences. This is a good subject for debate.

and pretty much what is happening now on all of the "for profit" centralized social media sites.

Yes. Watching and learning.... And always trying to stay away from the crowd, which most often follow the wrong path. Informational war is powerful

It looks like something from Ghost in the Shell, the union of the machine and the human. I don't really have a definite opinion on this, maybe I should think more about it. Interesting post.

Thank you for reading me! Do think about it😊

You need to have 1000 ENGAGE, in order to use this service.

I don't even want to think AI now. I'm an aspirant journalist. I don't want a dream crusher. AI will never replace journalists.

I don't even know what to think right now. One thing I know is that I'm going to keep on forging ahead with my dream while adjusting to the modern day requirements for journalists.

True journalism will never be replaced. Good luck on your job!

Thank you so much for the encouragement. It's a good thing that you think the same. Thank you once again.

I'll still have to focus solely on what I do best and improve my journalism skills (that's if it's a thing)

Always improve, results will come!

I will. It's necessary and essential in order to stand the test of time. I know some people that must have crashed or crumbled because of their refusal to blend in with the change in technology and advancement.

I'm all about the change and I hope it helps me in my quest to find my place in the world of journalism.

I am sure that you will find your place, you just have to persevere

You just have to get with the times. The world is going digital and very soon, people will be needed less. Humans will always adjust to suit the situation and there'll be new types of jobs and skills needed

Adaptation. Always adapt. This is the key

Yeah. The next generation will be digital super soldiers. Babies are already familiar with digital devices and all that. It is just transition

It is transition I agree. How much of the transition is evolution, I wonder?

Ah well, time will tell. We'll just have to wait and see.

Oh it will be interesting for sure. Thank you for reading me!

AI can write the articles...then AI could curate the articles....then AI could read the articles and tell if they are worth it or not.

We humans should eradicate ourselves...lol..

I was reading something similar like this in a book yesterday. And of the entrepreneur said something exactly opposite to this.

He said that technology will take up all the tasks that humans could do in the future except only one.

That is thinking. Those who can think creatively, would survive.

I think that people are the only ones capable to destroy themselves. And the only ones capable of great progress. Both extremes are achievable by the human mind.

Creativity and imagination is the greatest power of the human mind. A never ending source of awe and study for science

It's good that you got creative in your name and you are definitely creative.

You will survive all...

On the other hand, I wonder: who will curate that information? Set it apart, bad from good, false from true?

We are probably doing that right now, I mean everyone curating bots everywhere. The bots that get views get improved on and the ones that don't get enough clicks get replaced. If I understand right, all recommendations we get on other platforms are already AI, analyzing our patterns. It's not only one AI doing the things, each probably has it's own strengths and weaknesses based on their programmers.

The patterns are easy to analyise, the thing is that emotions do not follow a certain algorythm, therefore in that area AI will have difficulties in replacing people

True, but I think it will be successful at manipulating people's emotions, which is why we should be vigilant.

That is a good point!

As you said AI will probably never touch your heart and I also believe that there is not that much demand for tons of content thus we don't yet need 24 journalist AIs. Hope I won't live the times AI will welcome us at any corner...

I am sure that AI is a far away concept to be scalable in Romania at least. But I agree on the heart part. You can't build a machine to be able to feel like a human feels.

Romania still amazes me at what pace borrows the idiocy from US and other countries. I had quite a few acid discussions today while shopping and refusing to wear the mask.

Oooo I can imagine...... 🤯🙈🙉🙊

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I work as a researcher in AI. Almost everything you can read about AI is science-fiction. Today real AI applications are very disappointing, mostly image classification,automate translators and product recommendation.

Brain still the most powerfull computer ever created. You can recognize in 0 milliseconds your cousin (who you don´t see for years) among a crowd in a newspaper picture. And with almost 0 energy consumption. A computer should be trained for days and days with a huge amount of pictures of your cousin to give the same result.

However AI can now produce information. There is a new generation of neuronal networks called GANS (Genereative Adversarial Networks). A GAN can copy the style of a picture and then can produce similary stuff from scratch. But still in a non-industrial stage.

Human brain still needed in almost all creative works, because scientists don´t know how human brain really works, so it cannot be replicated into a computer. AI state of the art is insignificant compare to brains capabilities.

I think my last thought looked something like this..


That's Good! haha. Nothing beats a good imagination and the human interpretation of it. Interesting article sounds like.