Thanks for your article, let me give you my feedback, hopefully you can use it to your advantage in future tasks!
- Mentioning Oracle-D in an article is a big no-no for their tasks!
- I like the personal touch in the introduction if your story, but keep that going throughout the article. Tell us what you experienced in this game.
- In game review I want to read positive aspects, as well as criticism, plus your conclusion / recommendation if and why I should play the game. This is missing in your article.
- Improve the choice of images, now there is too much of the same, too big & poor quality.
- Title can be improved, put the game first. Tags and category are good.
- I am not a fan of the list of links at the bottom of the article, especially not without clarifying titles.
- Your tweet is too verbose. You could learn a bit more how to use Twitter, people tend to be brief.
- State of the DApps mention is subtile and fits right into the story.
Hopefully you can use these points to your advantage in future tasks!
Meta review score: 🚛🚛
OK.... Am really grateful for all these to make me a better reviewer next time.
Expect my change in my next review
Posted using Partiko Android