I am quite alive and a witness of more than 5 years of viewing your crap show....
Here is an example of your insanity & danger to anyone viewing your You tube videos
Off grid electronics lab - check
Off grid wood shop - check
Off grid fridge - check
Portable LED lights - check
Wood or solar hot water - check
Solar powered shower - check
Solar or propane cooking - check (most of the time)
Solar charged laptops and tablets - check
I am quite alive and a witness of more than 5 years of viewing your crap show....
Here is an example of your insanity & danger to anyone viewing your You tube videos
Why is a battery placed between toilet & bathtub?

complain complain complain.
Where are the batteries - liar. Where are the batteries - liar. Where are the batteries - liar
Oh no!!! He has a battery. How evil!!!
Oh? Really? So you finally see a battery and now you harass me about it?
WOW!!! All this time you guys were saying "show me the battery" and I accidentally do and guess what? You harass me about the battery.
A battery between a bathtub and toilet can
electrocute someone
you moron.
Lets see here.
Who is the moron?
you voted for your own comment. LOL
OMG, the Battery! @thediyworld, fixedbyDork and Reids 108 followers are Appalled that the trolls noticed the Battery by the toilet and bathtub!
Oh the horror.
Too bad Reid isn't telling his 108 the whole story.
Just enough to play the victim card.
How bout dat,
I bet the building inspector would love to see that
Oh I am sure you will be contacting them. But I highly doubt anyone will bother us.
This is not New York anymore.
Its not as easy to harass us with the authorities like in NY anymore is it?
It must be frustrating you to be calling the police, town hall, inspectors and everyone else but yet nobody comes to bother us.
Its not New York anymore :)
You must not know the magic of video and screen capture. So easy to send this to the CPS and a few others. Thanks idiot
That is to power his 95% off grid bedini weenie toilet!!!!!
Want to see real blogs? Go to @fixedbydoc and see what the fuss is about ;)
The only one spinning fairy tails is you, Mr. 95% Off the Grid. Liar.
Off grid electronics lab - check
Off grid wood shop - check
Off grid fridge - check
Portable LED lights - check
Wood or solar hot water - check
Solar powered shower - check
Solar or propane cooking - check (most of the time)
Solar charged laptops and tablets - check
Well water pump - not on the grid.
Off grid electronics lab - batteries dead - check
Off grid wood shop - batteries dead - check
Off grid fridge - batteries dead - check
Wood stove not to code, and no permit
solar shower - fraud
well water pump only thing to code, cause troy reid has not touched it yet
No, I think my numbers are pretty close