I decided to log into Steemit...
to see what all the foreign was about.
The first thing I saw was loads of posts with hundreds of dollars worth of upvotes, all in languages I dont understand at first glance, all looking rather curious.
So many new shapes to learn, and I like to try and figure out which way around people think about things when their language suggests alternative pathways than my own mind's structure.
One post in particular stood out because it was only 6 minutes old and had already made over $450. And if this person lived in a certain type of country, that money cdid hould be worth double or more. I wanted to know how the post came to be worthy of such an amount, maybe i could learn something about this person, gain something worth knowing. You know, the whole reason we bother to write, apparently.
I cannot wait for the days where an ear fish helps me hear every language perfectly,
but i am stuck with google translate for now. I thought it probably wont interpret the best way, but i can reimagine the beauty of what the intended sentence should become.
Let's see what beautiful words and sentiments might be worthy of paying someone $450...
이 기쁨, 기록으로 남기기 위하여...
To Record this joy...
(okay, so joy is being recorded, seemingly exciting, yes?
어제는 아, 날이 바뀌었으나 그제가 되겠군요.
일전에 자랑을 한 친구의 시상식과 전시회가 있어 인사동에 있는 한국 전시관을 다녀왔습니다.
정말 기쁜 일이고 마음껏 축하를 해주고 왔습니다.
Yesterday, ah, the day changed, but it will be that day.
I went to the Korean Pavilion in Insa-dong because there was an awards ceremony and an exhibition for a friend I was proud of the other day.
It's really nice and I'm here to congratulate you.
(Ok, so i'm wondering, how cool is your friend, getting awarded at an actual exhibition, ooo. Google makes you sound like a child in my head because of it's weird translation skills, but still, that's pretty big deal to have a friend being publically rewarded... i'll read on)
고용 노동부 장관 상장과 함께 500만 원에 상금이 수여되었습니다.
정말 가문의 영광으로 생각해도 되는 영광된 대상 수상입니다.
어느 공모전이나 대상은 대단한 것입니다.
A prize of 5 million won was awarded along with the award by the Minister of Employment and Labor. (ooo)
It is truly an honorable grand prize that can be considered as a family honor.
Any contest or grand prize is great.
(Still sounding like a kid talking about his mate in this situation, but I still think Google could be to blame for that perception, it comes across so simple minded but that doesn't necessarily mean an idiot.)
우리 스팀 짱에서 실시하는 짠 문학상 대상도 역시 대단한 상입니다.
3000만 원을 넘어 3억에 이르는 날이 있으리라 확신합니다.
그렇게 되도록 나도 열심히 노력을 하겠습니다.
The grand prize for the Jahn Literary Award held by our Steam-chan is also a great award.
I'm sure there will be days when it exceeds 30 million won and reaches 300 million won.
I will work hard to make that happen. (dont get too greedy, jeez)
올해 첫 번째 대상은 @dozam 님이 수상하셨는데 가문의 영광으로 그 어떤 상보다 소중하게 생각하시기 바라며 상금으로 받으신 3000 스팀은 저의 당부대로 파워업을 하셨으니 시간이 흐를수록 더욱 값이 나가는 상이 될 것입니다.
The first grand prize this year was won by @dozam, and I hope you value it more than any other award as the honor of your family. (sounding a bit arse-kissy here, putting me off your personality a bit)
수많은 출품작 중에서 최고의 작품으로 선정되어 대상 수상을 한 작품입니다.
유리 박스 안에 전시가 되어 있다 보니 조명등과 유리 접합선으로 사진으로는 깔끔하게 보이지가 않아 아쉽네요.
그래도 전시회 현장에서는 여러 사람들에게서 극찬을 받고 있더군요.
역시 대상 작품이라 뭐가 달라도 다른 면모가 많이 보였습니다.
그런데 이리될 줄 알았으면 100만 원이 아니고 천만 원에 살걸 그랬나 봅니다.
괜히 100만 원 준다고 해서 400만 원 밑졌다는 생각이 듭니다.
It was selected as the best work among numerous submissions and won the grand prize.
(that thing in the box that i thought this post might be about but you havent detailed once? oh...)
It's a pity that it's displayed in a glass box, so it's not clearly visible in the photo due to the lighting and the glass junction line.
Still, it was highly praised by many people at the exhibition site.
It was also a target work, so no matter what was different, there were a lot of different aspects.
(what the hell was this exhibition about and what was the prize for? Im getting more aggitated and bored than i am in the mood for donating $400... so why is this post so valuable?)
But if I had known this was going to happen, I would have bought it for 10 million won instead of 1 million won.
I feel like I'm less than 400,000 won just because I gave him 1 million won.
(Jeez, im still trying to like you and feel like you have achieved something, but i'm struggling. You are starting to sound like the many rubbish adverts i have transcribed in my career.
