Issue #143 highlights content from nine(9) fantastic Steemit Content Creators in nine different languages! The OCD international team on its journey continues to search tirelessly throughout the multiple languages on Steemit for undervalued gems as provided by relatively new users.
Today our curators have delivered nine incredible pieces of original content to share with you! These works as provided by newer Steemit users don’t have the audience which their quality content deserves. @OCD strives to provide that audience and intends to showcase Steemit users who put in tremendous effort to create flourishing content.
A curator will FIND a piece of work in his language (typically from newer users), discuss with the other curators of that language and they will choose the one that will go into the compilation.
We encourage you to visit these blogs and to show these great Steemians your support and encouragement.

Belajar membuat puisi memang membuat kita belajar juga untuk terus mengasah rasa dan hati, seperti yang diungkapkan oleh seorang seniman asal Sumatra Barat @mpugondrong dalam tulisan tentang proses menulis puisi. Tulisan ini ditemukan oleh tim kurator ocd Bahasa Indonesia, @mariska.lubis and @macchiata.
Learn how to write poetry means we learn also to sharpening our senses and heart, as written by one of West Sumatra's artist, @mpugondrong. This post was found by OCD Indonesian Language curators, @mariska.lubis and @macchiata.

Algunos seguramente recordarán a la enfermera enojona diciéndoles que no se puede comer antes ni después de una intervención quirúrgica y en el siguiente post @yenncanela nos explica porque. Quizás para algunos sea algo obvio, pero nuestra compañera nos explica muy bien el motivo y la importancia de hacer caso a esta indicación. No es sólo un capricho de la enfermera.
Some of you may remember an angry nurse telling that you can not eat before or after surgery and in the next post @yenncanela explains why. Maybe for some it's obvious, but the autor, a professional nurse, explains in detail the reason and the importance of paying attention to this indication. It is not just a whim of the nurse.

L'ultima neve per poter sciare in una foto abbastanza inusuale- Post di @beabisaglia proposto per la selezione di oggi di @ocd per la lingua italiana da @paolobeneforti
The last snow for skiing in Italy in a nice and unusual pic - Post by @beabisaglia proposed for today's selection by the @ocd Team for the Italian language curation by @paolobeneforti.

Heute nimmt uns @mrdalle an ein schwindelerregenden Ort an den er sich für seine begeben muss mit. Es geht als erstes mit dem Lift nach oben um dann in Klettergeschirr mit der Leiter bis ganz nach oben auf die Gondel des Windrads zu kommen. Dort machte er dann wunderschönne Aufnahmen die er in seinem Beitrag mit uns teilt.
Today @mrdalle takes us to a dizzying place he has to go to for his. The first thing he had to do is to take the lift up so that he can get to the top of the wind turbine by then climbing a ladder. There he took wonderful pictures which he shares with us in his post. Curated by @jeanpi1908

Les curations OCD reprennent et la team francophone n'a pas chômé, en vous proposant un petit cours de programmation utile. Grace aux connaissances de @levieuxours vous obtiendrez les bases nécessaire pour vous lancer dans la création de programmes en tout genres !
The OCD curations are back and the French-speaking team has not been idle, by proposing you a small useful programming course. Thanks to @levieuxours' knowledge you will get the basics you need to start creating programs of all kinds!

@torachibiさんは、弓道について書いてくれました。弓道は日本の伝統的武道の一つで、アーチェリーに似ています。この記事を読んで、日本人でも知らない弓道の知識を得てみませんか? Curated by 日本語OCDチーム @djynn、@fukako and @yasu24
@torachibi wrote about Kyudo. Kyudo is one of the traditional Japanese martial art which resemble archery. Why not you read this article and get to know Kyudo which many Japanese don’t even know about? Curated by Japanese OCD team @djynn, @fukako and @yasu24

Dit is de derde Alldutch creations Weekly een wekelijkse blog waarin de creatieve Nederlandstalige blogs en steemians, extra curatie en aandacht krijgen.Het Nederlandstalige ocd team @jackjohanneshemp en @poeticsnake hebben deze blog voor u uitgekozen. Met deze nominatie stellen we u de steemians @hetty-rowan aan u voor.
This is the third Alldutch creations Weekly a weekly blog in which the creative Dutch-language blogs and steemians receive extra curation and attention.The Dutch speaking ocd team @jackjohanneshemp and @poeticsnake have chosen this blog for you. With this nomination we present the steemians @ hetty-rowan to you.

今日OCD中文區小隊 - @htliao 和 @Travelgirl 想為大家介紹 @sweetdisaster。她是中文社區的活躍分子,她工作是收購與合併的分析師,也有在Steemit上分享旅行片段。這次她寫了一篇關於工作上招聘遊艇水手,與太平洋荒島「現代魯賓遜」面試對話的文章。
Chinese OCD team @htliao and @Travelgirl would like to introduce @sweetdisaster. She is an active member in the Chinese community. Her work is to mainly analyse M&A (merger and acquisition) deals in market, and her steemit posts sometimes share with us insider stories about her job and other travel videos. In her latest post, she blogged about interviewing a sailor from an unknown island in middle of Pacific Ocean for recruiting a yacht crew. The experience is not only exotic to people who mostly work on ground, but that's also new to her since that's not focusing on finance analysis but about the side business of her team.

안녕하세요. 오늘은 자유민주주의사회에서 살고있는 우리들 모두가 한번쯤은 느껴본 일에 대한 이야기를 해주신 @garden.park 님의 글을 소개합니다. [강제력이 공공 여론에 반대해서 행사될 때보다 그것에 편승해서 행사될 때 더욱 유해하다.] 라고 하는 John Stuart Mill 의 자유론 구절을 인용하며 시작되는 이 포스팅은 다수결의 원칙에 의해 민주주의의 진정한 의미가 퇴색되고 일부 다수의 이권에 의해 이용되어져 온 사실에 대해 진중히 생각해 볼 수 있는 기회를 준다는 점에서 오늘의 @ocd 큐레이팅 글로 선정해 보았습니다. Curated by Korean OCD Curator @steemitjp. Follow @ocd
Normally we are live in a democratic society(There are some exceptions in the world). The Majority Rule is the important principal of Democratic society for making a decision. But From time to time, The true meaning of democracy not only has been faded but also has been used by collective selfishness by this rule. (Written by Korean) Curated by Korean OCD Curator @steemitjp Follow @ocd

Hopefully, you were able to take away something different, fresh, and new from the pieces as provided by the @ocd curators.
The OCD team would also like to thank those that strive to make a difference. As anyone can create a posting but only some can create/build value.
Be sure to check for tomorrow’s edition of OCD international Daily!
Keep up the good work creating original content
You never know when @ocd may be around :)
prepared with love @jackjohanneshemp
Know that your Resteem supports undervalued authors!
OCD Now Has a Steem Witness...

SteemConnect or on Steemit Witnesses to help support other undervalued authors!You can vote for @ocd-witness, with
Use the 'ocd-resteem' tag on quality, original content for a chance to be selected.
Read more about it here.
Congrat to all steemian,,, :)
Me encanta esta cuenta curadora. Exitos a quienes la operan 😉
Gracias! Saludos!!
great post like always
welcome you back!
What a great concept! I was wondering how this platform stood on the field with international content. It's so great that they find recognition and appreciation they deserve, no matter the language they speak!
Too bad I still haven't found a good blog in Czech, maybe in some future issue...
Congrats @mpugondrong and all Steemian. Success. regards
Thanks @musismail.