
Even the ceiling light being used during the video is ON Grid.@diywhat, That is exactly what I got out of it. Admission that @thediyworld is 100% ON Grid.

You are such a Liar Reid.

And you think people believe your pablum?

Actually the light was a solar powered LED.

But hey! Who am I to tell you? I mean, you are not here but you know best - right?

To me it looks like the death throes of a trolls dying lies and fairy tales.

I am quite alive and a witness of more than 5 years of viewing your crap show....
Here is an example of your insanity & danger to anyone viewing your You tube videos

Why is a battery placed between toilet & bathtub?

complain complain complain.

Where are the batteries - liar. Where are the batteries - liar. Where are the batteries - liar

Oh no!!! He has a battery. How evil!!!

Oh? Really? So you finally see a battery and now you harass me about it?

WOW!!! All this time you guys were saying "show me the battery" and I accidentally do and guess what? You harass me about the battery.


A battery between a bathtub and toilet can
electrocute someone
you moron.


OMG, the Battery! @thediyworld, fixedbyDork and Reids 108 followers are Appalled that the trolls noticed the Battery by the toilet and bathtub!

Oh the horror.

Too bad Reid isn't telling his 108 the whole story.
Just enough to play the victim card.

How bout dat,

I bet the building inspector would love to see that

Oh I am sure you will be contacting them. But I highly doubt anyone will bother us.

This is not New York anymore.

Its not as easy to harass us with the authorities like in NY anymore is it?

It must be frustrating you to be calling the police, town hall, inspectors and everyone else but yet nobody comes to bother us.

Its not New York anymore :)

You must not know the magic of video and screen capture. So easy to send this to the CPS and a few others. Thanks idiot

That is to power his 95% off grid bedini weenie toilet!!!!!

The only one spinning fairy tails is you, Mr. 95% Off the Grid. Liar.

Off grid electronics lab - check
Off grid wood shop - check
Off grid fridge - check
Portable LED lights - check
Wood or solar hot water - check
Solar powered shower - check
Solar or propane cooking - check (most of the time)
Solar charged laptops and tablets - check

Well water pump - not on the grid.

Off grid electronics lab - batteries dead - check

Off grid wood shop - batteries dead - check

Off grid fridge - batteries dead - check

Wood stove not to code, and no permit

solar shower - fraud

well water pump only thing to code, cause troy reid has not touched it yet

No, I think my numbers are pretty close


Because to me it looks like a triumphant person who is about to prove to you all using meters and gauges that I AM off the grid.

Emphasis on "ABOUT TO PROVE," and not "DID or WILL PROVE." Why? Because you can't. You can't prove you were 95% off the grid this summer. If you are so anxious and proud to show all of those meters and gauges with your new system that you are off the gride, why not spend 60 seconds and show us the system you used this summer? You are a fraud, Troy. A stinking fraud. Even in today's video you aren't using battery powered LED lights. You have the ceiling light on, which is tied to the grid. Damn, you're so stupid sometimes.

Actually the light being used WAS powered by the sun :)

And I have realized that there is no way on earth I can prove anything to a common troll.

Troy Reid I am more than a common Troll you moron.
Ever heard of a Mandatory Reporter?
I have lot's of time on my hands now...
It is such a joy to be able to speak the truth to the world about you & PROVIDE actual proof that you are a danger to others


If someone placed a battery between tub & toilet, following your example & caused the death of someone....

The only thing you are proving is that you will try anything in an attempt at trolling me.

Read this

Moron Troy
water and electricity don't mix

Unless I flood the bathroom up to 8 inches deep with water, there is no way it is going to short out both leads on the battery and reach us at the same time on the floor.

And the entire earth would have to be flooded to 8 inches high in order for that to happen.

Did you read the article or do you just like calling people a moron for nothing?

If 12 volt batteries were so dangerous then tens of thousands of people would die every time they opened the hood of a car in the rain.

I wonder if gases from the battery are ok to breathe especially in a closed up bathroom. Are the explosive because he can't use electric heat in the house being off grid and you know he wouldn't heat with propane since wood heat is free.

