
Thanks for the review of 0xUniverse, as I haven't seen any other reviews about it so far. The German text on the screenshots are a bit hard to read, that doesn't really fit with the English language in the review itself.

I did really like that you are showing your own planet, and continued the review after a day, so we get some more feeling for the gameplay.

Meta review score: ☄️☄️☄️☄️

Here is my review on World of Ether

I just got a retweet from World of Ether's official Twitter handle, it feels so cool (smiles)

Good review, I like that you put the game it in context and compare it with similar games. A critical tone with good reasoning is always welcome!

Meta review score: 🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍

No worries @menoski, I have seen your review about CryptoKitties :)

You make a nice comparison between human beauty traits, family trees and the appeal of CryptoKitties. Very insightful!

Meta review score: 🐾🐾🐾🐾

Another good review by @menoski. I don't have much to suggest as improvements :)

Meta review score: 🐪🐪🐪🐪

I was becoming a bit worried since I got no review comment from you @mids106 on my last 3 reviews.

Thanks for the Meta review score, it was your first suggestion, I used to improve my other reviews. Thank you very much @mids106

No worries & sorry for the delay. Writing reviews is hard work 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

I understand @mids106 and I really appreciate your efforts

hey @menoski - Love the review! Well presented with images inserted at the right places!

What would have been even cooler, is to see a live battle from your own Axie's and/or an image from your Axie collections.

You mentioned having played many games, how does Axie Infinity compares to the ones you are familiar with?

Anyway, loved it and found it very clear!

I would make sure I make use of all you have said to get a better review article next time.

I'm glad you loved it and big thanks for reading it through @ctrlalt

Also thanks for your nice feedback

Here is my review of EOS Knights:

Not sure if you want the Twitter link here, but here it is!

Good job on getting the first review of this task out. As I mentioned on Discord, you did certainly raise the bar :)

  • The story is a compelling read, which gives me a good feeling for the gameplay of EOS Knights.
  • You have experience writing game reviews, and that shows! Your criticism for the game is well substantiated.
  • The screenshots are not very suitable, you could crop the relevant parts rather than showing fullscreen desktop shows everywhere.
  • The initial title wasn't great and mentioned Oracle-D which is a big no-no per their guidelines, but you have improved it fortunately :)
  • Your post has too many post & unrelated advertisement for my taste.
  • Tweet is lacking flavour, has no text and has too many tags. Your Twitter profile is missing a profile picture :(
  • State of the DApps mention is subtile and fits right into the story.

Meta review score: 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Thanks for the meta review! I think some of those things I can improve on...

The Twitter related parts, I really have to get more use experience with it. I have the account, but I pretty much never use it, so I'm a bit of a novice with it, but I will definitely put up a profile picture!

Yes, probably I should have cropped the screenshots! It didn't occur to me, as that is how I interact with the game!

Im afraid the change to not mention Oracle-d came after I had published, so unfortunately, I couldn't edit link address, however, I was able to fix up the rest!

He he, you don't like upgoats? They are cute!

.. But thank you for the feedback, it will help improve my writing for the future!

Hey @bengy - Great review, lengthy without feeling lengthy. I like that you share some desktop screenshots, but it would have been great to have a closer look at the images.

I have to say that it is very clear, so good job on that. One thing that disappointed me for an informative review was the self-promotional part at the end... Besides that: 😎

Thanks, I will keep the screenshot idea in mind for next time, I didn't realise they wouldn't zoom easily! I will likely just take photos from my smartphone as that seems to be the easiest way to get better results.

Which part of the self promotion was not so good? The Ledger advert? Or the community banners?

