After stumbling upon this account and their rewards, I got triggered again:
Basically, working for a curation outfit entitles you to posting rewards.
A core principle, and the unique feature of this blockchain is the rewards distribution mechanism.
Curation businesses undermine the curation process and ultimately the value of this whole project.
I made an infographic, since words fail to express my frustration:
Perhaps HIVE was doomed from the start, when the stakes were given to some real morons.
It’s always hilarious when someone who posts their 3rd grade lunch and pictures of bugs they found in their yard for $20+ whines about not getting more.
Your post with the most engagement is a whine fest so maybe you should just make crybaby posts where you demand $160 of upvotes because clearly, m’lady, you are entitled to it.
It's always hilarious how the beta cuck simp boys come out to defend their interweb waifus.
Other than personal attacks against me, do you have anything to say on topic?
I am pretty much donating my posting rewards, which I am sure you have seen, when you searched my blog for material against me. I am posting, because if I don't, you greedy slimballs will grab the rewards and cash them out straight.
Whatever goes on on my blog- I am not pretending to serve the community or claiming any of what I do was had work.
I staked up and I am now protecting my assets.
You weasle your ways into the rewards pool, doing the whale's dirty work and call me the bitch? Pathetic.
I hope @acidyo is cringing behind his desk.
Oh yes. “Waifu” because an Asian female must certainly be Japanese. How very white of you. Big secret: nobody expects anything but racism from Hitler’s retard army.
You know it is possible for people to be friends without some sexual aspect to the friendship? I actually didn’t look through your blog. I just saw the first post was a crybaby post.
It’s weird you call me “greedy” when I only withdraw what I earn crypto gaming. Aren’t you the one complaining that someone else made decent money on a post?
Also, point of fact: i am nobody’s bitch.
Btw, check my first posts from 2017. Not all of us here are “betas.” Some of us are well know for our propensity for violence and a complete disregard for human life. 😉
See you later bünd bitch 😘
Bitch looks Mexican.
last interaction I had with nathan was even more toxic than this so no I doubt he's here to defend me, but I understand you're grabbing at anything that suits your narrative now. enjoy being irrelevant.
Ah yes. You got sensitive and downvoted me lol
This is the exact personality type your groups attract; Whether that be steemcleaners, curie or whatever: This is your army of dogs.
This is exactly what I have been on about.
If that is what it takes you to be relevant, I'll happily pass.
I refuted most of your baseless accusations in dms, I'm done wasting time with you, not the first time you lash out on curation projects. Go find something valuable to do with your time.
Meanwhile me:

I don't think I can speak better than your infographic does.
and you conveniently left out your latest post that was in fact curated by a curation project, even the author mentioned by OP above doesn't get high rewards on everything she posts.
"and you conveniently left out your latest post that was in fact curated by a curation project..."
In fact I conveniently put only my last obviously underpaid post because if I had put all my underpaid ones the list would be longer than super model's legs. The last curated post of mine that you mention barely paid my fuel (which FYI is heading towards 2 euros/lt in my area). However, regardless how much my posts make I am always thankful to the curating projects either by upvoting or writing back a thankful message, without exceptions, appreciating the intentions. Anyone can see that since profiles are not private and that answers about whether I could "conveniently" attempt to show or hide anything here.
Post in question says curation projects shouldn't exist because they taint genuine curation. Do you think people such as yourself would go around looking for undervalued posts without an extra incentive to do so? You could argue not many would and it would cause a lot more autovoting or just lazy voting on people they know resulting in even less stake being distributed widely. A quick look at your account tells me it wouldn't hurt for you to engage more like you did in this post but with authors that share the same interests as you, having only 2x more comments than posts isn't that valuable for a social media platform in my eyes and our curation project often ignores such accounts as we'd rather reward those spending more time and effort here.
Not only you just confirmed @felixxx 's infographic by exposing your curation mentality but on top of that you chose me and not him as a target here, having the nerve to talk about "spending more time and effort" to someone like me who's posts often take days to finish only to get paid a small fraction of someone who just wrote a casual one page post. Just because I don't comment enough for your eyes. Well, that's what happens when people have the virtue of speaking only when necessary. And I've already said enough - have a nice day.
What does it matter how much time you spend on posts if no one reads them?
I already talked to felix about it in dms so it's not like I'm just targeting you for the fun of it. Build some connections, content alone on Hive isn't that valuable. Sure we don't have viewcounters to prove how little people care about most content here but the least users can do is interact, invite people to join Hive or share their posts on the centralized social media platforms. No need to get all defensive, figured you may need a reality check considering how long you've been here and still don't seem to understand how to actually bring some value to Hive.