You see, at this time I am willing to admit that I will not show my wiring because it is cobbled up. I will give you that :)

Now go run and play with that for a while :)

Not showing the wiring is not the issue. Your entire steemit presence starts each blog with we are 95% off grid. Just show your electric bill from last month. You film the most ridiculous crap on a daily basis but something that proves you are mostly off grid not including your playhouse, and you are smart enough not to show it as it would blow your scam out of the water

If you dont like us then leave.

There is no reason to harass my family online and in the real world like you do

Then just show the inverter, you moron. You are always full of excuses. Mommy must have really shielded you from reality when you were a child and was so gullible that she bought your excuses hook, line, and sinker. Its one reason you're a horrible liar. Get a life, Troy. You had no solar system. If you did have one you would have LOVED to embarrass the trolls and put it on video. Idiot.

No. Actually I LOVE to give you guys enough rope to hang yourselves, figuratively speaking.

I let you run with an idea and make fools of you when I reveal the real truth after you rant about your version of "truth" for a while.

Really makes you guys look bad so often.

And you guys fall for it every time.

@thediyworld Your delusions are off the charts. You’ve been thoroughly exposed on steemit for the serial lying charlatan that you are. I would feel embarrassed for you if I didn’t despise you so much.

Actually you have yet to prove anything but your own criminal harassment of myself and my family.

@thediyworld, See, I've been saying all along, YOU have FAILED to Prove you are Consuming solar electricity in either the trailer or tiny house.

Like your idea of showing "meters" will solve anything.

Again, show all your toys, lights and appliances connected to solar and running.

You can't because you do not have solar except in the shed.
You can't because this is why your are to this day, making Excuses.

Nothing but EXCUSES!


Actually you are just trolling.

I have shown our solar power and how we use things here many times.

Yet you guys still call it all props and deny it.

Insane really

No, the only time you’ve shown anything running on solar is when you run a few tools in the spank shed and when you dragged the mini washer all the way over to the sheds. You have never had any solar power in the trailer or cabin. Why you continue to lie about it is baffling.

Wrong. Just about everything is powered by solar.

(so you can sit on the couch all day and night, remember, you said you're addicted ),
You had your laptop and cell phone Plugged Into the Wall Outlet charging!!
Your "Update Excuses" video had the Ceiling light on while recording.
No extension cords running acrost the yard to solar.
All ON GRID.@thediyworld, Again, all LIES. You even showed the day you made that lame plywood board to put your keyboard on your lap

You really believe you are fooling us?

or some BS ?
You got a couple of used batteries??@thediyworld, And then you say now you are "tearing the solar down and building some solar generator now"

You never had the solar to the house or trailer to begin with!

It's all a shell game with you.

Why you continue to argue against what I show in videos is baffling

Are you that stupid that you can't see how showing an electric bill would prove you are 95% off grid? Any off grid videos I watch they are proud to prove how much they save or how their systems work. You only show basic kindergarten solar setups that wouldn't power a house. Powering up a little shed is not a big feat but powering your trailer would be. Yep, you are that stupid

Soon you will be fully 100% on the grid with your new mates!
Enjoy the dream Trog,
This is going to be your reality!


Just like the 95% we have seen so far. You are pathetic.

time will tell :)

@thediyworld, See, comments like "time will tell" from you proves you Do NOT have any NOW!

No, it proves that I will soon be showing you the meters and gauges that I am going to install.

And it will prove to the World that you will continue to deny anything I show you.

Because I am sure you will deny it.

idot, a simple pic of last months electric bill would put all this to rest. You can't do it and we know why. In fact everyone knows it and you look like a lying fool

I am not going to show you my electric bill.

I already said I will start showing the meter daily.

Why not be happy with that?

You wont show your electricity bill because it will expose your scam yet again.

Yeah yeah. You will have something else to complain about anyway

I'm starting to worry that the educational off grid channels are not familiar with your lies and scams and stupidity. My goal now will be to alert them (for the laughs) and continue telling you what all you are doing wrong and when you are being dishonest. This is my gift to you for not showing your last month's electric bill. You lose troy