Here's my review on EOS Knights.

~~~ embed:1093423037645578240?s=19 I think I earned a retweet from SOTD. will be expecting a review. Thanks. twitter metadata:d2l6enlibGFzdDExfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL3dpenp5Ymxhc3QxMS9zdGF0dXMvMTA5MzQyMzAzNzY0NTU3ODI0MHw= ~~~

Thanks for your review. It is a pleasure to read, visually well formatted and even your tweet is an eye catcher.

After thinking hard, I only found two things to improve:

  • There are still a couple typos that get distracting, for example frequent use of lowercase “i”. In English, the nominative form of the singular first-person pronoun, "I", is normally capitalized, along with all its contractions (I'll, I'm, etc.).
  • I would like to see more review feedback & critique interwoven with the game play description, as well as some personal flavour. Which character did you pick? Are they well balanced? Is the marketplace intuitive and fairly priced? Are the pets any fun, what is the name of your pet and does it listen when you call it?

Overall, I think you did an excellent job with your review.
Meta review score: 👑👑👑👑👑

I've never had a better review! I know what to do next! Thank you.

I've never had a
Better review! I know what
To do next! Thank you.

                 - pangoli

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Thanks for your article, let me give you my feedback:

  • Nice story, it reads well and has a good introduction, body and conclusion.
  • In game review I want to read positive aspects, as well as criticism, plus your conclusion / recommendation if and why I should play the game. You mentioned some of this in your conclusion, but I’d like to read more of your personal feedback!
  • Good choice of screenshots, they really support the story.
  • Title can be improved, it is a bold claim for an app to be the first, I would be critical in copying that. Tags and category are good.
  • Tweet is okay, a bit too many tags for my taste.
  • State of the DApps mention is subtile and fits right into the story.

Hopefully you can use these points to your advantage in future tasks!

Meta review score: 🐲🐲🐲🐲

Thanks for the feedback, it is really helpful. And I would definitely make use of them in future tasks.

Thanks again @mids106

My review on EOS Knights

~~~ embed:1092921459545161729 twitter metadata:b3RlbWVnaWZ0fHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL290ZW1lZ2lmdC9zdGF0dXMvMTA5MjkyMTQ1OTU0NTE2MTcyOXw= ~~~


Thanks for your article, let me give you my feedback:

  • Great story, I like how you follow up on your previous review of the game.
  • Unlike many of the other articles for the task, you give a game review and share your opinion! Much appreciated :)
  • State of the DApps is mentioned as an after thought, it could be better embedded in the story.
  • You make compelling Tweets, a bit too many duplicate mentions maybe. No need to use punctuation between tags.

Hopefully you can use these points to your advantage in future tasks!

Meta review score: 🦄🦄🦄🦄

Thanks for the points much appreciated, I will put them into use next time 😁

Compelling review! I think I'm gonna go and play the game now 😁

Thanks, the more the merrier 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for your review of CryptoKitties.

As a little feedback: when you mention the 7 steps showing how the game is played, I'd write your own text to explain in your own words what the steps are. Some screenshots can provide supporting content, but reading the text with the small front size is difficult.

Meta review score: 😼😼😼😼

Can you link your Steem post as well? The link "Steemit post" isn't to your article, but to the task description.

Posted using Partiko Android

hereEdited @mids106 now Steemit post will redirect you

Thanks for your second submission, I can see that you improved your review based on the feedback for your previous submission. Good job :)

You have some typos in your article, for example a space too many or missing. Please review an article carefully before posting it! While an article with typos can still be understood by the reader, it looks less professional and is more distracting to read.

In your conclusing you compare Gods Unchained with Heartstone. I’d love to read more about your comparison with it. How is it different? Which one is better and why, etc? This would make the review more interesting to read.

Meta review score: ⛓️⛓️⛓️

Thanks a lot for the review. And am happy I have improved a bit and with the corrections, will get through again. Thanks a lot

Posted using Partiko Android

It is refreshing to read your critical review and description of the problems that you are facing with Dragonereum. While it is very easy to say that a game is “awesome” or “the best”, DApp users and developers will learn nothing from such exaggerated claims. By describing your struggles and pains, you do a great service in showing the current limitations of DApps and the issues that many users like yourself will suffer. For you as reviewer it might be frustrating, but it is very valuable input!

There are some problems with your English, which can be a little distracting to the reader. Maybe you can ask a native speaker for some feedback and improvements? Your story telling is very good and the title of your article is one of the best among all the other dapp gaming reviews, even if it has a little mistake in there (crypto based game). Looking forward to your future work!

Meta review score: 🀄🀄🀄🀄

Thanks for your valuable insight, I will try to improve more 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for your monster review on World of Ether. In the article I find way how the game is explained a bit confusing, for example you mention Battle Points, but never really mention that there is a battle component to the game, up until the conclusion. I like the introduction where you mention the various monsters in other popular games.

Meta review score: 👹👹👹

Thanks for your third review, overall many improvements made from the previous two versions.

Meta review score: 🥥🥥🥥🥥

Axie Infinity

Hi @zebraprint, thanks for reviewing Axie Infinity.

I'd like to learn more what you think about the game in detail. In your conclusion you give some pointers that you like the "building an engine" part of the game, where you grow a stronger and stronger army. But what do you think about the various attributes and chests for example, do they make sense? Are they well balanced?

At the end of your article you link to your other reviews as well, plus you give us a sneak-preview of your upcoming work. I like this very much! However I would only add links to the steem articles there, no need to also link to medium and twitter in your article itself (that is just something for the task comments).

