On the other hand, I wonder: who will curate that information? Set it apart, bad from good, false from true? How will it engage with the audience from an emotional perspective?
People already read a lot of AI material and YouTube is full of AI created videos. When it comes to false or true, that is an issue now and it could even be that an AI is more true than what we create, if it is unbiased - no one will be able to check it though. There are chatbots online and have been for a very long time that people interact with as if they are real people. I would assume that for many, a half decent AI will fool them, especially if you consider that it could hold all chat history as a model of future chat patterns. That way, it can stitch together conversations, much like a human does, except that its knowledge is drawn from all known knowledge.
The thing with future AI is, we can't likely outperform it at any level that matters. It can draw information in what would be a decentralized manner to a centralized point and process it millions of times faster as well as run millions of concurrent theoretical simulations, before answering a simple question.
It is going to get interesting.
I would fancy the idea of making AI working in the benefit of humanity as a specie, only to be placed in the right hands/minds. There is an advantage in the fast processing of data. I would use that power for research and science and ways to bring humanity to reach high levels of progress. If people will look at AI as a way to cut them some slack from thinking... Then... That will go down to a road which will not end up well.
It will surely be interesting to watch it, for as long as we will live. Which now is not much than 80-100 years. I wonder how a person 1000 years from now would see these statements that we do now. Oh the mighty power of imagination....
AI has a lot of potential to help us out in many ways, the problem will be that it will be mainly developed as it is now, to increase power, control and profits in the hands of a few.
"prophetic" :D
AI + greed for power = informational tyranny with financial, social, emotional consequences. This is a good subject for debate.
and pretty much what is happening now on all of the "for profit" centralized social media sites.
Yes. Watching and learning.... And always trying to stay away from the crowd, which most often follow the wrong path. Informational war is powerful