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RE: Task #1: Review A Crypto Game DApp!

in #odtasks6 years ago

Thanks for your submission, some quick feedback:

  • Per the Oracle-D task rules, it is a big no-no to mention them in the article. I would suggest to watch the requirements video.
  • The task asked to review top 50 games. Infect the World is not a top 50 game, as you noticed nobody plays it. Reviewing old and inactive games has less value that reviewing more recent & popular games. If you have a good reason to deviate from the rules, I’d at least try to clarify it in your article. For example maybe you study virology or you are a big fan of the board game Pandemic.
  • I really like that you call out the missing features that would make this game more appealing to you. Good job!
  • Looking at the transaction statistics, it seems that you didn’t actually play the game. You should clarify this in your review why not. Maybe it was because it is too expensive, or because nobody else is playing it anymore. Both would be interesting points to make and really fit in with your other remarks.
  • Your tweet is okay, but a bit dry. Yes, you published a review, but why should someone read it? I’d try to challenge your Twitter followers with an appealing Tweet that makes them want to read the article.

Meta review score: 🧬🧬🧬


I edited the part with the mentioning oracle-d. I know it is not in top 50 I saw late the requirement that the game has to be in top 50, I did this because it attracted me with its name. Yes I did not made any transaction because it is not worth it, I do not get anything interesting. And I am on my way for making another tweet now. Thank you for suggestions. @mids106 !