작가와 기념사진을 안 찍을 수 없지요, 사실 이 친구가 안 씨라 시상식에 안 가도 되고 사진도 안 찍어도 되는데 그날만큼은 안가가 아니라 최 씨 같았습니다. 행사장 최고였으니 이리 웃자고 말하는데 결례라며 지적하면 그냥 지적을 당하렵니다. 우리 사이는 그러거든요, 어디를 함께 갈 일이 있으면 넌 안 가지 하면서 놀렸다고까지는 아니고 그냥 장난을 치며 푸성귀 같은 웃음을 그려내곤 했습니다.
It is impossible not to take a commemorative photo with the artist, but in fact, this friend is Mr. Ahn, so he does not have to go to the awards ceremony or take pictures. It was the best at the event, so I'm laughing so hard. (Yeh? I don't know how to spell the sarcasm tones, but i'm thinking, wow, what a great time indeed)
It's like that between us, so if we had to go somewhere together, I didn't mean that you didn't make fun of us, we just joked around and drew a green smile.
(I am battling between thinking Google could just be saying this shit but also was the actual person really interesting and funny? The photos dont express the hardcore fun that the words claim they had, but the words might be a robot's words? Still, boring so far because... ive still no idea what is going on)
사실 친구의 이번 수상은 개인의 영광이기도 하지만 우리 동네 영광도 되고, 지역의 영광도 되는지라 이 기쁨 함께 하고자 우리 동네 마을회관에도 큰 길가 버스 정류장에도 그리고 면사무소와 군청 입구 현수막 거치대에도 수상을 축하한다는 현수막을 업체에 제작을 의뢰해서 폼나게 걸었습니다.
친구도 이번에는 안 감동이 아니라 진감동을 받았는지 목소리까지 깔아가며 촉촉한 음성으로 평소와 다르게 고맙다고 하더군요.
In fact, my friend's award this time is not only an individual honor, but it is also an honor for our neighborhood and a glory for the community. (honour and glory speech is not going away is it? propaganda much?)
To share this joy, there are banners saying congratulations on winning the award (insert award here?) at our local town hall, at the bus stop on the main road, (oh, now the details come in just to explain the exact location of the glorious banner...a banner! hahaha so this is what all that crap so far has led up to? Down the dark dark street, in the dark dark road, lays a dark, dark banner)
and on the banner stand at the entrance of the Myeon Office and the county office. (golly)
I asked a company to make it and walked it in style.
(now I have instantly been swooshed to feel like im in some sort of regiment army of sap)
My friend also said that he was not impressed this time, but that he was deeply moved, and he said thank you with a moist voice, unlike usual. (i took enjoyment from the descriptive "moist voice" that feels very roboty, but did Google translate say this or the writer?.... and the sentence pretty much doesnt make sense, your friend wasnt impressed? but he was moved. So did he get moved to jail for not being impressed at the wonder that is this exhibition centre near the detailed banner on that road we all like?)
사실 내가 이렇게 할 수 있는 것도 모두 스팀 때문입니다.
작품을 만들어도 팔기가 어려우니 고민하는 친구에게 야, 그거 걱정 말고 만들어 내가 다 팔아줄게 큰소리를 쳤고 이 친구가 평소에도 헛소리 안 하는 내 성격을 아는지라 굳게 믿고 알았어 그럼 만든다 하고 더욱 열심히 작품 활동을 했다고 해도 틀린 말은 아닙니다.
In fact, it is all because of Steam that I am able to do this.
(oh here we go, the arse kissing thing again? How is any of this so far, worth $450 dollars? Im just simply annoyed now)
To a friend who is worried that it is difficult to sell even if I make a work, I shouted out loudly, I will sell it all without worrying about it, and I firmly believed and knew because this friend knows my character who usually does not gossip. Then I made it and worked even harder. It's not wrong though.
사실 스팀짱에 팔자 계정을 통해서 팔면 얼마든지 팔 수 있다는 자신감이 있었고 안 팔리면 내가 소장하다가 계획하고 있는 전시관이 언젠가 되면 상설 전시해도 되기에 큰소리쳤는데 이게 이렇게 대형사고를 치게 될 줄은 몰랐습니다.
사실 책임 못질 이야기는 안 하는 성격이라 스팀이 아니었다면 내가 책임질게 하는 이야기를 못했을 겁니다.
그러나 스팀이 있기에 그걸 믿고 야심 찬 계획을 하게도 됩니다.
In fact, I was confident that I could sell as much as I could if I sold it through the Selling on Steam account, and if it didn't sell, I shouted loudly because I could have a permanent exhibition when the exhibition hall I was planning to collect someday came, but I didn't know it would cause such a major accident.
(and now im bored, dont believe you are a person of worth, annoyed that you got $450 for being, this)
Actually, I am not the type of person who doesn’t talk about things I can’t take responsibility for, so if it wasn’t for Steam, I wouldn’t have been able to tell stories that made me take responsibility.
But because of Steem, we believe in it and make ambitious plans.
(like the banner and this boring post?)
사실 말이 나와서 말인데 나는 요즘 꿈이 커졌습니다.
빠르면 5년 늦어도 10년 정도 계획을 잡아서 북한강가 경치 좋은 곳에 아니면 내 살던 고향 동네에 대한민국 최고에 문학관을 지을 생각을 하고 있습니다.