Meta review score: 🍄🍄🍄🍄

Another submission by @zebraprint, you are on a roll!

Please be careful that you get the name of the game correct. It is “Etheremon” not “Ethermon”. This is important because there was a clone dapp (unsure who copied who exactly) called “Ethermon” as well. You have some other typos as well, please review your article carefully before posting!

What I enjoy about your review is the personal story that you tell about your mon Zogi. I think you could really finish your story with a picture of Zogi, that last step is still missing and would really bring the story home.

Meta review score: 🐦🐦🐦🐦

Made the edit, I do not know why I made this mistake , but it is okey now. I am happy you enjoyed, I will take care for Zogi truly :D

Here is my review for Infect the World game

Medium Link -

Twitter tweets -
~~~ embed:1093475484954972160 twitter metadata:emVicmFib3VudGllc3x8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS96ZWJyYWJvdW50aWVzL3N0YXR1cy8xMDkzNDc1NDg0OTU0OTcyMTYwfA== ~~~

Thanks for your submission, some quick feedback:

  • Per the Oracle-D task rules, it is a big no-no to mention them in the article. I would suggest to watch the requirements video.
  • The task asked to review top 50 games. Infect the World is not a top 50 game, as you noticed nobody plays it. Reviewing old and inactive games has less value that reviewing more recent & popular games. If you have a good reason to deviate from the rules, I’d at least try to clarify it in your article. For example maybe you study virology or you are a big fan of the board game Pandemic.
  • I really like that you call out the missing features that would make this game more appealing to you. Good job!
  • Looking at the transaction statistics, it seems that you didn’t actually play the game. You should clarify this in your review why not. Maybe it was because it is too expensive, or because nobody else is playing it anymore. Both would be interesting points to make and really fit in with your other remarks.
  • Your tweet is okay, but a bit dry. Yes, you published a review, but why should someone read it? I’d try to challenge your Twitter followers with an appealing Tweet that makes them want to read the article.

Meta review score: 🧬🧬🧬

I edited the part with the mentioning oracle-d. I know it is not in top 50 I saw late the requirement that the game has to be in top 50, I did this because it attracted me with its name. Yes I did not made any transaction because it is not worth it, I do not get anything interesting. And I am on my way for making another tweet now. Thank you for suggestions. @mids106 !

Thanks for the review. I'd like to read more about what you like about the game (or not). The choice of graphics doesn't really compel me to try the game, and there are some minor markdown issues. You take some good steps towards explaining the potential benefits of a blockchain based game, however do you think that you actually own and control the game assets? What would happen if the website goes down, do you think you could still play it?

Meta review score: 💈💈💈

Thanks for your article, let me give you my feedback:

  • Good story telling, it reads very easily.
  • In a game review I want to read positive aspects, as well as criticism, plus your conclusion / recommendation if and why I should play the game. You mentioned some of this in your conclusion, but I’d like to read more of your personal feedback!
  • Images are well chosen with a good mix of flavour pictures and in-game screenshots.
  • Nice title, category and tags. Not sure why you added indonesia though, as it has nothing to do with the game.
  • Your Tweet is not directly related to the review.

Hopefully you can use these points to your advantage in future tasks!

Meta review score: 🎻🎻🎻

Thanks for the feedback
I use Indonesia tags because i'm an Indonesian and i'm sure that Indonesian people will read it, a lot of gamers from Indonesia.

For the twitter I thought it refer to the game and I was promoting for the people to search the game using
And no there is no big deal. Right?

No bid deal, just a remark 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Btw, thanks to putting a comment, it means that my review is worthy for everyone.
So, next time I will write better than before.

Thanks for your review of EOS Knights. As some minor comments: For me it is missing the connection to the State of the DApps website. I'd also add eos-knights as tag.

Meta review score: 🎠🎠🎠

Thanks so much as well for the appreciation. Its very motivational. Let me go ahead and add that tag.

Thanks for submitting your second article. Some of my feedback is identical to as my feedback on your previous review, but some additions:

  • Good story telling, and an actual review! I like to see how you improved a lot from your previous review on SuperRare, this one is much better.
  • While you have some nice images, I could use some more. You describe very visually “When you start the game, you will always notice the sky city with different buildings where you can interact, this is where your elixir, crystal and so on are being mine from.” so I would love a picture of that.
  • You mention some positive points, but what can be improved in Hyperdragons? What are things that you don’t like? I’d like to read about your critisicm on the dapp as well.

Hopefully you can use these points to your advantage in future tasks!

Meta review score: 🐯🐯🐯

