
Thanks for your article, let me give you my feedback:

  • Great introduction and story, but mentioning Oracle-D is a big no-no for their tasks!
  • After the embedded gameplay trailer video, your article falls a bit apart. It feels rushed and there is no conclusion. I would love to read how your story really ends :)
  • In game review I want to read positive aspects, as well as criticism, plus your conclusion / recommendation if and why I should play the game. This is missing.
  • I get the feeling that you are trying to be too complex with your language, don't say "for your perusal" in a game review.
  • The chosen screenshots are a bit chaotic, different sizes and styles. Not well mixed with the story.
  • Title, category and tags are okay.
  • I am not a fan of the list of links at the bottom of the article.
  • Tweet has too many tags, looks like spam.

Hopefully you can use these points to your advantage in future tasks!

Meta review score: ⭐⭐⭐

Thanks for the review. I would be sure to implement the points you dropped in my next review.
About the tags, it was suggested in the guideline post, but I would cut it down in my next post.
Many thanks