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RE: Homestead Gardening & Making Our Own Chicken Sausages & Burgers

in #off-grid7 years ago (edited)

Please do not engage the trolls. Please ignore the nasty lies they spread in the comments. These people are dangerous online and offline. They follow me all over the US and the internet, harassing myself and my family.


Hi everyone. Please be sure to donate to Troy's cause so he doesn't have to have a regular job like the rest of us. All you need to do is click on the PayPal link on his YouTube page that says "Please Donate," which Troy typed himself. That or send Troy a package. He will be happy to open it on air in the hopes it lures other morons to do the same. Good luck!

He did e-beg for his wife to immigrate to the United States when he told the immigration dept that he had plenty of money to bring her here..

What a loser, he bought his wife and lied to federal authorities and e-begged to get his wife to NY...

He's a FRAUD

he even begged for money to buy her clothes while at the same time filled out immigration papers claiming he can support a wife. Fraud and I hope they send her back home. At least she will have more freedom and won't be a slave.

I sent him tons of gifts and even treats and toys for baby cat and not once did you send me a thankyou card or note. I don't think he has ever done anything for anyone in his entire life as he plays the victim and its all about him and when it suits him he drags his bought wife bling bling into the sob stories. First words out of his kids mouth will probably be "Call CPS"

Actually no. I am doing just fine on my own, but thank you. That old link has not been used in a long time, if at all, anyway. Nobody even knows its there.

But thank you for calling attention to it.

We make videos of our lives on the homestead. Google pays our monthly check. We pay our own bills.

But thanks anyway.

Hasn't been used in a long time? Baloney. If so, then why not take the link down Troy? You have the option to remove it, Mr. Internet. Your life is subsidized by viewers who send you things, who donate money, and your family who buys you things, co-signs your loans, and more. Quit lying. Damn.

You will never find me ask for anything on a video. So I do not see your problem?

Do you not receive gifts from people?

The donate button clearly says, "PLEASE DONATE." That is YOU asking for donations. So you LIE again. And yes, I receive gifts from people occaisionally...not every single day. And I don't use them to guilt others into giving me more gifts.

Where I come from a man wants to work hard to take care of the people they love. If they love their wife they don't want them to shower from a bucket or work twice as hard to do laundry. If they have a child they love they don't put them in a Rubbermaid container. No. They want the BEST they can afford for them. They work hard to make more money to put them on the pedestal. Why? Because the love is mutual. But oh, not Troy. He's too lazy to work. He just wants to get by in life. Never mind the fact that his wife and kid have a miserable poor existence, which makes life on them difficult. Here's some deer food scraps, honey. ENJOY! Here's an empty Diet Coke can for you daughter to play with. ENJOY! Here's our beautiful car that hasn't run for weeks because I can't afford a $50 part. ENOY! You're a bum. The sooner your wife and/or daughter realize it and leave your lazy ass in the cold Michigan snow the better off everyone will be.

I do not understand your problem.

We simply make videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

You will never hear me ask for anything on video.

If you do not like us then find some other form of entertainment.

My problem is that you are a fraud. You create videos that are lies. Because you are too lazy to work your wife and child live like they are in a 3rd world country. You pray on the stupid to exist...those who are too stupid to know you are a fraud and who donate money and things to you so you can sit on your ass and type on the Internet all day. THAT is my problem, Troy.

oh bull shit... you throw hints every 5 minutes and its actually annoying

thats begging you moron

but you thought the gifts and the donations were free and clear, you forgot you had to pay taxes on them, guess what soon you'll be in for a very rude awaking

at your AUDIT

Who says I thought that?

Can you read my thoughts?

Have you seen my taxes?

Interesting how you can claim to know my very thoughts.

Sounds like criminal harassment to me.

The fact that the state of New York issued a warrant for your arrest for failure to pay taxes is proof enough...


We know how ignorant you are and how much you lie...

its another thing that your Mommy and Daddy will not be able to bail out out of...

you would not know criminal harassment if it jumped up and bit you on the ass

Why remove it? Why do you care? Doesnt every YouTuber have one?

At the YouTube Creator Academy they told us to put a donate link up there and not be ashamed of it.

They said that we work hard to produce videos for FREE entertainment for people and if someone wants to help out, let them.

Why? Is that a problem for you?

No, Troy. Not every YouTube user has one. It is the choice of the YouTube user whether or not to have one. Even the biggest eBeggars in the business, Nomadic Fanatic and Campervan Elvis, don't have one. But you do. Why do I care? Because it is yet another example of your lies. One the one hand you say you don't receive donations from it. On the other you say, "why take it down?" You can't have it both ways. And you do NOT produce videos for free. You collect ad revenue from AdSense. If your videos SUCK then they don't receive much. That's called capitalism. What you are engaged in with your donate button is SOCIALISM. So if it hasn't been used in a long time, why not just take it down so you can honestly tell people you don't receive donations from others? Why? Because you can't. You are so effing poor because you are too lazy to work you need every single income stream you can muster. What a loser in life you are.

Does not your friend Doc, over on sucks have one? Are you ordering him to take his down?

All I see is people worship at his feet.

I do not see why it should be any of your business though really.

I make enough money to pay the bills and put food on the table from my video work.

Google pays my check.

So what is your problem?

basically your a fraud and your videos are lies and a stage...

You pretend thats why we have a problem with you, oh and you LIE

More proof of e begging which he denies all of the time. Better be careful with your down votes Troy looks like you will have only one account in the near future. We are Legion we are many.

When you asked people for help to bring Melanie home was that not ebegging ?

The bring the purchased bride home campaign was to buy a kids mini bike. The by-product was importing a bride all on other peoples money.

I do believe it was and after he signed paper work saying he has plenty of money to bring his rent-a-bride here...

The government should be informed about this, thank you Hog2Hog

No. Actually I sold T-Shirts and raised the money I needed.

That is commerce.

I need money

I sell a product

Customer needs product

Customer buys product

Customer gets product

Everyone happy.

Its America

Hope you paid your taxes remember IRS goes back 7 years...

"We pay our own bills" The is a lie. Your parents bought you, a 48 year old man, a car and a truck. They also set up the financing by co-signing for your trailer. You lie so much even you can't remember what you said in your videos.

I don't understand why you tell others to not engage what you you are claiming as "trolls" when it appears you are doing the very thing you say not to do? Double standard? Do as I say and not as I do? You don't seem to be much of an example for others. No need to reply as I already know what it will be. It will be yet another parrot response like the hundred other ones you put out.

Well, you know, everyone can see what everyone else does here on steemit.

And YOU are one of the very trolls harassing me.

Nice try though.

You seem to be a silly man. You think that I am trying to hide? LOL! Polly want a cracker? squawk?
If you think asking a legitimate question is harassment then you have clearly gone off the rails.
Why don't you follow your own advise? Seems hypocritical, which, BTW, does fit your personality.

your a pedophile if he is a troll

I am on my own blog though and I try to answer all comments.

I have asked many questions since I found you on steempile and you rarely answer me. Never had seen a man dependent on youtube and steemshit treat others so hatefully. I guess you and your family are in for a long hard winter with hardly any firewood. Looks like sitting on the internet 12 hours a day doesn't provide firewood. Wait- you plan to use propane. Yep, another off grid lie.