I see that "content alone is not that valuable".
comment:In fact, your statement is underlined, for example, by this posting here:, to which I made the following
I come to the conclusion that all one needs to do is become a curator who has been commissioned to scan "quality content" in order to then secure the high payouts by writing about postings that show a lack of originality? One's own rules don't seem to be worth much as long as one just extensively and vigorously beats the advertising drum on other channels? In what way would the above post be understood or even interesting by an audience not yet active on Hive?
Such things, I think, run counter to your other efforts to make Hive an interesting and vibrant place. I agree then, it really doesn't matter what is published here in terms of content. But then you have a paradox, because if content doesn't count, but only marketing or how active a user is here, we can probably laugh at this together.
To me, you seem very defensive in terms of critique - but will you disagree that cases like the above one, let your efforts being judged in a different light?
I was going to write exactly the same. He was just proving my point.
There are very good and very generous guys on the Hive blockchain. You are one of them. Thank you so much for what you do (both to you and to everyone else, who listen and help/support others). I still believe in the community of the Hive blockchain.
Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings from Hungary.
All I am saying is that my efforts get swiped away by one move of those curation groups.
This is not your fight, though. Better not get involved.
I just can not help myself.
Right. I already have more than enough fight in my life, and I cannot do much on Hive with the current amount of my Hive Power (767 Hive Power) anyway.
we all do a good job here friend that is why the #Hive blockchain grows every day.
Does it? For a thriving social media platform that "grows every day" the daily active users are quite stable.
Sometimes a stable daily active user is a good sign as it shows that regulars are engaging in the platform where it goes is all dependent on how the ecosystem and the individuals in it evolve in the process... Just like in terms of stocks whenever they plateau 1 of 2 things will typically happen it will either be have a parabolic move upwards or downwards depends on how things continue to play out.
Holy crap this was such a beautiful deep dive for me on a personal level but I sort of want 5-10minutes of my life back from reading some of that lol there needs to be audio form for this text so I can 1.5-2x speed to understand faster.
From my little time here both of what you and @acidyo says resonates with me on many unique levels... I personally have this "VIP" membership and as I learned more about it and the process I too became against such things, but I'm not able to sell it or just risk losing all value as the owner or someone can just buy 1 piece leaving the entire empty. Although even then I don't make posts even with trails after me.
I think a huge issue with this I do disagree with though is I don't like the idea of curation "businesses" vs non... I think that is a huge oh us against the government type of thing and that just feels rather ignorant on both parties. For example I for one always stand up for my beliefs against all odds at times if I have to, but I always try to think objectively and subjectively. There are great curation projects/"businesses" and there are bad ones what determines that to me is their core principles and how they choose to execute such processes...
"What does it matter how much time you spend on posts if no one reads them?" I'm rather disturbed and upset at this particular text from you, acidyo... because although quite guilty of sometimes using these metrics to validate myself I too had to ask myself why do I do what I do sometimes and does what I am fighting for matter, but in end of the day YES. We shouldn't write because we feel it should get upvotes or people should read them, but as a way to express ourselves and grow within our own understanding and expression of ourselves. Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind. Your posts will end up reaching your target audience regardless of trails or not if your efforts are there and I genuinely and truly believe that.
Sure there are a lot of dark and abusive situations out there, but it is about collectively understanding one another's ideals and theories and formulating win-win situations out of it. @nathanpieters ... wow I'm sorry for whoever hurt you... but simplifying waifu and classifying it as simply japanese culture is simply not true it is more of a fandom type thing that started out with mangas and anime sure but just as that concept evolved so should we as a hive COMMUNITY. Being a racist in order to fight racism and oppression isn't a sound solution... I'm also not sure why people have to be so offended and give defense vs an "alpha" or "beta" male... News flash alpha's don't refer to other's as betas nor need to defend themselves to such regards... They just act in ways that are congruent to them and lead through their ACTIONS and WORDS. (I say this last part with great heart as I have reflected on this subject quite a bit and have been guilty of both sides)
I think the duality of human beings and that of this hive ecosystem is truly intriguing... I think both you @felixxx and @acidyo have great minds/personalities and seeing this childish back and forth was a bit disheartening... I wonder if a lot of the curation projects are just vanity projects or truly ones of substance, but I've been here too short of a time to have any opinions on this in either direction...
Any ways the only salty thing here should be !PIZZA hope you all have a wonderful day as this may have been a TLDR by most of you, but I felt compelled to write it and express myself so I did.
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