스팀을 만나지 않았다면 스팀에 적극적인 투자를 하지 않았다면 이런 꿈을 꿀 수 없었을 것이고 10년 전에 가지고 있던 소박한 꿈에 만족하고 있었을 것입니다. 그러나 이제는 정말 스팀을 통하여 큰 꿈을 꿀 수 있고 그 꿈을 실현시킬 수 있게 되었다고 생각합니다. 스팀의 위대함이 이런 것이라 생각합니다.
To be honest, my dreams have grown bigger these days.
I am thinking of building the best literature museum in Korea in a scenic place along the Bukhan River or in my hometown neighborhood with a plan of 5 years at the earliest or 10 years at the latest. (exactly 5 or 10 years regimented you know)
If I hadn't met Steam, I wouldn't have been able to have this dream if I hadn't actively invested in Steam, (can you hear the tacky advert music in the background?) and I would have been content with the simple dream I had 10 years ago. But now, through Steam, I can really dream big and I think I can make that dream come true. I think this is the greatness of Steam. (now you're bordering on becoming a religious sounding nut)
스티미언 여러분들도 스팀을 통하여 큰 꿈을 행복한 꿈을 꾸고 이루기 위하여 성실함으로 꾸준한 노력을 하시기 바라며 반드시 성공하시기 바랍니다. 스티미언들의 성공이 넓은 의미에서 보면 아주 좋은 스팀 홍보가 되는 것입니다.
모든 일에 장담은 금물입니다. 그러나 스팀의 미래는 우리 모두가 노력하면 반드시 톱텐에 다시 들어갈 날이 올 것이며 그 이상의 성공도 불가능하지 않다고 생각합니다.
Steemians, too, I hope that you will be able to achieve your big dreams and happy dreams through Steam. Steemians' success in a broad sense is a very good promotion for Steam. (down a shot everytime he says Steam)
You can't make assumptions about everything. (i bet you can)
But the future of Steam will surely come back to the top ten if we all work hard, and I don't think any further success is impossible. (so this was you working hard? Not having fun? Remember the banner? ...Blimey, neither of those points, working hard nor fun, come across in this post)
부러워하면 지는 것이고 믿음으로 노력하면 실현되고 이기는 것입니다.
스팀은 사랑이고 존중이며 희망입니다.
당신의 성공은 곧 스팀의 바람입니다.
대한민국 기능전승자회 작품전에서 대상을 수상한 안 작가님을 다시 한번 축하하며 이기쁨 영구히 기록으로 남기려 불록 체인에 담아놓습니다.
덧붙여 전시회를 관람하실 분은 앞선 포스팅 참고하시면 편하실 겁니다.
If you envy, you lose, and if you work hard with faith, you will come true and win.
Steam is love, respect and hope.
Your success is the wind of Steam.
Once again, congratulations to Ahn, who won the grand prize at the Korean Masters of Skills Exhibition, and put it in a block chain to record this joy forever. (when i google this shit, nothing comes up you know)
In addition, if you want to see the exhibition, it will be convenient for you to refer to the previous post. (more bollox, i can't eye roll enough)
(Well thanks for wasting my fucking time)
So, $450 per post of crap. Why did everyone move to hive and not fight backwards from there? In real world implications, it seems like their money value is going a lot further a lot quicker, they then get to buy actual power and coins quicker in real world, whilst everyone else just sits on here being moral and patient? If this person makes $450 a day from shite, and it only costs him like 5p to taxi to work and back. Im pretty sure he will have time to invest in even more crap before we've caught up, then he will force crap in our face. you know why this is known? because it's happening live and politics are aruing over exactly this problem. Why do we keep buying so much shit from so far away at a cost of our own resources being high and wages staying low? Now in digital worlds, we have just given the stealers, the ones who make no effort but to bounce off everyones shoulders, even more of a leg up in real world, plus let them have their own generating site in digital world, something we all helped to create, lost to bad decisions? ownerships? whatever, it's crap. Should go backwards sometimes and fix the little dickhead problems. All i know is, that's still unfair. And it's been ages trying to fix :/
Steem was taken over (with the help of crypto exchanges like Binance, an act of criminal conspiracy by them), centralized, and outright stolen. Not to mention the failure of a certain greedy, predominantly Korean-speaking community to act as a member of the real Steem community, instead siding with the thief for profit.
There was no other recourse.
What if we started posting in both here and Steem? Would they know or care? How many hive people have both accounts, how many steem people have both?
My St--m account is muted, so no point in using it, but I know a lot of people post to both and maybe Blurt too. That is frowned upon by some, so could cost you in Hive rewards and you are likely to make less on the others anyway. I'm happy to let St--m die off. It has been corrupted.
Yeh, i gave up despairing. It just angered me too much reading so much crap. I did try to communicate by translating my own words first, but it took way too long, and nobody cared. heh, ffs.
Onwards and ignorantly upwards somehow :D I've switched thoughts back to history or weird stuff :D