Thanks for the review @mids106, will improve more on my next writeup, thanks

Thanks for your article, let me give you my feedback:

  • The story starts out good, but degrades into a bullet point list of game features.
  • Be careful with the use of empty words such as “revolutionary”.
  • Too short paragraphs: One-two sentences and no flow. This makes it hard to read.
  • In game review I want to read positive aspects, as well as criticism, plus your conclusion / recommendation if and why I should play the game. Which is missing in your article.
  • Okay choice of screenshots, but I would want to see one of an actual fight!
  • Title, category and tags are mostly okay. Why do you tag uganda and wafrica, they don't seem to be relevant to the article?
  • State of the DApps mention is not very subtile and doesn’t fit into the story.
  • Tweet is okay, but lacks Chibi Fighters flavour

Hopefully you can use these points to your advantage in future tasks!

Meta review score: 🧢🧢🧢

Thanks for the feedback , I will use it to better my next game review.

Chibi Fighters

Thanks for the final dapp game review on Chibi Fighters.

Oops, you have a little typo in the title, please double check that you have the game name correct! Some parts of the article feel a bit rushed and left unexplored, for example why is it important to me that the game is "ERc721 compliant"? In a review maybe you can elaborate a bit more why you think Chibi Fighters is less attractive than some of the other games.

Meta review score: ⚔️⚔️⚔️

Here is my humble submission on Dragonereum review

And herein lies my twitter share

Thanks for your article, let me give you my feedback:

  • Good story telling, great mix of supporting pictures images and content.
  • In game review I want to read positive aspects, as well as criticism, plus your conclusion / recommendation if and why I should play the game. I would love to read more why you like this game!
  • I’d like to see some more in-game screenshots to get a feeling for the gameplay.
  • Before tweeting edit the title; no need to add " - Steemit". With too many tags, it will quickly look like spam.
  • I am not a fan of a quick-links section, personally I prefer them to be part of the story.
  • Maybe you can tell us more about the dragons that you hatched?

Hopefully you can use these points to your advantage in future tasks!

Meta review score: 🥚🥚🥚

Thanks for the feedback. This is actually my first time of reviewing a game and your feedback would be extremely useful for my future tasks.

Here's my third review - Lordless - Be a bounty hunter

Old Tweet


@mids106, i have edited the twitter post. I was told to remove stateofthedapps from the beginning, i have done that now. Thanks

new tweet


Thanks for your corrections and the new review!

In your article you use a LOT of bullet points, pretty much every paragraph is a bullet point. I would use regular paragraphs instead most of the time. This is friendlier to read, and when you do use a bullet point list it will make more impact, as you haven't overused it.

My meta review score: 🏞️🏞️🏞️

wow, am happy i improved. Thanks @mids106, For the positive review 💪. I love using the bullet as it makes my work kind off beautiful lol. Will stop using it or will limit it

Thanks for the advice, I will try to improve that in the future 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for your article, let me give you my feedback:

  • Your article is not really a review, more a list of features (you calls it a beginner guide).
  • In your title you are very positive about the game, but you don't tell us why.
  • In game review I want to read positive aspects, as well as criticism, plus your conclusion / recommendation if and why I should play the game. This is missing in your article.
  • The screenshots are well chosen, although a bit over-compressed. Look into JPEG compression to see how you can improve that in the future.
  • State of the DApps doesn't perfectly fit in the story, it is more added as an afterthought.
  • Tweet is lacking flavour, has no text. With too many tags it looks like spam.

Hopefully you can use these points to your advantage in future tasks & reviews!

Meta review score: ⭐⭐⭐

Thanks for your article, let me give you my feedback:

  • Great introduction and story, but mentioning Oracle-D is a big no-no for their tasks!
  • After the embedded gameplay trailer video, your article falls a bit apart. It feels rushed and there is no conclusion. I would love to read how your story really ends :)
  • In game review I want to read positive aspects, as well as criticism, plus your conclusion / recommendation if and why I should play the game. This is missing.
  • I get the feeling that you are trying to be too complex with your language, don't say "for your perusal" in a game review.
  • The chosen screenshots are a bit chaotic, different sizes and styles. Not well mixed with the story.
  • Title, category and tags are okay.
  • I am not a fan of the list of links at the bottom of the article.
  • Tweet has too many tags, looks like spam.

Hopefully you can use these points to your advantage in future tasks!

Meta review score: ⭐⭐⭐

Thanks for the review. I would be sure to implement the points you dropped in my next review.
About the tags, it was suggested in the guideline post, but I would cut it down in my next post.
Many thanks

Thanks for your second article, let me give you my feedback:

  • For an introduction it is a nice read, with images that support the story.
  • Tell us how it compares against the other DApp game that you reviewed, would you prefer Etheremon over Crypto Assault, and why?
  • Research how you can make and edit / crop screenshots, that will really help for even better pictures.
  • Don't tag random people like prashantbhalla and ivyriane, this is against the Oracle-D rules and on Twitter you might get banned for mention spam!

Hopefully you can use these points to your advantage in future tasks!

Meta review score: 🎲🎲🎲

Thanks for the review. I've taken note of the corrections

Thanks for your article, let me give you my feedback:

  • Your article is not really a review, more introduction guide. Which is not the task!
  • In game review I want to read positive aspects, as well as criticism, plus your conclusion / recommendation if and why I should play the game. This is missing in your article.
  • Title, category and tags are mostly okay. Why do you tag uganda, it is not relevant to the article?
  • Good choice of screenshots, initially they contribute to the story, but the list at the end lack context.
  • Tweet is okay, but edit the title; no need to add " - Steemit".

Hopefully you can use these points to your advantage in future tasks!

Meta review score: 🐰🐰

Thanks so much @mids106 for your sincere feedback. I am going to better my other upcoming game reviews.

Thanks for your article, let me give you my feedback, hopefully you can use it to your advantage in future tasks!

  • Mentioning Oracle-D in an article is a big no-no for their tasks!
  • I like the personal touch in the introduction if your story, but keep that going throughout the article. Tell us what you experienced in this game.
  • In game review I want to read positive aspects, as well as criticism, plus your conclusion / recommendation if and why I should play the game. This is missing in your article.
  • Improve the choice of images, now there is too much of the same, too big & poor quality.
  • Title can be improved, put the game first. Tags and category are good.
  • I am not a fan of the list of links at the bottom of the article, especially not without clarifying titles.
  • Your tweet is too verbose. You could learn a bit more how to use Twitter, people tend to be brief.
  • State of the DApps mention is subtile and fits right into the story.

Hopefully you can use these points to your advantage in future tasks!

Meta review score: 🚛🚛

OK.... Am really grateful for all these to make me a better reviewer next time.
Expect my change in my next review

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for your article, let me give you my feedback:

  • It is interesting to read about your personal angle, but it gets a bit long winded.
  • In game review I want to read positive aspects, as well as criticism, plus your conclusion / recommendation if and why I should play the game. This is missing in your article.
  • Mixed choice of images, too much of the same, too big, I don’t need to see mugshots of all team members, unless they are rock stars :)
  • Title, category and tags are okay. The formatting is inconsistent and you have some broken markdown. Check the Markdown Styling Guide for a refresher!
  • I am not a fan of the list of links at the bottom of the article.
  • Tweet is poorly formatted and has too many tags, looks like spam.

Hopefully you can use these points to your advantage in future tasks!

Meta review score: 🐱🐱

Thanks for your second article, my feedback is the same as for your previous submission. I would also recommend to read some of the other dapp game reviews.

Meta review score: 🥝🥝

Thanks @mids106 for the feedback, i am surely going to better my next game reviews.

Thanks for submitting your second article. Most of my feedback is identical to as my feedback on your previous review, one addition:

  • Don't tag random people like dapp_com and gamereview, you might get banned for mention spam on Twitter!

Hopefully you can use these points to your advantage in future tasks!

Meta review score: 🐻🐻

Thanks for your article, let me give you my feedback:

  • SuperRare is not a game, it was miscategorized on State of the DApps, oops 🤭
  • Please understand that you can be criticial: if you spot a mistake, don’t hold back and mention it in your review!
  • You misspelled the name “stateofdapps”, it is called State of the DApps; always be careful to spell names correctly.
  • In a review I want to read positive aspects, as well as criticism, plus your conclusion / recommendation if and why I should use a dapp. This is missing in your article.
  • Good choice of images, but they can be placed to better contribute to the story, the list at the end lacks context.
  • Title and category are okay, but it is not a game, so don’t tag it as such, art would be a better fit.
  • I am not a fan of the list of links at the bottom of the article.
  • "Full information in the link below". Something nobody ever says on Twitter. You could learn a bit more how to use Twitter, people tend to be brief.

Hopefully you can use these points to your advantage in future tasks!

Meta review score: 🎨🎨

Good improvements on your third review based on feedback for your previous articles. You mention that it is the "best MMO strategic dapps game" in your conclusion. Why is that? In a game review I'd like to learn why you like something. Claiming that something is the "best" requires explanation.

Meta review score: 🚔🚔🚔